Princeton Half Marathon

On Sunday I ran in state #31 in New Jersey.  I’ve already written about what I did the day before the race.

On race day I got up at 5:20 am.  I slept OK that night but was still tired and had a headache.  I quickly made my coffee and got dressed.  The night before I had picked my clothes and decided to wear pants and a long sleeve underneath my Oiselle singlet.  I had two shirts to pick from depending on the weather.  That morning the weather forecast was 41 degrees which I figured was decent running weather. I picked the yellowish shirt.  Once I was done I went downstairs and then outside to check again the weather.  It was cold!  But I knew that I would warm up once I began running.  I waited for my Uber driver and in the meantime got a big plastic bag to keep me warm while I waited in line for the race to start.  I must remember to pack one in my suitcase just in case I need one again.


The driver dropped me off at 6:25.  I had plenty of time to wait.  Did I mention it was cold?  Oh and it was windy too.  I did not want to wait outside so I walked to a café place and waited there till about 6:55.  I then got in line and the race started a few minutes later.  I was surprised there was no singing of the National Anthem or maybe I missed it?  No time to fret about it cause it was time to run.

As usual my first mile was my fastest (10:18).  I was surprised at how good I was feeling.  I did warm up a little but still felt cold because the wind had a mind of its own.  The first few miles went by fast. We ran on the road and trail which helped break up the rhythm of just running on pavement.  Trail running is definitely more difficult.  It was nice not to deal with the wind.princetonhalf2

There were hills.  Oh boy.  There was one before mile 6 and it felt like it was a mile long.  Surprisingly it took me almost 14 minutes to finish that mile.  I say surprisingly because it felt longer than 14 minutes.  I walked most of it because it was just so darn long!  My quads were burning and I felt some tightness in my left leg similar to my race in Des Moines but without the glutes pain.

I thought the last half of the course was prettier but more difficult.  We ran through the streets of Princeton.  Beautiful area with lovely homes.  But it definitely had more hills.  I was tired and in pain.  My new shoes gave me no trouble except for some chafing on my right foot near my bunion.  I’ve experienced similar chafing with other shoes so I know it wasn’t because of my new shoes.  I guess it is time to get that surgery I’ve put off.

See all of the hills?

There wasn’t much crowd support but the small amount that there was did help.  The volunteers were wonderful too.  As for the medal, well I am not too happy about it.  My nephew told me that I have nicer ones.


I am glad I did this race.  It was definitely challenging for me but still a pretty course.  I first thought of doing it last year but instead decided to run the Manchester Half Marathon.  And boy am I glad I did because I got to meet Kathrine Switzer!

If you plan to run this race in the future make sure to stay at the Nassau Inn in town or rent a car.  

Next race: Run Disney Wine and Dine in Florida.  It was be my last Disney race this year.

Princeton, New Jersey

Today I made my way to Princeton.  For some weird reason I had set my alarm for 5:15 pm.  I woke up a little before 6 am when I got a message from the cab company letting me know that the driver was on his way.  I cancelled the request and took a quick shower.  I was out the door at 6:30 and took the train to the airport.  Check in and security were a breeze.

The clouds always relax me.  I imagine myself floating in them.

I arrived in Newark before 11:30.  I had instructions to take the AirTrain (monorail) to the rail connection for the NJ Transit and then take the Northeast Corridor train to Princeton Junction.  Luckily I had no trouble and made it on time to get on the train that was supposed to arrive in 9 minutes.  The ride was smooth and comfortable.

Once in Princeton I called the hotel to find out the best way to get there.  They only had shuttle buses working during the weekday so they kindly requested a car for me.  I checked in and inquired on how to get to the running store downtown to pick up my packet.  I was told I had to take a cab.  I got annoyed. So that was twice that I had to pay cab fare.  I was also annoyed with myself because I should have done more researched on the race and I would have found out that my best option was to rent a car.

Packet pickup was a breeze.  I bought a pair of the Saucony Ride 7.  And yes I will break the “Don’t try anything new on race day” rule and wear them tomorrow.

Afterwards I had lunch at Panera and I searched for various car rental companies in the hopes of getting a car to use for the rest of the day and tomorrow.  I realized I had to pay for a cab to get back to the hotel, get to the race on Sunday, get back to the hotel after the race, and then head back to the train station for the airport.  No luck in getting a car.  Definitely big fail in my part.  I realized I had the Uber app on my phone and decided to use that service to get back.  But before doing that I walked around Princeton University.

Now I want to see again the Transformers movie.

I enjoyed the Albert Einstein mini museum.

Wow, it is such a gorgeous campus.  I loved seeing the beautiful fall colors.

I got excited when I saw this sign!


I love the shirt!  It fits perfect.  Also, I love my bib number.


Oh and for the ride back to the hotel I used Uber and ended up paying half as much as what I had paid earlier that day.  I will definitely be using them tomorrow.

