Weekly Recap #4

*January 26-31, 2015


  • PLAN- 3 miles @easy, conversational pace plus 30 minutes of cross training
  • ACTUAL- 3 miles @10:56 average pace and 30 minutes on bike

My first workout with my new coach.  Almost did not go to the gym but glad I did.  Great run on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the bike wasn’t too bad.  Time went by quickly.


  • PLAN-4 miles @easy, conversational pace with 6 X 1 minute fartlek with 2 minutes recovery
  • ACTUAL- 2 miles @10:55 and 2 miles @11:18

Ran 2 miles @10:55.  Pace felt OK.  Fartleks were done @7:59 and felt hard but at the same time manageable.  I am in awe of people that run races at that pace.  One minute was long enough for me. I took it slow the last two miles and ran them @11:18.  I was tired.  Great workout!  Definitely want to do this one again.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 3 miles at easy, conversational pace
  • ACTUAL- 3 miles @11:22 average pace

For some reason 3 miles was tough today.  Started at 10:55, then 11:18 and then back again to 10:55.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 6 miles @11:30  +/- 10 seconds with 6 strides at the end of the run
  • ACTUAL- 6.38 @11:21 average pace


A little cold but still great day for a run.  Splits are:


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • What a disappointment about Rita Jeptoo.
  • I definitely enjoyed my workouts this week.  Next week will be similar with my long run being 7 miles.
  • I want these shoes.  So cute.


Weekly Recap #3

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post below are “affiliate links.”  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.


*January 19-25, 2015


  • PLAN- Cross-train
  • ACTUAL- Nada.

It was my day off from school but I met my friend, Lidia, at Corner Bakery to grade some papers.  It felt good to finally grade some writing papers that I’ve had since November.  I also had the most delicious Avocado and Spinach Panini.



  • PLAN-1200 in 7:01 (200 RI), 1000 in 5:48(200 RI), 800 in 4:37 (200 RI), 600 in 3:27 (200 RI), 400 in 2:16 (200 RI)
  • ACTUAL- 1.39 miles

Those numbers hurt my head.  Well, to make a long story short, I did not complete all of them.  Well, I only did 1.39 miles.  I have a whole bunch of excuses but I won’t even write them all here.  I will only say that it clearly wasn’t my day.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 1 mile easy, 5 miles at 10:33, 1 mile easy
  • ACTUAL- 2.50 miles

I got a late start to my workout that by the time I finished my easy 1 mile, I was already tired.  I walked and ran and finally went home after 2.5 miles.


  • PLAN- Cross training
  • ACTUAL- Nothing.

I went home because I had a cold.  As soon as I got home, I took some Theraflu and went to bed.


  • PLAN- 12 miles @12:00
  • ACTUAL- None.

I switched my long run to Sunday to take a class at The Dailey Method Orland Park with Meghan.  Well, that didn’t happen.  I stayed home and watched a few episodes of “Hot in Cleveland”.  It is a funny show.  Sometimes the characters annoy me but they still make me laugh.

I also made some Bob’s Red Mill Soup Mix, 13 Bean Soup on the crockpot.  It is so easy to make and tastes delicious!  Then that night before I went to bed I put again the ingredients in the crockpot for another batch.  I have a small one (4-6 cups) but have a bigger one in the attic.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.




  • I am excited to be working with my friend, Melanie, to coach me this year.  I know, I know, I said at the beginning of the year that I had a running plan using the “Runner’s World Run Less, Run Faster” book.  Well, that wasn’t really working out for me so I reached out to her and she has agreed to work with me.

I can’t believe this is the last week of January.  I am looking forward to the remaining 11 months.  What are you excited about this year?

Weekly Recap #2


*January 12-18, 2015


  • PLAN- Cross-train
  • ACTUAL- Oh boy, here we go again.  Again, nothing today.

After school I had a meeting and then a dentist appointment.  I did have my stuff ready to go to the gym but instead just went home.


  • PLAN-4 x 800 @4:37 (2 min RI)
  • ACTUAL- 4 x 800 @9:17 (per mile)

Great workout!  I felt much better than last week.  I like doing these on the treadmill so I did the calculation on the pace for one mile and came up with 9:23.  I am not sure why I did them in 9:17.  I will admit though that I got tired and struggled with the last 800 but overall still felt great.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 1 mile easy, 5 miles @10:33, 1 mile easy
  • ACTUAL- None.

Too tired.  Stayed late after school to review some papers and organize some things in my classroom.


