Quarryman Challenge 10 Mile

I know I am really late with this post.  Honestly, I did not want to write about it because I wasn’t sure how I felt about the race.  I know, weird.  Anyway, here it goes.  Better late than never right?

I ran this race because of the Chicago Marathon Incentive Program.  I guess I had no choice.  🙂  I was really worried about it because I knew that it was tough and challenging course.  And hilly. Boy, it was definitely all of those three things.

The weather on race day was perfect!  To me it means not cold nor sunny.  That is how I like it.  I was afraid it would rain but it stayed away, but instead got hit with humidity.  Not sure what I would have preferred?


Start line and I am ready to go.

No problems at the start but half a mile later there was this steep hill that I swear is about a quarter mile long.  I was told I would go up this hill 2 more times.


Let’s just say there were so many ups and downs at this race.  It was a pretty course because we ran through some nice areas.  There were definitely some beautiful houses!



Halfway done.  So happy to see this sign.


Made it to the top of the hill again.  Could not wait to be done.


Almost done.  I was even more happy to see this sign.


Cool entertainment after walking up a small hill.


Not cool that the streets were not completely closed off for the race.  It is dangerous.  I was constantly looking back to see if there were cars behind me.  I did not have headphones on but sometimes when I run I get into a zone and don’t pay too much attention to what is around me. I know, not cool either.


Finally done!  There was a downhill and then flat out straight to the finish line.  Another runner friend told me that would be the best part.  Yes it was because I was finally done.

No medals were given to the runners but I enjoyed the “all you can eat pizza and drink beer”. Don’t know if it was really true but I went back for more pizza and no one said anything to me. As for the beer, no coupon was needed to get your cup so yes to me it is all you can drink.


It is a tough course if you like hills.  I don’t.  But I am glad I did this race and experienced something different from the always flat pavement I am used to in Chicago.  There was no lakefront view but there were some pretty areas along the course.  On the way to the race I got lost (thanks to Google Map) but stopped at a gas station and a nice man told me how to get there.  I found free parking about 10 minutes from the start line.  The best part is that there is race day packet pickup.  Now, if only they would give medals since it is a challenging course.

The shirt is OK.

Tell me about your most challenging and difficult race.

Friday Randomness – May 1, 2015

1. I know this is late but did you watch the Boston Marathon?  Wow, what  a race huh?  I was able to watch it with my kids on the SmartBoard at school.  We saw the beginning of both the men’s and women’s and then watched halfway through the race and then the end of it.  I told them to be on the lookout for Desi and Meb. Some of them remember seeing Meb win the race last year.


2. I’ve been having calluses on my right foot.  It is so bad that I finally bought  a bottle of callus remover.  I failed to follow the instructions.  Let’s just say I put on way too much because I was not seeing any results.  Well, imagine my surprise after the relay marathon on Saturday (where my feet got soaking wet) when I took off my socks.  The liquid and water had soften the skin and most of it was peeling off. And because I am stubborn, I took a nail clipper and began clipping away any loose skin.  In the end it was so bad that I had to put on bandages.  Definitely will not make that mistake again.


3. My class “History of Mathematics” is sort of interesting.  I am sort of kidding when I mention that the best part of my evening class is my big cup of iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts.  Well, the class is not interesting anymore.  Last week the teacher lectured nonstop on geometry.  Let’s just say I dislike geometry and simply do not get it nor do I care to understand it.  I know this does not sit well with me wanting to be a math teacher.  See below the homework assignment.  I mean, really?  Who gives out homework like that?


4. I am thinking of signing up for the Quarryman Challenge 10 mile race taking place on Saturday, May 9.  I’ve never done it but have heard good things about it. What freaks me out is that another runner (a guy that can run 6:30 minute miles) said that it is a challenging race/course.  Seriously?  He is a fast runner and thinks it is challenging.  I wonder how it will go with me then.  Well, regardless, it is on my radar and am about 90% sure that I will sign up.  It is $45 and about 30 minutes from my house.  Also, this is one of the races on the list for the CARA Chicago Marathon Incentive Program.

5.  Are you be running the Chicago Marathon this year?  Confirmation emails went out Tuesday afternoon and I know of two runners that were not selected.


According to this article From Runner’s World,

A total of 71,040 runners applied to the lottery or registered via a guaranteed entry, according to race representative Cindy Hamilton.  With an expected field size of about 45,000 runners, here’s a quick breakdown of the numbers surrounding the 2015 event:

From those runners who entered with a guaranteed application:

  • 41.7 percent will run through a charity.
  • 23.6 percent are time qualifiers.
  • 17.4 percent are Chicago Marathon Legacy Finishers who ran the race five or more times in the past 10 years.
  • 11.3 percent deferred their entry from previous years.
  • 1.2 percent will particpate through a tour group.
  • 4.8 percent entered through other means.

