Green Blender Review

I first heard about this company from Erica.  Check out her review here.  I liked the idea and immediately signed up.  However, once I realized exactly how much it was going to cost me, I cancelled my order.  Fast forward a few weeks later and I found a great deal on Groupon so I signed up again.

So what is Green Blender and how does it work?  Green Blender is a smoothie delivery service (kind of like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh).  “Each week, you’ll get 5 new smoothie recipes and all the pre-portioned ingredients you’ll need to make 10 smoothies.  Our recipes are hand crafted to ensure they’re packed with flavor and nutrients.  We only use the best produce and superfoods, and focus on working with organic and local farms, to create a uniquely balanced menu.” Source:

Each weekly box includes:

  • FREE delivery 
  • 5 original recipes per box
  • 10 servings (12oz) per box
  • Pre-portioned ingredients

I received my box last week with all of the ingredients to make the following smoothies:

  • Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
  • Blackberry Apple Pie <———Delicious!
  • Rose Beet <——– My favorite one.
  • Kumquat Tart
  • Honey Grape Cordial


Each shipment includes a sheet with information about each smoothie and the ingredients needed for each one.


All of the ingredients are measured and stored in plastic bags.  I did have to cut some of the fruit and vegetables.  No big deal.  Note:  To peel and cut the beet was messy.


There was also a booster bag filled with items such as hemp seeds, cacao nibs, pea protein, and rose hips.


I put everything in a large glass bowl and stored it in the fridge.


What is it with cats and boxes?

Most of the smoothies I made using my NutriBullet.  However, I also made a couple with my Blendec.

So what’s the verdict?

  • Each smoothie was very easy to make, fresh and delicious.
  • I like that all of the ingredients were selected, pre-packaged, and sent in one box. Definitely convenient for those that do not want to go to the store to buy the ingredients.
  • It was interesting and fun trying out new flavors and ingredients such as hip rose, white mulberries, kumquats, and moringa.    
  • I don’t like my drinks to be too cold so I did not add the ice as instructed in the instructions sheet.
  • I also like that there was different smoothie for each day.  Mine tend to be pretty boring with just the basics such as spinach and /or frozen fruit, almond milk, and protein powder. I use Vega One Nutritional Shake and Vega Sport Performance Protein.  

Green Blender has weekly, monthly, and quarterly plans with a cost of $49 per week which comes out to $4.90 per smoothie.  You have the option to pause or cancel anytime.

I ended up canceling my subscription.  While I enjoyed the convenience and deliciousness of the smoothies, I couldn’t justify spending that much money per week.

Hansons Training Plan

I am sure you’ve heard of this method right?  Well, in a nutshell it is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run successfully when you are tired at the end of a race.  These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day.   Sounds exhausting right?  I know, I know.


I’ve heard so many great things about it and well I decided to go ahead and try it out.  For now I am slowly getting into the groove of running so many days per week.  My goal is to also implement this as I train for the 2016 Chicago Marathon which starts the first week of June.  I finally registered!

Chicago Marathon Entry 2016

Am I scared?  Yes.  Nervous?  Absolutely!  I’ve never run 6 days a week.  During the last few weeks of my training for the RnR NOLA in February, I was running 4 days a week and I had days in which I was tired but then also had days in which I felt great. 

A few weeks ago I put together my plan and added my runs to my calendar.  I am two weeks into it and so far it is going good.  Part of it could be that I was on Spring Break last week and was taking it really easy.  This week I’ve been more tired than usual (I realized I need more than 8 hours of sleep each night).  I do not feel sore and surprisingly am recovering better than I expected.  



Have you used this plan before in your training?  How did it go?  Thoughts and/or advice?

2016 Shamrock Shuffle

Today I ran one of my favorite races, the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  It was my 8th time running it.  As mentioned in yesterday’s post, the goal was to take it easy and have fun.  So yep, that means no PR which is fine with me. 

We had some crazy weather on Saturday.  It seemed like every two minutes it changed from sunny, windy, snowy, repeat.  Definitely crazay.  I am so glad it was like that on Saturday instead of Sunday.


