Music that moves me

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


I rarely run with music.  I’ve done 20 mile runs and my last marathon without music and it was pretty amazing.  However, I will listen to music on the treadmill while also watching a show on my iPad and/or the TV.

I have a running playlist on Spotify that I love.  I have 0ver 100 songs in both English and Spanish. Depending on how I am feeling I will listen to the whole song or skip it to the next one.  I like music with a good beat that sometimes makes me feel like dancing (even though sometimes the lyrics don’t make any sense).


A few of my favorite running songs are:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 5

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #5, July 4-10


  • PLAN – 6 miles easy, 10:15-11:30 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @10:40 average pace

Ran the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th Race.  Finished race in 41:24. Not a PR but I still did pretty good and am pleased with my time.  After I finished race I ran additional 2 miles for total of 6.02.



  • PLAN – 5x1km, 8:33-8:55 pace
  • ACTUAL – Total 6.35 miles @10:28 average pace

W/up @12:00 and c/d @11:45.  Recovery @12:30.  Each interval was done at a different pace-8:57, 8:49, 8:42, 8:34, 8:27.  Pleased with this workout.  Also, pleased with holding on to the 8:34 and 8:27 paces.  

But first I had to charge my Fitbit.


Later in the afternoon I went to Target with my mother and saw something I was NOT ready to see.



  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN – 6 tempo miles, 9:44 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

One word>>LAZY.



  • PLAN – 7 easy miles, 10:15-11:30 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

See Thursday. 


  • PLAN – 12  miles, 9:53-10:30
  • ACTUAL – 10.02 miles @10:59 average pace

This run started off so well, in the middle not so good, and then ended OK.  The weather was perfect; definitely not hot.  I was doing very well running on pace with my group.  Around mile 6 I started to get a headache.  I walked for a little bit and could not keep up with my pace.  It was at the water station where I began feeling very hot and another runner told me that I had goosebumps in my arms and therefore I was dehydrated.  One of the volunteers poured water on my head and arms.  I sent a text to one of the coaches to explain the situation.  I also her know that the other runner in my group was running alone and to be on the lookout for her.  Luckily I wasn’t too far away from the Fleet Feet Store and I walked and ran whenever I could.  I did start to feel better but still had a headache.  

Eventually I did feel better and once I got home I drank more water and had a protein shake.  Then I took a shower.  By then I was hungry and luckily my mother had tamales for me.  It hit the spot.



  • PLAN – 6 easy miles, 10:15-11:30
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 @13:39 average pace

We had family over on Saturday night (we had a GREAT time!) and I went to sleep around midnight. I woke up at 4am to use the restroom and then again after 6.  I did not want to get up for my run. Eventually  I did and met a few others runners from Chi City Running Club.  I ran my SLOWEST 6 miles.  Seriously, I could not figure out what was wrong with me.  Tired.  Probably.  

I will never get tired of this view.  Love it!

Week 5 went OK.  My tempo run went well (again) but I am mad at myself for skipping two workouts.  So far I’ve missed 4 workouts in the training season.  In week 6 I have 4x1200s and 7 tempo miles.

Total mileage for the week: 28.41 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 163.21 miles

Total mileage for the year: 646.27 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

Things I’m Loving III



None of the links below are affiliate links so feel free to click away!

  • Overnight Steel Cut Oats – I know I am late here but cannot get enough of this delicious breakfast.  Mine is very simple with steel cut oats, almond milk, yogurt, almond butter and chia seeds.  Sometimes I add a scoop of protein powder for an extra protein boost.  Sometimes I roll my eyes when a blogger will post a recipe for overnight oats in a jar.  I mean, really, is it that hard?  No, it isn’t.  So that is why I am not including an actual recipe but just letting you know what I use.
  • Spotify – Wow, I seriously feel like I’ve been living under a rock.  I remember years ago setting up an account and creating a few playlists but that’s it until recently.  I only listen to music while I run on the treadmill but so far my Running playlist has over 7 hours worth of music in Spanish and English.  I’ve looked into the Premium membership but not sure if it is worth $10 per month.  I will try out it free for a month and then we’ll see.  I was hoping to share my playlist but have not figured it out yet.  I did make it public so hopefully you can find it.
  • Oiselle Tops– I am obsessed with all of them.  I’ve purchased a few on Moosejaw, Running Warehouse, and on the Oiselle website.  My favorites are: Go Tank, Flyte 2000 1/2 Long Sleeve, Bridge Tank, Window Short Sleeve Tee, Wazelle Short Sleeve, Wazelle Tank, Flowy Tank and In the Fold Tank.  <<I know, so many and I cannot help myself!!!  They’re all gorgeous and love their fit and material.  I also love that they’re casual but yet nice enough to wear to work.  Happy to wear them but not yet ready to go back to work.


  • Road ID for Fitbit Charge – I did not want another item to add to my wrist; so this is perfect for me!  If you don’t have a Fitbit Charge, there is also a Road ID for Apple Watch, Garmin Vivosmart, Fitbit Flex, and Fitbit Surge.  I even purchased a few cute badges to add to it.


  • I am not enjoying the weather but I am loving my summer break.  I’ve been able to relax, catch up on a few shows, bond with my cat (we nap together), and hang out with friends.  My nephew is also in town from San Antonio so it is nice to spend time with him too.



How do I choose my races?

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


Last week I wrote about how often I race.  Today I will write about the thought process that goes into selecting my races.

Well, basically I go for timing, location, and price.  

