Friday Randomness – April 17, 2015

1.  I got my glasses on Tuesday.  I can see, I can see!!  I got the top ones.  My kids are cute.  They told me I look beautiful.

2.  I had a great run on Saturday morning.  But then it wasn’t so great on Monday nor on Tuesday.  I told my coach about it and she reminded me that there will be good runs and bad runs.  We all have them.  It is weird how a pace I was able to run for 15 minutes last week, I could not do 5 minutes this week.


3.  I picked up my mother at the airport yesterday.  She is like a bird.  She travels south to Mexico for the winter and comes back north when it is warm.


Her flight got in at 6:05 pm.  An hour later she calls me.  Apparently there were so many people waiting to get through immigration and customs and she had no idea how much longer she would have to be there.  I am glad she was able to borrow someone’s phone to call me but I wish the airlines would update people about the situation.  I was at the airport from 6pm-10pm.

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4.  The Boston Marathon is on Monday.  I am so excited and can’t wait to watch it.  It is definitely my goal to one day qualify for it.  I have a long way to go but I am determined to work hard to one day run that prestigious race.

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5. My next race is tomorrow-Live Grit 10 Mile.  My PR is 1:43:49 from 3 years ago.  You bet I want to get a PR tomorrow.  Emily and I are planning to run tomorrow morning.  She is faster than me so I am hoping she will help me stay on pace and get a PR.

6.  In December I (with two other friends) signed up to run 2,015 miles in 2015.  As of March 31, we’ve run 411.19 miles and need 1,603.81 to meet our goal.  That means we each have to run 534 miles until December.  Very realistic right?


When is your next race?  Do you have a goal to run a specific number of miles this year?

Friday Randomness – April 10, 2015

1. Today is my last day of Spring Break.  I had a great week and am sad that it is over.  But today is also payday so that makes it a bit better.  Oh and I have two months left of school.  My last day is June 11.  That means I will not be able to run Ragnar Relay Chicago as I had originally planned.

2. On Wednesday I went to Road Runner Sports to get fitted for a new pair of shoes.  I’ve heard so many great things about it and decided to check it out myself.  Seriously hands down a great experience.  I walked out with a pair of Asics Cumulus 16 and custom insoles.  I also signed up for the VIP Family Membership.  When I got home I was disappointed because I found out that the membership online is $1.95 (I paid $19.95) and the shoes were $89.95 (I paid $103.95).  You bet I am going to go back and get back the difference.  I ran a little over 5 miles yesterday and they felt great.


3.  Who doesn’t like a challenge?  I do but I am not good at keeping up with them.  Still, I decided to do the Kettlebell Swing Challenge.  I bought a kettlebell on Wednesday at Target and did 90 yesterday.  It was not easy but yet still doable.


4.  Last week I went to my math class and could not see the board.  Now I know I sat in the last row but it isn’t a big room.  On Monday I went for an eye exam and sure enough I need glasses.  I need them to drive and to watch TV.  Now the “problems” I encountered were which frames to get.  I narrowed it down to four but then to make a long story short I did not go back in time to purchase them so I ended up going to another store the next day.  There I found two that I liked and hopefully will get them on Tuesday just in time for my Wednesday class.  Which ones do you think I picked?

Eyeglasses5.  A few months ago I purchased Yoobi Assorted Color & Glitter Gel Pens 12 Pack.  A few of them did not work – the ink must have dried up because I could not write in them.  I sent an email to the company letting them know about it and to get a refund.  I forgot about it till Monday night when I came home and found a package with an assortment of gel and ballpoint pens.  Great service!  Yes, it is the little things that make me happy.


So, do you want to do the kettlebell challenge with me?

2015 Chicago Marathon

On Tuesday afternoon I got the best email.  I am running the Bank of America Chicago Marathon in October.  And just in case I thought it was a pre-April Fool’s Day joke, I received the same email today.


I am excited but also nervous.  I was supposed to run it last year but then got so burned out with my runs that I decided not to run the marathon.  Plus, I would come up with one excuse after another for not completing my runs.  I started teaching a new grade in September and found myself staying late after school almost every day.  The last thing I wanted to do was go running.  I know, pretty lame.

I have a new coach this year (my previous one is pregnant and is due in September) and so far have had some really great runs.  I’ve been doing a variety of runs each week and do my best to do each one.  I’ve missed a few but I try not to worry about it.  I am not a big fan of long runs but love to crank out 2 minutes fartleks.

I am looking forward to this upcoming running season.  I have some pretty neat races planned for this year and am excited about them.

