Friday Five 2.0-5 Best Races of 2017

Happy Holiday!  Just a few more days till we ring in 2018!!


I will end the year with 156 races (10 in 2017).  I didn’t race as much as I would have liked to but I am happy with the races I did.  I had a goal to run at least 1,000 miles but sadly I did not meet this goal.  Will try again next year.

So now let’s talk about my 5 best races this year in no specific order.  

1. Great Alaskan Half Marathon.  In July I went on  The Great Alaskan Running Cruise and ran 4 races but the half marathon was my favorite.  Running in Alaska was state #38 for me in my goal to run a half marathon in each state.  It was a small race and the view was spectacular!  It was on this cruise that I finally met Elizabeth.

2. Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th.  I’ve been running this race since 2013 and absolutely love it!  It is cheap, not too far from home, plenty of parking, and the only 4 miler race I do.  This year I met up with a few Oiselle girls.  July 4th is extra special for me because it was on this day in 1978 that my family and I came to this country from Mexico.  Double the celebration!

Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th 3

3. Run Mag Mile 10K.  This race was lots of fun!  I enjoyed running along Michigan Avenue and eating some delicious food after the race.  The hoodie and medal were cool too.  Oh, and I love that we got FREE race photos.

4. Utah Valley Half Marathon.  Utah was state #37 for me.  I met up with a few bloggers (Marcia, Judy, Teresa, Holly, and Mary Beth) and had a great time with them.  The course was downhill and beautiful but I was sore for days.  We had great weather and while it was sunny, I never got too hot because the course through the canyon was shaded.

5. Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  This is another one I do every year.  This race was my first one this year.  My goal was to finish it in under an hour and finish time was 56:26.  I knew I wasn’t going to PR because I’d been running here and there due to various injuries in the beginning of the year.  I already signed up to run it again next year!  I love the course and the medal is a plus!


What was your favorite race this year?

I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 2.0.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 4

Illinois Marathon-2

Another great week of marathon training.  I am loving these “easy” runs but I know that eventually they will not all be “easy”.  The weather has been decent enough to continue running outside.  

Week #4, December 18-December 24

Ran 30 minutes for 2.58 miles 
T Quality Session (10 minute warmup, 3.10 miles, 10 minute cooldown)
TH Ran 45 minutes for 3.85 miles
Ran 30 minutes for 2.59 miles
Ran 90 minutes for 7.75 miles

Started off the week with 30 minutes of running.  It felt warm and I was tempted to wear shorts.  I like running in the morning before work but don’t think I’ll continue when I have to run longer runs.

I was not looking forward to Tuesday’s run.  I had to run 10 minute warm up, 3.10 miles, and then 10 minute cooldown.  My plan was to run along the lakefront but instead decided to run around the airport.  Despite it being 50 degrees, it was WINDY.  I actually did good but know I can improve and do better.  My fastest 5K is from May 2011 (29:48 with a 9:35 average pace).

Illinois Marathon-29

The rest of the week were all easy runs.  It also went by fast and before I knew it, it was Friday and almost time for Winter Break.  My students made a present for their parents and had fun making their own wrapping paper.  

Saturday’s run consisted of running 90 minutes.  Honestly I was not looking forward to it.  But as always, the runs we do not want to do are also the best ones.  It was in the low 30s but it was also sunny and not windy at all which made the run even more pleasant.  

Illinois Marathon-33

Overall I am pleased with this week of training.  I felt great and actually enjoyed my runs.  Let’s see how long that lasts!  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 21.45
Total mileage for this training cycle: 66.38
Total mileage for the year: 760.76

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 3

Illinois Marathon-2

Illinois Marathon training has begun.  This week I did minimal running because I hurt my ankle.  It feels better now but taking a few days off helped and I am ready to resume training.     

Week #3, December 11-December 17

M Did not run 
Did not run
Did not run
TH Did not run
Did not run
Did not run
S Ran 30 minutes for 2.62 miles

On Monday I went out too late for my run and by then it was snowing.  It wasn’t a lot but enough to make it hard to see and slippery.  I am afraid of falling in the snow/ice and hurting myself.  I did run for about 3 minutes and then went back home.  Spoiler alert:  I didn’t slip that day but did fall the next day.

On Tuesday I did some errands and hurt my ankle.   I was about to get into my car and I didn’t see that the curb was uneven.  I sat in the carseat in disbelief because I couldn’t believe it.  I had skipped my run on Monday because I didn’t want to slip in the snow but yet I fell/slipped while walking to my car?!?!?  It didn’t hurt as much so I went on with my errands.  The next day it was sore/tender but wasn’t painful.  I did think that I had sprained it but realized it wasn’t swollen and it didn’t hurt to walk.  I decided to take off the next few days just to make sure.  

Illinois Marathon-25

The rest of the went flew by.  Work was busy but productive.  The teachers in our District don’t have a contract but we have a tentative one and will vote on Monday.  On Friday I substituted for a class and had 47 kids in my room.  There is a shortage of substitute teachers and many of us either have to internal sub or double up.  It went well.  Lots of kids but we had a fun and productive day.