Sunday morning my alarm went off but I hit the snooze button twice.  I did not want to get up. Eventually I did and I made coffee and a peanut butter sandwich.  I felt so full afterwards. Around 7 I drove to the train station to get downtown.

Once there I made my way to The Congress Hotel to use the bathroom and wait in a warm place for the race to start.  Well, at least till 8 or so because I had to check in my gear bag and be at my corral by 8:20am.  I made it with less than 2 minutes to go.

I saw Lisa in the bathroom and then met up with her afterwards.  I met her husband and a few of her friends.  We talked for a  bit and then it was time to go.


It was cold but yet I wore two long sleeve shirts, my Oiselle singlet, shorts, sparkly skirt, and compression socks.  I knew that I would warm up once I began running.  And yep that is exactly what happened.  I don’t think I ever felt really cold like I did last year.


My Garmin lost signal underneath the tunnel on Columbus.  It happens every single year.  Once I regained signal my splits were 1 minute faster.  Of course I did not know this then but was in disbelief when I would see my splits.  I reminded myself that it was supposed to be an easy run and not a PR race.


I stopped to walk, got Gatorade at the water stations, and simply just enjoyed the race.  I saw Lauren and she passed me up.  I am surprised I saw anyone I knew with a race of over 30,000 runners.


Once I turned into Michigan Avenue I knew I was close to the finish line.  Well, maybe not that close.  You see, this race has one of the worst finish lines.  There was an incline which I walked (I call it Mt. Roosevelt) and then once you get to the top, you still need to run about an additional quarter mile to the finish line.  Terrible, terrible.

After the race I waited for my friends to finish so we could get our beer and then have brunch. By then the sun was out and it felt really good to be out there. 



According to my watch, I ran 5.55 miles in 52:40 with a 9:29 average pace.  However, my official finish time is 52:38 with a 10:30ish average pace.  So weird.


I enjoy reading about race recaps and I’m hosting a linkup for the Shamrock Shuffle 8K.  The rules are simple: linkup your race recap from this year.  It’d be great if you linked back to this post, but no pressure. This is just for fun — but remember: only Shamrock Shuffle Race Recaps. 

I hope this works.  This is my first time doing this so just bear with me.  Thanks.

2016 Shamrock Shuffle Volunteer and Expo

Last Friday (Good Friday) I volunteered to put packets together for the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  Originally I had planned to volunteer at the expo (like last year) but due to various factors, I changed my schedule and went Friday instead.  I was there from 1pm-5pm. The job was easy.  We were given packets of envelopes, bibs, and safety pins.  I had to put a bib in the correct envelope (they were already labeled with runner’s name and other relevant information) along with 4 pins.  Time flew by and before I knew it, I was told to stop working and to eat dinner.  There was pizza and salad for all of the volunteers.


I miss these finisher shirts.  I received a similar one for my first marathon back in 2006 and I regret giving it away.


Yesterday I met some friends at the expo.  I got there a little after it opened so there weren’t too many people which was nice.  

We took a silly picture.


I bought 3 Sparkly Soul headbands and a Zeet jacket (which came in handy during today’s run).



We enjoyed some beer.


I like the shirt.  I thought about giving it to my coworker (she is beginning to run again) but then remembered that I need to keep my shirts for a quilt.


My goal for tomorrow is to take it easy and have fun.


Oiselle Full Half Challenge

Join me in the latest challenge offered by Oiselle.   I am very excited about it.

What does the challenge entail?

  1. Make a commitment you will complete 13 times during the month of April.
  2. Share yours on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #oisellefullhalf

Example commitments:

  • Run 13 miles a week
  • Commit to 13 days of strength work
  • Save the planet by running, biking, or walking to work for 13 days
  • Map out and run 13 new routes
  • Complete 13 Jasyoga video sessions
  • Do 13 push-ups a day
  • Or of course…sign up for the full 13.1

So what do I hope to accomplish in April?

Oiselle Full Half Challenge

Will you be joining me?  I hope so.  Let’s do this.