July 2014 in Review

Miles Ran/Last Month:  98.83/75.34.  Another great month of training with Coach Sara.  Almost 100 miles and I would have reached it if I’d complete all of my runs.  I try to get them all done but I have good days and bad days.

Highest Mileage Week:  23.  I managed this despite completing only 12.5 miles instead of 14 on a long run.  

Races Planned/Completed:  3/3.  I ran the Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th, Chinatown 5k, and the Strike Out ALS 5k.  

Current Ache/Pain:  I ran in my Newton shoes but experienced an unusual amount of pain in my calves.  It was to the point that I had to stop (more than usual) during my runs.  The only thing I can think of that made this happen is that I did not transition properly into the shoes.  Well, I was told that since I already run in minimalist shoes, then I did not have to transition.  So now I am back to my Mizuno.  So far so good.  I have a half marathon tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have no problems.

Current Challenge:  A running challenge among friends using the Nike+ app.  The goal is to be the first one to run 50 miles.  Yes, my goal is to be that person.

50 miles
Source: http://www.goneforarun.com

Current Book:  I’ve read The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith.  I want to read The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson.  I just remembered that I need to pick up my copy (that is on hold at the library) of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz.  I am glad I’ve been reading so many books this summer and hopefully will continue to do once I go back to work.

Current Song:  Amor Mio No Te Vayas by Gilberto Santa Rosa.  Makes me want to dance!

Current Treat:  My coffee every morning.  


Next Race(s):  ZOOMA Half Marathon tomorrow,  Fort2Base on August 24, Disneyland Half Marathon on August 31.

Current Excitement:  For now I am soaking everything in and continuing to enjoy my summer break.  I’ve made plans to run a couple half marathons after the Chicago Marathon to continue on my quest to run in the 50 states.  So if all goes well then I will be at state #33 by December.

USA map

Three Things Thursday, July 31, 2014

1. Today is day 4 of my math class.  This is my second one for my math endorsement.  The class is Math Theory and it is very interesting.  Thank goodness because it is for two weeks from 9am-noon. We have covered topics such as prime numbers, F.O.I.L., and various properties such as distributive, commutative, and associative.  It’s been a while since I’ve heard these words because I’ve only taught basic math to 1st graders.  I don’t like the math homework.  I like math but these assignments have been challenging for me.  I spend at least 2-3 hours on 2 math problems.  But each problem has various components to it and I have to write and/or show all of my work.  Again, at least it it interesting and I am almost halfway done with the class.

Now a fun math puzzle for you.  Make sure to do it with different numbers and you will always get the same answer.  Click here to find out why you always get the same answer.

Source: http://www.mathsisfun.com/1089.html

2.  This Saturday is the ZOOMA Chicago Half Marathon and 10K.  Will you be there? Tomorrow there will be a Mocktail Party sponsored by Honest Tea.  It will be from 7-8pm at The Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel.  Hope to see you Friday, Saturday or both!


3.  Are you going to run (or planning to) the Fort2Base race on Sunday, August 24?  There will be a fun run hosted by me and other fellow ambassadors.  Come join us!  It will be Thursday, August 7, 6:30 pm at Yankee Woods in Oak Forest.  I was there a couple of weeks ago for another fun run.  There will be prizes (free entry to the race and t-shirts). Hope to see you there!


Chicago Marathon Training Week 7

*Week #7, July 21-27

Monday: 1 mile WU, 7 x 200 @8:20 (400 RI), 1 mile CD
The plan was to run after my massage.  But I did not feel good afterwards.  My body ached and not the way that you get from a workout.  I went home to rest and then got up to go shopping with my mother.  I told her I did not feel good, she touched my forehead, and told me I had a fever.  When we got home I took some medicine and a nap.  Then I took more medicine before I went to sleep that night.  I felt so much better the following day.

Tuesday: 45 Min XTrain or Power Yoga
I did the 200s from Monday.  WU @10:32 and 200s @8:18.  I felt really good but got tired on the 6th and 7th interval.  I still like them a lot and told Coach Sara to give me more of those.

Wednesday:  45 mins @ 10:45 pace
Ran 4.18 miles @10:46 with negative splits.  Personally I don’t really care for this run.  It is supposed to be easy/fun but I don’t enjoy it.  I have to find a way to make it more enjoyable.  Usually I run by my house or around the airport (though it is really windy there).  I don’t want to run by the lake because I do my long run there.  Excuses, excuses right?

Thursday:  6 mile run: 1 mile WU, 4 miles @9:50 min pace, 1 mile CD
1 mile WU @10:32 but did not finish run.  Struggled to stay on pace and calves were bothering me. Only ran 2.55 miles.  I was not happy with myself.

Friday: Rest/Stretch

Saturday:  14 miles @ 11:00 min pace
It was a great morning for a run.  Temperature was in the low 60s and overcast.  I was in bed by 9pm on Friday so I got plenty of sleep.  My run was going pretty good until mile 9. Well, at least it wasn’t mile 6 like last weekend.  I had every intention to do 14 miles but just could not take it anymore.  I took several walking breaks but then had these negative thoughts in my head and once they were there, there was no way getting them out.  I asked myself why I was doing this.  I reminded myself that I enjoy half marathons so why was I running more than 13.1 miles.  I stopped to sit down and sent a text to a friend telling her that I was no longer planning to run the marathon and if her husband wanted my bib.  Nope.  Her husband is injured.  I sent another text to a friend complaining about my long run.  She understood because she went through the same thing last year.  I walked back to where I met my running group and decided that I was not going to run the marathon anymore.  I also sent a text to my coach and she gave me positive feedback and encouragement.  I did feel better afterwards but still not 100% sure about running the marathon.  Then I got home, showered, ate, and felt better. Oh, but this post really did it for me.  I guess I needed to read that.  So, I will just be happy that I am not injured and have the chance to run 26.2 miles in October.