6.  Another photo of gifts from my kids.  🙂


Illinois Marathon Relay

My first relay race was Ragnar Relay Chicago in June 2012.  On Sunday I completed a marathon relay and got to cross it off this list.

There were 8 girls doing this relay race (two teams: Pink Ladies and Faster than Snails).  One of my teammates offered to drive to Urbana-Champaign (about 2 1/2 hours from Chicago) and we left Friday afternoon.  There were two girls from the other team so it was nice to meet them and talk to them.  They had food and I snacked on crackers, hummus, and sweet potato chips.


We arrived to pick up our bibs and to check out the expo.  It was OK but does not compare to the Chicago Marathon or RnR expos.

I almost bought this headband.

After the expo we went to Destihl for dinner.  The food was delicious!  We had a few appetizers to start off along with beer.  For dinner I had pasta with spicy thai shrimp.  The rest of the teammates met us there and we all had a lovely time.  We then said goodbye because it was late and we still had to check in the hotel and get our stuff ready for the next day.

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From L to R: Lety, Liz, Rocio, Fabiola, me, Angie. We were missing Ana and Arasally.

As I was getting my things ready for the next day, I realized that I had forgotten my socks.  I had originally packed everything in my Apera bag.  I switched to a bigger bag because all of my things wouldn’t fit but left my socks in one of the pockets. Luckily, I borrowed a pair from a teammate.

I checked the temperature and got really nervous because all I saw was rain, rain, and more rain.


I slept good Friday night.  I was up at 5am and got ready.  I shared a room with 2 other girls so I waited for them to get ready before heading out to get something to eat.  The hotel provided us with a  free continental breakfast.  Love it when hotels do that.  I had coffee and a waffle.  Not too much but enough for a 6.7 run.

It was cold and drizzling.  I was hoping the rest of the rain would hold off till AFTER the race.  It didn’t.  There was a long line to get to the parking lot.  One of the girls was familiar with the area and told us of a shortcut.  We parked the car and got out to meet up with Ana and Lety.  We quickly got a team picture and since I was runner #1, I headed over to the start line.

Team Faster than Snails From L to R: Ana, me, Lety, Rocio

I don’t remember hearing the National Anthem but I realized the race was about to start.  I walked over to the start line, got in the corral and off I went.

I don’t remember too many specifics of my part of the race.  Here is what I do remember:

  • I felt really good the first two miles.  Unfortunately, I do not know my splits because the Nike + app in my phone did not work.  I turned it on but somehow it turned off.
  • I felt tired after the first water station.
  • The volunteers were wonderful!
  • The crowd support made me happy.
  • I would run, walk, and repeat.
  • It started to rain and I had forgotten to wear my visor.
  • I was running in new shoes and they felt really good.  Ha, little did I know what was happening in my right foot (too much callus remover and a lot of water is NOT a good combination).
  • One water station was after mile 2 and the next one was after mile 4.  That worked out for me since I had a short run but not sure if marathon and half marathon runners will agree with me.
  • Between mile 5 and 6 there were signs along the course with several facts about the University.   I don’t remember the exact words but I do recall reading about REO Speedwagon, PayPal, YouTube, and a Nobel Prize Winner.

I saw a sign on the floor and I thought it was the the 6 mile marker.  I told my teammates I would send them a text when I got there since the exchange was at mile 6.7.  There the volunteers were giving out oranges.  Yummy!  Up ahead I saw the actual mile marker. Oh well.

Finally, I saw the exchange spot.  I removed my belt and put it on the next runner.  I was done but I was also very cold.

We got in the car and drove to the next exchange which was about 10 minutes away.  It was raining so much harder and I felt bad for the runners.  Runner #3 got her stuff ready and then we left to meet runner #2.  We finally got a text from her that she was at mile 13.

Runner #2 is done!

Two legs done and two more to go.  The next exchange took a bit longer.  I drove this time because the owner of the car was running.  I am OK driving but get nervous driving other people’s cars.  Luckily, nothing happened and we arrived at the next exchange spot.  Lety was nice enough to get coffee for the both of us.  It felt good to drink something warm.  Earlier I had changed my top but left my skirt. I was getting colder so I changed into capris.  Not sure why I didn’t do that before.

Love my colorful shoes!

We got a text from Rocio that she was at mile 20.  We were meeting her at 20.5. One of the volunteers told us that the race was cancelled because of the weather. We were like “What?!?”  We couldn’ believe it.  We kept walking and asked another volunteer and she was not aware of the news.  Ana was the last runner and she said that she would run no matter what.  We saw Rocio and Ana took off to complete the race.  We told Rocio what we were told about the race.  On our way to the finish line, Ana sent us a text.  Yes, the race was cancelled and time would not matter.  She would keep going till the buses arrived.  She called me and I  asked her if she wanted us to pick her up. She said no and I told her that we would meet her before the entrance of Memorial Stadium.