I currently run in the Saucony Rides and have a little over 300 miles in them.  So new shoes should be coming along either this month or in May.  I might stay with Saucony or switch over to Asics.  I used to run in the Brooks PureFlow and PureConnect but they don’t provide enough support for my toes.  I tried the Ghost and Ravenna but those hurt my feet.

This upcoming week is Spring Break.  I am looking forward to relaxing, meeting up with friends and catching up on a few shows on Netflix.

2015 Shamrock Shuffle

On Sunday I ran my first race of the year–The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  It is one of my favorite races.  I love the course and the camaraderie.  The course begins and ends the same way as the Chicago Marathon.

I was in bed before 10pm on Saturday and woke up Sunday morning a few minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off at 6am.  I got up, made coffee, and changed.  I was out the door at 6:30 and drove to the train station and then made my way downtown.

I saw a friend of mine and we chatted for a few minutes while also walking over to The Congress Hotel for the CARA Shuttle VIP Experience.  It was cold and windy so I was happy with having a warm area to hang around before the race.  I did not stay too long because I was meeting a few of The Chicago Running Bloggers at 7:30 for a photo.  Then I chatted with a few of them before heading over to gear check.  I had left mine at the hotel but still tagged along.



Around 8:10 I made my way over to Corral C.  For a moment I warmed up because the sun was out but then it decided to be cruel and hide again.  Oh well, I knew I would start running soon and would warm up.  I had compression socks, shorts (don’t ask me why I wore shorts, because I don’t even know), sparkly skirt, short sleeve shirt, two long sleeve shirts, and a mylar blanket.  The plan was to toss the blanket as soon as the race started and one of the long sleeve shirts once I was warm enough.  I did the former but not the latter.


Finally it was time to run.  I always start off too fast but somehow did not do so this time.  In fact mile 1 was my slowest one (11:48).  Now I know why I was feeling really good.  🙂  It wasn’t as crowded as it has been in previous years.  I was fearing for the wind but cannot remember when I first felt it.  I just remember it being BRUTAL!  I stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath and then moved along.  My plan was to not stop at all but instead to slow down.  For the most part I was able to do that but there was a slight incline with more wind around mile 3.5.  I walked again and felt much better.

I stopped one more time after mile 4 but knew that I had to keep on running because I was so close to the finish line.  I managed to run slowly up Mount Roosevelt, then made a left, and saw the finish line.  I ran as fast as I could and was finally done.

Overall it was a GREAT race.  It was windy but I am glad it did not rain.  I got my medal and went back to The Congress Hotel to warm up and get my bag.  There I saw Tiffany and her fiance, Harry.  It was great catching up with her.




Next race: Live Grit Lakefront 10 Miler, April 18.

Shamrock Shuffle 2015 Expo

Today was day 2 of the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle Expo.  I had to be there at 8:30am because I signed up to be a volunteer.

ShamrockShuffleExpo6I was supposed to distribute the t-shirts.  I did my 5 minutes of training but then was moved to the t-shirt exchange area.  No big deal.  It was pretty cool to see the area without the crowd.




The first hour or so was slow.   There was a crowd at the expo but not too many people were exchanging their shirts.  It got busy by 11am and even more busy by noon.

I actually like the shirt.  Hopefully this year’s Chicago Marathon shirt is just as nice and not an ugly black one like last year’s.


I saw the cute Emily and of course we had to take a picture.  I also met the lovely Charlyn.  We talked and joked around about the weather.  It is supposed to rain tomorrow and Emily and I have had enough with rainy races.  We both ran the Chinatown 5k and Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon last year and it was just crazy with all of the rain.  Plus, she ran the RnR DC Half Marathon two weeks ago and it rained there too.

Phot credit: Emily Seto

My shift was over a little at 12 so I set out to pick up my own bib and shirt and check out the expo.  It was not a big expo but just enough to go home with some good stuff.

I checked out the booth for the Run for ALS 5k taking place in July.  I’ve run this race twice and plan to run it this year.


I saw the medals for the Women Rock Chicago in September.  Cute right?  They will have the Rock Starlet Challenge which is a 2.5K, 5K, and/or 10K/13.1 miles.  Would love to do it!


I picked up a cute Sweaty Bands headband promoting The Magnificent Mile Chicago Women’s Half Marathon and 5k.  I ran this race in 2012 and it was HOT, HOT, HOT!!  I missed it in 2013 because I was in Seattle for a half marathon on Saturday and got in late Saturday night (the race was Sunday morning).  Last year I was in CA for the Dumbo Double Dare.  This year I am planning to be in Chicago.  Plus, I want to meet Lauren Fleshman!


The Shamrock Shuffle is my first race this year.  I am excited and nervous about it.  Don’t know why but I always get nervous before a race.

Now off to pick out my outfit for tomorrow.