Timing-I do not race as often as before but there are a few races that I will do because they fit into my training schedule.  Last year I ran the Chicago Half Marathon because I had to run the same number of miles for my Chicago Marathon training.  The Rock ‘n’ Roll also falls perfect into my training but that one I will NOT do because it is in July and for some strange reason it is always HOT on race day.  The last time I did this race was in 2013 and I was very thirsty throughout the race.  I always have a great time spectating.  One year I saw Shalane flying by and last year I missed Meb.

photo (1)

Location-I like all of my races to be in the Chicago area.  I like taking the train downtown and it is cool seeing other runners in the train car going to the same place.  I don’t mind driving either and the farthest I’ve driven is about an hour for the Fort2Base Race.  I might still do this race this year since it is 11 miles and I have to run 10 miles that day anyway.  

To meet my 50+1 goal, I also travel to other states.  To date I’ve run in 36 states with 15 to go (I am counting DC as a state).  I did most of them in 2013 thanks to my TourPass.  Plus, I live close to Midway Airport and that helped in picking races that I could fly out from Midway.


Price-This is a tricky one.  Why are races so darn expensive?  And it seems like the more I pay, the less swag I get.  Yes, RunDisney, I am talking about you.  I hate paying so much money for races.  Yes, I’ve paid $180 to run 26.2 miles but have also paid $45 for 31 miles.  Insane right?  It has to be a race with good reviews, easy to get to (if I am traveling out of state), and I must really want to do this race in order for me to fork up the money to pay for it.

I also pick races because they’re fun and/or tradition.  I love running the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k.  That race pretty much starts off the running season in Chicago.  You run through parts of the course of the Chicago Marathon.  There are many spectators and there is free beer at the end.  Many runners get a group of friends to run this and it is always a blast. I love running this every year.  My first one was in 2016 but I’ve missed it a few times for different reasons.

Another race I enjoy running is the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th Race.  It is always on July 4th and I love that it is 4 miles.  This is the only race I’ve run that it 4 miles.  I ran this yesterday (4th year) and it almost fit perfectly with my training schedule (6 miles).  After the race I ran an additional 2 miles. 

The races I definitely will not do are those that are not chip timed.  And those races are the “fun runs” (Color Run, Foam Runs, etc).  Yes, I like to have fun in my races but I also want a finish time to go with it.

So I look at timing, location, and price when selecting a race.  It can be only one of those factors or a combination.  It may not be ideal but that is how it works for me.  


2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 4

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #4, June 27-July 3


  • PLAN – 6 miles easy, 10:15-11:30 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6 miles @10:46 average pace

I did this run on the treadmill.  I alternated a different song with paces of 11:07, 10:43, and 10:21 while also watching the last season of “Gilmore Girls”.  I’ve already watch all episodes but want to get ready for the upcoming “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” which is set to be released by the end of the year.



  • PLAN – 6×800, 8:33-8:55 pace
  • ACTUAL – TRX and 6×800, total 6.5 miles @10:38 average pace

W/up and c/d @12:00.  Recovery @12:30.  Each interval was done at a different pace-8:57, 8:49, 8:42, 8:34, 8:42, 8:49.  I was pleased I was able to do one 800m at 8:34 pace.  Remember when two weeks ago I struggled to run one 400m @8:34 pace?


  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN – 6 tempo miles, 9:44 pace
  • ACTUAL – 8 miles @10:16 average pace

W/up and c/d @12:00.  I tried a new pair of headphones (Yurbuds Inspire 200 for Women<<not impressed with them on my first run but will try them again) and alternated a different song with paces of 9:50, 9:41, 9:31.  Again, went better than I expected.  I was soaking wet at the end of my run.  <<GROSS.


  • PLAN – 6 easy miles, 10:15-11:30 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @10:51 average pace

My first run in July!  I cannot believe half of the year is over.  A nice cool day for a run!  My goal was to run each mile under 11:00 and I did it except for mile 5.  Still pleased with myself.



  • PLAN – 8 easy miles, 10:15-11:30
  • ACTUAL – 9.02 @10:25 average pace

Again, woke up TIRED and just wanted to stay home.  But instead of dwelling about it, I just sucked it up.  I noticed the weather was in the 60s so that made me happy.  One of the blue pacers paced the 11:00 group so there were two of us pacing the 10:30 group.  I was at the front and was so proud of myself for staying on pace.  We try to be within 10:35-10:25 and most of the miles were in that range.  I got positive feedback from my group and that made me happy.  I ran the last mile with other runner (blue group ran 8 and red group ran 9)  and I did walk a little bit but overall still pleased with it because we finished in 10:28.


  • PLAN – 8 easy miles, 10:15-11:30
  • ACTUAL – 8.02 @13:10 average pace

For this run I went to Waterfall Glen to run with Chi City Running Club.  Some were running 12 or 18 but I had 8.  No problem right?  I had foam rolled last night so my legs felt good (lately my quads have been very sore but foam rolling has helped so much).  Well, I began running what I thought was a comfortable pace.  The girl I was running with was planning to run 18 miles (each loop is 9 miles) and was trying to convince me to run one loop with her.  No thanks.  Well, a bit later I told her I was tired and started to walk.  Imagine my surprise when I realized I had only run half a mile and my pace was 11:30.  For sure I thought I was running faster than that.  I then decided to run at whatever pace I wanted and to take it easy.  And that is exactly what I did!  It was gorgeous!  My favorite part was the smell.  I took deep breaths smelling the combination of the dirt, grass, and trees.  It is kind of weird to describe it but it was a wonderful smell.




Week 4 went very well.  I did not skip any of my workouts.  My tempo run went well and I am very pleased with my run on Saturday.  In week 5 I have 5×1 km and again 6 tempo miles.

Total mileage for the week: 43.56 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 134.80 miles

Total mileage for the year: 617.86 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

Tomorrow I am running the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th race.  I am supposed to run 6 miles tomorrow so I will either do a warm up before the race or run when I am done.