It was raining even harder.  We arrived at the stadium and went inside.  It was pure chaos.  There were so many people there.

Definitely not a signage you want to see at a race.

While waiting for Ana, I used the bathroom and got some pizza.  There was also water, bananas, and bags of pretzels.  She texted us at mile 24.  We waited a little bit before heading out to meet her so that we could cross the finish line together. While waiting we cheered for the runners.  Some looked tired, cold but also excited to be almost done.  We waited and finally saw her.


We ran inside the stadium.  We held hands and crossed the finish line together. Finally done!

Our finish time is 4:29:47.




Even with the nasty weather we all had a great time!  We made the best of it and felt thankful for being able to participate in this race.  We ran, laughed, motivated and helped each other out.  And the rain did not stop us.  Definitely teamwork!  We had so much fun that we are already planning to do it again next year.

Have you ran a relay race?  Which one and how was it?

Friday Randomness – April 24, 2015

1. The hunt for the “perfect” running shoes is back on.  The Asics Cumulus are not working out for me.  I went to Fleet Feet to try the Brooks Ghost 7.  Oh, they’re so comfortable.  I knew I had to get them but could not decide on a color.  Yes, I am one that has to pick a cool color.  I decided on a pair (see below) but then when I got home I changed my mind so I ordered a different pair.  The second pair looks nicer right?



2. I am keeping up (I’ve missed a day or two) with the Kettlebell Swing Challenge but it is getting tough.


3. Tomorrow is the IL Marathon .  I am runner number 1 and my leg is 6.7 miles.  I met with the rest of my team on Sunday to go over logistics, nail down on what to wear, and just to hang out and talk.  I also gave two of them (one of the girls was in CA) a bag with a pepper spray, two Hammer gels, and a packet of Justin’s Hazelnut Butter.  We’re all very excited and cannot wait.



4.  I love getting pictures/drawings from my students.  Translation: Teacher, you are the best teacher I’ve ever had.  Sometimes they also give me candy and chocolates.


5.  Tuesday afternoon was the deadline for me to register for the Chicago Marathon.  Now begins the training before the training for the marathon.  🙂

6. These ads were an eye opener for me.  I’ve drank Nuun (I am obsessed with the Kona Kola flavor) but now after seeing the comparison with Hammer Nutrition’s Electrolytes Fizz Tablets, I don’t think I will drink it again.

FridayRandomness7 FridayRandomness8

How are you doing in the Kettlebell Swing Challenge?  What do you drink when you run, bike, exercise?

Live Grit 10 Miler

On Saturday I ran my second race of the year.  I’ve run this race in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.  I was very excited!  10 miles is the longest I’ve run this year.

I picked up my bib Friday after school.  Very fast and easy.  Nothing fancy.  Just a bib and a black long sleeve shirt.  Definitely my kind of packet.

Saturday morning came and it was time to run.  I got ready, ate, and drove to Montrose Harbor.  Luckily I found a spot not too far from the start.  I took advantage of the extra time to relax and use the port-a-potties.


Then I met a few bloggers and it was nice to chat with them.  Notice the before and after picture.  I am the only one without a jacket.  I did not check in a bag and clearly I did not need a jacket cause it was almost 60 degrees.  Big mistake!

Before the race. From L to R: Erin, Marcia, Sara, Wendy, me, Emily
After the race. From L to R: Marcia, Erin, Emily, Sara, Wendy, me. Photo Credit: Emily Seto

Emily and I had decided to run together.  The plan was to start at 10 minute miles and then hopefully still have enough gas in the tank and speed it up during the second half.


She is a great runner!  I was able to keep up with her for two miles before realizing that the pace was too fast for me.  Plus, I got so distracted with several girls talking nonstop behind me and the sound of feet scraping.  I wished I had brought my headphones to block out those sounds.  I don’t run with my headphones (except on the treadmill) and I like it.  But I know I need to learn to tune out the noise/sounds and just focus on the race.

Between mile 2 and 3 is the dreaded Cricket Hill.  Oh how I dislike that hill.  I walked. No shame.


I was feeling great until the turnaround on Fullerton Avenue (mile 6).  That is when it got unbearable with the wind.  I was running very slow and took several walking breaks.  I was also very cold and had a headache.

Finally I saw the finish line and sprinted to it.  No PR but I did get my personal worst for a 10 miles race.


After the race I met up with the same bloggers from before the race.  I did not stay longer than 5 minutes before I was COLD.  Heck, I couldn’t even enjoy my free beer. Bummer.

Overall, I think it is a great race.  Small, nice location, and inexpensive.   For sure I plan to run this again next year.

Next race: Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon (Relay Member), April 25.