Hello there! We are so close to saying goodbye to 2017. It was another good year for me with great trips to Utah and Alaska as well as fun times with family and friends.
I am borrowing ideas from Courtney and Elizabeth to write a blog post with my running stats. All of this comes from my beautiful Garmin 225/Garmin Connect. I bought it in November 2014 and love it. Definitely one of my best purchases.
⇒ I ran a total of 773.11 miles (77% of my goal). Last year I ran 1,283 miles. What was different last year is that I trained for my marathon with the Hansons Method. I was running 6 days a week and about 30-40 miles each week.
⇒ Time spent running: 153:43 hours. That’s about 6.39 days running in 2017!
⇒ Number of races: 10. See them here. Next year I plan to run the Illinois Marathon and a few local races that I have done every year.
⇒ PRs set: 0. Hopefully next year is the year.
⇒ Lowest mileage month: February with 7.07 miles. I got a calf injury in late January and spent January and February getting better. However, then I was diagnosed with Runner’s Knee, Knee Bursitis, and IT Band Syndrome in early March. March was also low with 12.11 miles.
⇒ Highest mileage month: July with 122.12 miles. Last year July was also my highest with 186.27 miles.
⇒ Average pace over the course of the year: 11:56. Interesting that last year it was 11:17.
⇒ Average cadence: 158. I never really pay attention to this but now I will.
⇒ Shoes: Most of my runs were in the Brooks Launch 4. But I also did a few runs in the Saucony Kinvara, Mizuno Wave Rider, Brooks PureFlow and Brooks Revel. Next year I plan to do all of my runs in the Brooks Launch 4. Currently I have 3 pairs in rotation and have 10 new ones in boxes.
⇒ EXTRA: I started running in 2005 but began recording (in an Excel sheet and now a Google sheet) my mileage in 2007. So in 11 years I’ve run 8,904.89 miles. Only 3 years (2013, 2014, and 2016) did I run over 1,000 miles.
How was YOUR year?