  • PLAN- Cross training
  • ACTUAL- None

I had a doctor appointment for some blood work to check my cholesterol level.  I went in July and my levels were high so she asked me to go back in 6 months.  I got my results today and my levels are pretty good.  Total is down 15 points and LDL is also down 15 points.  My HDL, good cholesterol, also went up a little.  My doctor even told me that whatever I am doing is working and to keep doing it.


  • PLAN- 10 miles @12:00
  • ACTUAL- None.

I had a retirement/wedding anniversary party on Saturday in Hartford.  It was a great party!  My plan was to run on Sunday morning, but when I woke up it was raining and the roads were too icy and no way was I going to run in those conditions.

Not running related but tried this beer for the first time.  It was OK.


I love my Dunkin’ Donuts.



  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • Week 2 did not go as I expected.  I guess that is bound to happen with unexpected things but at what point is it “acceptable”?
  • I have missed my tempo runs on Thursday so I need to figure out a way to stay motivated and make it to the gym.
  • I am loving my workouts on Tuesday.
  • I enrolled in swimming lessons at the YMCA.  I am excited because I’ve always wanted to take swimming lessons but felt embarrassed because the younger kids swim better than me.  I am excited too because it will be another form of cross-training/exercise for me.

What is your favorite speed workout?

Weekly Recap #1


*January 5-11, 2015


  • PLAN- Cross-train
  • ACTUAL- Nada, but does walking count?

Back to work and no motivation to get on the elliptical.


  • PLAN- 3×1600 @9:29 (400 RI)
  • ACTUAL- I did run 3 miles but at 9:34 pace.  However, I was not able to run them consistent and so I had to stop every quarter mile.  Not my finest moment but still felt great after my run.

I was tired and it showed because I could not run one mile without stopping.  Or perhaps the pace was too fast for me?  I was happy that I was able to run 400s even if that wasn’t in the plan.  Definitely counts as speedwork.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

No school due to weather.  My evening class was not cancelled.


  • PLAN- 2 miles easy, 2 miles @10:02, 2 miles easy
  • ACTUAL- Did not run at all.

Still no school so I stayed home.  I had planned to go to the gym after lunch but once I saw the snow, I decided to skip it and not worry about it.  I finished watching the last season of “Veronica Mars”.


  • PLAN- Cross training
  • ACTUAL- None

Met a friend for dinner.  Had a great time and enjoyed my two apple martinis.


  • PLAN- 8 miles @11:45
  • ACTUAL- I did 6:54 miles alternating between 11:44 and 11:18 with a few walking breaks.

Oh boy, I guess the martinis on Friday night were a bad idea.  I finally made it to the gym at 3pm and could not keep up with the pace.  I usually enjoy running on the treadmill but for some reason I was not liking it on Saturday.  I watched a few episodes of “Hot in Cleveland” and that did not help at all.  I finally stopped with 6:54 miles.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • A rough first week into the new year.  Definitely not my finest moment.  I need to work on being consistent with my runs and cross training.
  • Hydrations is key.  Must remember that every single day.  Even though I was home for two days, I did not drink water like I was supposed to.

Running in new states in 2015

To date I’ve run in 31 states.  Well 32 if you include Washington DC.   I know Washington DC isn’t a state either I am counting it as part of this goal.  The states in yellow are those that I still need to run in.

Race in the 50+1 States

To date I’ve registered for the following races/states:

There are a few more I plan to do but still working on logistics:

So that is 7 new states this year for a total of 39.  Wow, I was hoping to be in the 40s at the end of this year so I will need to add a few more races to my list.  Let me check out those cities that I can get to on Southwest.  I live about 5 minutes away from Midway Airport so there is no doubt as to which airline to use.

As I complete a race in a new state I get excited because I am so much closer to completing my goal. I am hoping this year I get to truly enjoy each race instead of focusing on time.  Although I would like to one day run a sub-2 half marathon.  To date my best time is 2:17:03 at the ING Hartford Half Marathon in 2013.

I am also excited this year to run the Illinois Marathon as a relay member for “Team Faster than Snails”.  For sure that race will be just for fun!  Oh, and I am still hoping to run Ragnar Relay Chicago. So far we’ve had 2 snow days and now my last day of school is June 9 (Tuesday).  Team members meet on Thursday evening to start on Friday morning.  A couple more snow days and for sure I won’t be able to run in the relay.  No more snow!!

Come run with me!  Where are you running?  Can I tag along?