I say this after every month but I cannot believe July is over. We are halfway through the year!
Miles Ran/Last Month: 122.12/115.79. I did 19 runs this month for a total of 24 hours, 32 minutes, and 13 seconds.
Last year I ran 186.27 miles in July which has been the most I’ve run in a month.
Highest Mileage Week: 38.09. This was during the end of June and beginning of July and it took me 7 hours, 52 minutes, and 58 seconds.
Races Planned/Completed: 2/2. I ran the Rock “n” Roll Chicago Half Marathon on July 16 after winning an entry from Erica. Then I went to Alaska for The Great Alaskan Running Cruise where I ran a half marathon. It was so much fun! I got back Saturday afternoon and am still getting used to being back. I have created a page specifically for this cruise and will be updating/adding posts about the trip soon. <<I already wrote about my trip in Seattle.
Current Ache/Pain: Still my knees. Well more sore on the inside than the outside. A few months ago I was diagnosed with knee bursitis. I need to do a better job of doing my exercises to strengthen my glutes, legs, etc.
Current Challenge: None.
Current Book: I am a big fan of John Grisham. I made a list of his books and would like to read all of them (I’ve already read a few of them). I was reading The King of Torts but had to return it to the library because it was due and I couldn’t renew it, but I am hoping to resume reading it again.

Current Song: Despacito. I remember that at first I did not like the song, but the more I heard it, the more I began to like it. And yes I do like it with Justin Bieber. 🙂
Current Treat: Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Coffee.
Next Race(s): Lake Michigan Marathon on September 3. I have not signed up for this race because I wanted to wait and see how I felt during my training. Well, I missed about a week and a half when I was in Alaska so now I am going to get back to it. Yesterday I had to run 12 miles and could only manage 4. Today I did 5 and it was HARD!
Current Excitement: I am sort of excited to go back to work. School starts in 3 weeks (August 21) and the students start on August 23. I plan to go the week before to start organizing and setting up my classroom. This year I’m in a new room but teaching the same grade. This is good because I get to set it up again differently than my previous classroom. It should be interesting because my new room is a bit smaller than my previous one.
Linking up with Marcia, Patti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.