One more week till Winter Break!

Winter Break

Every year I give 2 books for Christmas to my kids.  This year Lola helped!

Illinois Marathon-24

I finally went out on Sunday for a run.   It was gloomy but also in the high 30s and felt great being out there.

Illinois Marathon-26

Another week of training for the Illinois Marathon.  It didn’t go as I want it to go but life is full of surprises.  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 2.62
Total mileage for this training cycle: 44.93
Total mileage for the year: 739.31

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 2

Illinois Marathon-2

Illinois Marathon training has begun.  Now it feels like winter in Chicago.  It was nice and warm on Monday and then dropped 30-40 degrees for the rest of the week.  As mentioned in this post, I’m training with Mary from Lift | Run | Perform for a few weeks before I start my “official” training with a few other women that are training for the Boston Marathon.    

Week #2, December 4-December 10

Ran 45 minutes for 3.76 miles
T Ran 45 minutes and 4 strides for 4.16 miles
Cross Training 45 minutes using bike
Ran 10.25 Miles
S Ran 45 minutes and 4 strides for 4.22 miles

I love seeing the holiday decorations.  It was nice and warm on Monday and I could have worn shorts but opted to wear a new to me pair of Oiselle Aero Tights.  Oh, and another new pair of Brooks Launch 4.  They’re on sale on Running Warehouse and at the Brooks site.  Have I told you how much I love my Oiselle Lightning Layer?  Seriously, the BEST reflective piece of gear you need when running in the dark.

Tuesday workout was the same as Monday but I added 4 strides (20 seconds) and 60 seconds recovery.  Easy.  But I was cold.  It was 31 degrees.  Lola didn’t care.

The elliptical machine bores me so this week Mary had me use the bike.  Much better.  I did get tired of sitting down and found myself moving around a little to get comfortable.  I know, I complain too much.  If it isn’t one thing, it is another.

Illinois Marathon-16

Saturday’s run was tough.  Another cold but also WINDY day.   The first 5 miles were fine but struggled the last 5.  Well, we ran nonstop for a little over 3 miles and then I told the group that I needed to walk a little.  Not surprisingly, the last two miles were my slowest.  Overall, my average pace was 11:28 which made me very happy.  

Illinois Marathon-17

I missed my workout on Friday because I was cold and tired.  I came home from a long day of meetings and just wanted to stay in bed.  I sent an email to Mary explaining the situation and she responded saying to get some rest and to do the workout on Sunday.  I thought for sure she was going to tell me to just skip it.  Nope.  It wasn’t as cold as on Saturday and luckily it was 45 minutes instead of 10 miles.  🙂  I think I did pretty good!

Illinois Marathon-20

Another week of training for the Illinois Marathon.  It was colder than I wanted it to be but that is expected for December.  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 22.40
Total mileage for this training cycle: 42.31
Total mileage for the year: 736.69

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 1

Illinois Marathon-2

Illinois Marathon training has begun.  It doesn’t feel like winter here in Chicago so it has been awesome to run outside.  As mentioned in this post, I’m training with Mary from Lift | Run | Perform for a few weeks before I start my “official” training with a few other women that are training for the Boston Marathon.    

Week #1, November 27-December 3

Ran 45 minutes for 3.74 miles
T Cross Training 45 minutes using elliptical machine
W Ran 45 minutes for 3.79 miles
F Ran 40 minutes for 3.33 miles
Ran 9.05 Miles

New shoes, socks, and Oiselle spandos to start off my week and my training.

Illinois Marathon-3The two 45 minute runs were actually fun!  I asked Mary what pace I should do these runs and she told me “easy, very easy pace”.  No problem at all.

Tuesday workout bore me.  I detest the elliptical machine.  I did get to watch 45 minutes of the “Sex and the City” movie.  I still think Carrie should have married Aidan.

Illinois Marathon-4

December started off with running 3.33 miles in 40 minutes.  Again, easy pace.  I had planned to go in the morning but woke up very cold.  It turned out that the heat was off.  I did text the owner to let him know and it was working again later on in the day.  He didn’t explain what had happened and I did not ask.

Illinois Marathon-5

How is it that 62 degrees feels great outside but inside a house it is very cold?

Illinois Marathon-6

Saturday mornings I help pace the 11:00 group out of Fleet Feet.  The past couple of weeks I’ve struggled to maintain that pace.  The 11:30 group didn’t have a pacer on Saturday and I offered to pace it.  It was awesome!  I felt great!  It could have been the weather, pace or some new to me energy chews.  I requested to be moved to the 11:30 and from now on that will be my group to pace.

My first week went well.  I did all of my workouts and am pleased with my results.  Next week I have 3 days of easy run, cross training on the bike on Wednesday, and 10 miles on Saturday.

Total mileage for the week: 19.91
Total mileage for this training cycle: 19.91
Total mileage for the year: 714.30

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.