Community Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th

On Friday, July 4, I ran again the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.  This is my second time running that race.

I woke up at 5:30am, drank coffee, ate a PickyBar, got ready, and made my way to Elmhurst.  It took me about 25 minutes to get there.

I found a parking spot close to the start/finish line and went to pick up my bib.  I then waited for the race to start.  I had no race plan (smart??).  Well, Coach Sara told me to push myself at the end and to run the last two miles faster than the first two miles.  Gulp.

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Finally it was time to run.  It was a beautiful day for a race.  It was partly sunny and not too hot.

I stopped to get water at the first water stop.  Perfect location because it was before an uphill.  I drank my water as I walked up the hill.  There were a few spectators and it was great seeing them outside cheering for us on such a special day.

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Mile 2 was the turnaround point to head back to the finish line.  I did not stop at the next water stop because I was feeling really good and not thirsty at all.

I pushed myself during that last mile but did walk for a little bit to go up a small hill on my way to the finish line.  I was tired and just needed a few seconds to catch my breath.

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Going up towards the finish line. I know it looks flat but I swear that it isn’t. I took this picture after I was done with the race.

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Below are my splits from this year and last year.


My finish time is 39:39 which is an almost 2 minutes PR from last year.  It was a great feeling!! Honestly, I was not expecting it.  I was trying not to look too much at my watch and instead ran based on how I felt.

Cool shirt!


I am so glad I had the chance to run this race again.  I like the distance, location, and price (only $25!!).

Next race is Saturday, July 12,  Chinatown 5k.  It will be my first time doing that race.

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a free pair of Injinji Toesocks.

injinji giveaway


June 2014 in Review

Miles Ran/Last Month:  75.34/65.18.  Another great month of training with Coach Sara.  Yeah, I still don’t like tempo runs but I am enjoying 400s.  On Monday I ran 200s and I like those even more.

Highest Mileage Week:  21.  I did all of my workouts that week (speed, easy, tempo, and long).  

Races Planned/Completed:  1/0.  I won an entry to the Michelob Chicago 13.1 but ended up not finishing the race.  I did not even write anything about it because I was sad and disappointed about it. I know I made the right decision but I can’t help but feel that way.  Anyway, I did not finish the race because I got too hot as I was running.  I took a lot of walking breaks to cool down and would feel better but then would warm up once I began running again.

Current Ache/Pain:  My knees are better.  Last month I ran in my new shoes, the Mizuno Sayonara. They’re OK but I like the Brooks PureFlow 2 more than these.  On Tuesday I went to Fleet Feet and got a pair of Newton Kismet.  Wow, I did 5 miles today and they felt really good.

I’ve been foam rolling as much as possible.  I’ve set up my little gym area in the living room by the TV so I can stretch and foam roll.

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Current Challenge:  None.  Thought about doing the planks challenge but I need to be realistic.  🙂

Current Book:  Where’s You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple.  So far it is a really good book.  I finished Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and Bossypants by Tina Fey.  I did like Mockingjay but am disappointed with the ending.  Yesterday I saw a preview for Part 1 of the movie and can’t wait till November to see it.

Current Song:  Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order.  This song takes me back to my high school days.

Current Treat:  Going back to the chocolates.   They’re delicious.


Next Race:  Elmhurst 4 on the 4th tomorrow.


Current Excitement:  Love summer break.  I’ve done a lot of reading and finished 2 seasons of House of Cards.  Holy frijoles!  Great show and I love Kevin Spacey.  Also, I’ve been able to watch many of the games of the World Cup.  Mexico’s loss on Sunday was disappointing but the game between Costa Rica and Greece was INTENSE.  Oh, and let’s not forget the game between USA and Belgium.  Tim Howard is HOT and I think he looks better without the beard.

summer break

Injinji Socks Giveaway

Disclaimer:  I am not an Injinji ambassador nor was I compensated for this post.  I simply like these socks and want to share them with you.

Happy Hump Day!  It is finally July but where did the past six months go?  I’m on summer break and have been taking it easy.  I finally watched “House of Cards”.  Wow, what a show.  Can’t wait for the next season.  I’ve also read a few books and have been watching most of the World Cup games.  The game yesterday between USA and Belgium was intense.

To start off the new month (even if I am a day late) I have a giveaway for you.  As you know I am a big fan of Injinji socks and I am giving away three pairs of socks (S, M, and L).  Pretty cool huh?