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Sunday: Rest/Stretch
I took a yoga class at CorePower Yoga.  Great class and felt good afterwards.

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • I need to work on hydrating better.  I run with a water belt during my long runs but have noticed that I drink a lot of water.  Lately I’ve been trying to drink more water during the day since I am at home and have access to a bathroom (very important).
  • Here are some great tips from my awesome coach for running in hot weather.ZoomaMML-CHI-logo
  • This Saturday is the ZOOMA Chicago Half Marathon.  I am so excited and looking forward to it. You can still register for the half marathon or 10K.  Make sure to use code CAMB8 for a discount.  It is supposed to rain.  Hmm, not sure how I feel about that.  But at least we can sing, run, and have fun in the rain.


Three Things Thursday, July 24, 2014

1. I finally got rid of my scale.  I would weigh myself every Wednesday morning before getting ready for work.  The number on the scale would range from 158-167 every week.  I know better than to listen to it.  I’ve gained weight over the years (per my scale) but am down 2 sizes in pants.  My legs are more muscular and I like it.  🙂


2.  Tomorrow morning I have a doctor appointment for a physical exam, pap smear, etc, etc.  I go every year and have been going there for almost 10 years.  My doctor is cool and I like her.  I feel very comfortable with her and have seen her when I had problems with my ears and my throat.  Oh, and one year I had a mild case of bronchitis and she saw me right away and gave me antibiotics.

I also get a referral from her for a mammogram.  It is weird how I can’t just go and get one, I have to get an “OK’ from her.  Not cool.  I am due for one soon and hopefully can go before school starts next month.  When I went last year, she told me I had lost 11 lbs. from the year before.  Let’s see what she tells me tomorrow (not that I really care, see #1).  🙂


3.  Lately I’ve been running without any music.  Sometimes I listen to it when I am on the treadmill but not outside.  My friend, Paul, sometimes listens to audiobooks.  I prefer the actual books but am intrigued by the other option so last night I downloaded a bunch of audiobooks.  I am really excited about “The First Phone Call from Heaven” by Mitch Albom.  I am a big fan and have read most of his books.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 6

*Week #6, July 14-20

Monday: Rest/Stretch

Tuesday: Strike Out ALS 5k
I had a great time running this race.  Fun time with friends for a wonderful organization. Was really thirsty prior to the beginning of the race but I am still trying to figure out this hydrating thing.  What’s to do for an evening race?

Wednesday:  Yoga

No yoga but instead took a spinning class at Flywheel.  Wow, what an amazing workout! I’ve heard so many great things about it.  It was my first time there  and overall was pleased with the class.  The staff was very helpful.  The check-in process was a breeze. There were towels for us to use and extra water bottles.  They gave me a seat cushion cover and showed me how to clip in and out of the bike (did OK with the “in” but had trouble with the “out”).  The instructor was great and even checked in on me a few times throughout the class.  It was only 45 minutes and I felt it was long enough.  They also offer a 60 minutes class.  Yikes!


I would love to take another one but they’re expensive (first class is free).  I did find a great deal on Groupon for another studio which offered 10 classes for $49.  Pretty good right?

Thursday:  5 mile run: 1 mile WU, 3 miles @ 10:00 pace, 1 mile CD
I did 1 mile WU and CD @10:32.  10:00 pace felt good but legs felt tired.  I alternated pace between 9:52 and 10:12.  I know I’ve complained about these runs pretty much every week.  Sorry.  But I think this time it went much better.  Let’s hope next week is even better.

Friday: 45 Min XTrain or Core Power Yoga
I had no desire to do anything but just to relax and that is exactly what I did.  In the evening, I met up with my book club and was out a bit later than I was hoping to.  I had a great time and made sure I did not drink too much wine.  I was tired when I left but then had trouble falling asleep that night. I hate it when that happens.


Did you hear about the Christmas in July races?  Yep, there were several distances for pretty much the whole family to partake in, ranging from a 5k to a 24 hour race.  My choice would have been the 6 hour race starting at midnight till 6am.  Karen and Erica did the 6 hour race while Anne and Natali ran the 5k.  I plan to be there next year for sure.

Saturday:  12 miles @ 11:00 min pace
Felt really good that morning.  I had so much energy and looked forward to my run.  Ran 11 miles. Quads and calves were sore after mile 6.  Took a couple of walking breaks (paused watch) so in total I guess I did run/walk 12 miles.

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Sunday: Rest/Stretch
Had so much fun spectating at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon.  I saw so many friends and sometimes felt jealous because I also wanted to be out there.


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*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • Don’t forget to sign up for ZOOMA Chicago, Saturday, August 2nd, Burnham Harbor.  It will be a fun weekend!
  • Sign up for the Fort2Base race, Sunday, August 24.  Awesome course and great medal!