IMT Des Moines Half Marathon

On Sunday I ran the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon with my friend Jaime.  I can honestly say it was a great race!

My last race was the Disneyland Half Marathon in August.  It was that week after the race that I decided not to run anymore the Chicago Marathon.  Since then my running/training went downhill.  I went back to work and was staying there till 6pm and honestly the last thing I wanted to do was go out for a run.  I ran a couple of Saturdays with Lety but I wasn’t exactly training for a half marathon.

I began to panic as the race day got closer and almost backed out because I didn’t feel ready.  I then decided to just go for it.  I am so glad I did.

The race began at 8am.  It was 39 degrees at 7am and I decided to wear shorts, compression socks, and a long sleeve shirt underneath my Oiselle singlet.  Jaime and I left the hotel at 7:30am and headed over to the start line.  It was chilly but the walking warmed me up a little bit.  Once we got there, we took a few pictures, and waited for the race to begin.  My favorite part of the beginning of a race is the National Anthem.


Finally it was time to run.  I had no time goal.  I wore my watch but set it to only show the distance.  I also wore my iPod.  I don’t remember the last time I wore them during a race and it felt good to hear some good tunes while running.

The first couple of miles went by fast.  There were a few hills but nothing too horrible.  It was gorgeous outside and I was warming up with the sun.  I wasn’t uncomfortable hot but just warm.


We ran through two parks.  That was my favorite part of the course.  It was beautiful plus it was flat. Very peaceful too.  It was after running through the second park that my left side began to hurt..from the glutes to the calf.  I would run, walk, and repeat.


I had passed the 10 mile marker when two male marathon runners passed me up.  Wow, they were speedy!


The last two miles were back to downtown Des Moines.  Luckily it was not as hilly as the beginning of the race.


Four more marathon runners passed me up.  I hurried on determined not to let the female marathon winner passed me up too.  But I just couldn’t with that darn pain.  Then I heard a siren and knew the female winner was behind me.  And she passed me up.  I knew I was close to the finish line but just could not see it.  There were so many people cheering for her but I pretended that it was all for me. Finally I saw the finish line and ran for it.  Finish time is 2:31:56 and yes I am very happy with it.

The best part was the post-party.  There was food and more food.  It was neverending.  There was water, gatorade, chocolate milk, pizza, cookies, protein bars, chips with nacho cheese, and sandwiches. Jaime and I talked about how we’ve never seen this much food at other races.  Hmm, not even at the very expensive Disney or Rock ‘n’ Roll races.


I love the long sleeve shirt we got.  I am definitely keeping this one.

Overall it was a great race.  I enjoyed the course and the weather was gorgeous.  There were plenty of water stations and two Gu stations.  The spectators and volunteers were wonderful.  And let’s not forget all of the food after the race.  The medal was OK.

As for my glutes and calf?  I foam rolled at the hotel after the race and am feeling much better.  The pain could have been caused from the lacking of training/running or from wearing a new pair of Superfeet insoles.  Who knows?  All I know is that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Next race is Princeton Half Marathon on November 2nd.  Can’t wait!

Chicago Marathon Weekend Part 3

Yesterday was the Chicago Marathon.  I’ve ran this race before and have also been a spectator. It is definitely much more fun to be a spectator.  🙂  I had very high hopes of seeing all of my friends but unfortunately that did not happen.

The day began with breakfast at Cafe Jumping Bean.  Great place for coffee and food.



With my running buddy, Lety.  Lately I’ve been running with her on Saturdays.


Here they come.







I saw The Cat in the Hat.


The smooth runner Doctor Dribble.


A pleasure seeing Graham Elliot.


Overall, great day for a marathon and a fun day for spectating too.  I had so much fun cheering for the runners.  I did get a little emotional because I was supposed to be out there too.  But then I realized that I made the right choice in not running the marathon.

Chicago Marathon Weekend Part 2

Saturday morning was a Shake Out run with Bart Yasso and Deena Kastor.  It was seriously a gorgeous day for a run.  Bart is such a cool guy.





I saw Josh Cox again.  I first met him last year at the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Half Marathon.  Well, I didn’t meet him at the race but the day before the race at another shakeout run.


Deena is a speedy woman!  I could not keep up with her.



The first 50 people that arrived got a free gift from Asics.  I was number 45.  The gift was a cool backpack, an October copy of Runner’s World Magazine (happy about it because I don’t have that issue), a pair of Asics socks (so soft but I gave them to my mom), and a bib holder by FuelBelt.

I stuck around for a little bit and then made my way back to my car.  It was about a mile back so I walked slowly while enjoying the sunshine and seeing all of the runners possibly enjoying one last run before the race.  And then I saw Joan Benoit Samuelson.  I said “No way” because I was surprised that I saw her at that exact moment.  However, she was running so fast and my slow legs seriously could not keep up with her.  I couldn’t even get a picture of her.  But at least I did see her.  So even though I don’t have a picture it still counts right?