On Sunday I ran the Route 66 Half Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That makes it state #32.
On Saturday morning Jaime and I made our way to the expo. Our plan was to meet Bart Yasso for a shakeout run at 10am but quickly changed our minds when we saw that it was raining. The expo was GREAT! So many vendors. I bought some Balega socks and cute charms for my shoes from Shoe Frosting.

My traveling running buddy! Jaime is also on a mission to run in the 50 states. To date she has run in 44 states and might be done next year.
Bart Yasso.

One day I will run the Little Rock Marathon.

Half Fanatics!

Check out these beautiful cars!
Cute shirt!

On race day Jaime and I got ready and headed downstairs to have breakfast (free provided by the hotel). I wasn’t too hungry but had coffee and a waffle. Temperature was in the high 50s which makes it ideal running weather. I took a long sleeve shirt just in case I got cold. I wore it in the beginning but took it off before the 1 mile marker. I had absolutely no time goal for this race but just to run by feel considering that I had not been training properly (or at all). 🙂

There was so much excitement around us. And did I mention it was close to 60 degrees? Finally it was time to run. We were both in Corral B so we got to see twice the confetti show put on before the start of each corral.
I had NO idea how hilly this race was supposed to be. I don’t check the course map prior to the race because I’d rather deal with it on race day.

This mascot made me laugh.

The course itself was beautiful. I did like it except the hills. However, the second half of the race was not as bad as the first half but there were a few hills that snuck up on me in the last few miles. I felt good throughout the race. The weather was just fantastic and at times there was a breeze that would cool me down. I didn’t have any pain in my glutes but my quads and calves did get tight.
I took a grape jello shot because why not?

The Route 66 Bridge.

Almost done.

Around mile 12.5 is when the course separated for the marathon and half marathon runners. That meant two more turns and I would be done. However, it seemed like that last half mile felt longer. Finally the last turn and I saw Bart Yasso. We high-fived and I sprinted to the finish line. Done. Finish time is 2:42:17. I am very impressed with my time considering that the course was hilly and I am definitely undertrained.

Love the medal. When I crossed the finish line I got a different one but then exchanged it for a Half Fanatic themed medal.

I did not stick around to take advantage of the Half Fanatic VIP area as Jaime and I had to head back to the hotel, get ready, and head out to Oklahoma City because we both had flights departing from there.
Overall it was an awesome race and if you are planning to run in the 50 states then this is the race for you. It was well organized, many great vendors at the expo, a lot of food at the finish line, plenty of water stations, and a beautiful course.
That was my last race for the year. My plan now is to get back to running on a consistent basis. Since August, my runs have been mostly once a week on Saturdays. I’ve struggled to got out for a run during the week but am hoping that will change.
I have not signed up for any races in 2015 but have a few in mind and can’t wait to race again.