Enter this giveaway to win a pair of S, M, or L pair of Injinji Toesocks.  Giveaway ends on Tuesday, July 8th at midnight.  Good luck!

injinji giveaway
Click on image to enter giveaway.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 3

Hard to believe another week of marathon training just went by.  I know that during the school year the days just fly by but it seems like they go even faster during the summer.  Oh, and another month went by and we are halfway through the year.  Here is my update for my training.

Week #3, June 23-29
Monday: 6 mile run: 2 miles easy, 2 miles @9:42 pace, 2 miles easy
I did not feel good on Monday so ran instead on Tuesday.  Did 2 miles @10:32, 2 miles @9:43, then 2 miles @10:32.

Tuesday: Rest/Stretch

Wednesday:  Run 45 mins @ 10:45 pace
Did not run.  Now I cannot remember why and I did not even write it in Google calendar for Coach Sara.

Thursday:  1 mile WU, 3 x 1600m @10:03 (1 min RI), 1 mile CD
Tough workout.  Ran 1 mile WU @10:42, 2 miles (nonstop) alternating every .5 miles between 9:52 and 10:12, 2 mins RI after 2 miles, 1 mile (nonstop) @ 9:52, 1 mile CD @10:42.  I know it wasn’t exactly what Coach asked me to do but I think I did good.

Friday: 45 minutes cross-train
Just took a break today.

Saturday:  7 miles @ 11:00 pace
7 miles @11:04.  Good overall but for some reason struggled the last mile.  I must have stopped like 4 times in that mile.  

Sunday: Rest/Stretch
Slept in and that felt good.


  • Not running related but can’t believe Mexico lost in yesterday’s game.  Oh well, USA still has a chance so I look forward to the game tomorrow.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 2

Another exciting week of marathon training.  And no I am not  being sarcastic.

Week #2, June 16-22
Monday: 1 mile WU, 40 minutes @ 10:00, 1 mile CD
Done.  WU and CD miles at 10:32 pace and 4 miles at 9:52 pace.

Tuesday: Rest/Stretch

Wednesday:  Run 45 mins @ 10:45 pace
Went outside at 6am and it was already hot and humid.  Took it slow and ran for 45:14 minutes for total miles of 4.20 @10:46 pace.

Thursday:  1 mile WU, 3 x 400m @ 9:10 (1 min RI), 1 mile CD
Great workout! WU and CD @ 10:32 pace, 400m @9:09 pace.  After first interval, I made mental note to let Coach Sara know that it was easy and to give me more.  However, after second one, I was getting tired and decided they weren’t that easy after all.  Ha, after third one, I was tired and for sure knew I couldn’t do more.  Well, now that I have had time to reflect on it, they were challenging but yet I was able to do them.  Regardless, I still like them.

Friday: 45 minutes cross-train
I got a massage that morning.  My quads and calves were tight and the masseuse mentioned it one than once.  I did feel much better afterwards.  After my massage I went to the gym for 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on the bike.  Oh goodness, I need to find something else to do to cross-train because I get so bored on the elliptical and the bike.

Saturday: 8 miles @ 11:03 min pace
Great run! Ran 8 miles @ 11:05 pace.  Felt great the last two miles.  Oh, and almost perfect negative splits. 


Sunday: Rest/Stretch
This time I did make it to bikram yoga.  It felt so good being there.  There are a few poses I struggle with but I made every effort to do all of them.  


  • I ran with my water belt for my runs on Wednesday and Saturday.  I know it was only 45 minutes on Wednesday but it was a humid morning and I drank both water bottles before I was done with my run.  For Saturday’s run I had HEED Sports Drink.  It wasn’t a hot morning but it was definitely humid.
  • I’ve been going to Bikram Yoga River North and my only complaint is the parking.  Ugh, I hate paying for street parking every time I go there.  Last year I purchased a pass for 10 classes and I have 3 more to go before it expires next month.  I’ve looked into Corepower Yoga which is about 20 minutes from my house (with free parking).  I think it is pricy but as a full-time teacher, I can get a discount.  Another thing I like about this place is that if offers a variety of yoga classes (Hot Power Fusion, CorePower Yoga Sculpt, etc) and not just hot yoga.
  • Next Saturday’s long run is 7 miles.  Let’s see if I can run again negative splits.
  • I am (my legs too) itching for a race.