New Running Place

As  a runner living in Chicago, I’ve done most of my runs along the lakefront.  There are so many runners out there that you’re bound to see many familiar faces and/or make new running friends.  I love that there are water fountains and bathrooms along the route.  Definitely important.  Oh, and the view is amazing!


I also run around Midway Airport.  Lately, I’ve also been running around my house which sometimes includes a stop at Dunkin’ Donuts.



On Saturday I met up with a few folks from the Western Cook Running Club at Brookfield Woods.  I first heard about this group on Kelly’s blog.  They host several meetups throughout the week such as Hump Day Hustle and Tuesday Night Tune Ups.  On Saturday we met at 7:30am.  There were about 8 runners that morning.  We all started together but then got separated because everyone ran in different paces.  That morning almost everyone ran in pairs.   I thought I had to run 6 miles but then realized I had to do 8.  The path was not crowded and there was plenty of shade. I saw the usual runners, walkers, and bike riders.

This made me smile!

Overall, I thought it was a great place to run and definitely plan on going back .  My only complaint is that there are no water fountains along the way.  I knew this so I took my water belt with two small water bottles.  It was a hot morning and I finished both of my bottles close to mile 6.  I’ve thought about investing in a hydration backpack/vest and now know that if I want to continue running there for long runs then I would need to take more water with me.

Do you have a hydration backpack/vest?  Which one?  How do you like it?

April 2014 in Review

Miles Ran/Last Month: 61.64/140.56.  I took it easy in April while I recovered from my ultramarathon.  However, I did run the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.  The race was so much fun!  I highly recommend you run this race.  I do hope the event comes to Chicago.

Highest Mileage Week: 31.21.  Ultra marathon week.

Half Marathons Planned/Completed: 2/1.  I had planned to run the Salt Lake City Half Marathon but last minute decided not to go.  I was feeling bleh and was not in the mood to travel nor run a race.

Current Ache/Pain: My right hip.  It does not hurt when I run so maybe that is a good thing.  I’ve been slacking on my stretching and need to make it a point to do it more often.

Current Challenge: 30-Day Plank Challenge.  I am up to 90 seconds.  Tomorrow it is 120 seconds!


Current Book: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  Yes, I know I am behind so I am slowly catching up. I’ve had the chance to see the movie twice and each time I’ve refused to see it because I want to read the book first.

I also read What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self for my book club.  I will admit it is a good book but I expected it to be better.  There were some good and interesting letters but I guess I was waiting for an aha moment.

photo bookclub

Current Song: Happy by Pharrell Williams.  My kids LOVE that song.  It makes them happy and that makes me happy.

Current Treat: Milk Chocolate Salted Caramel by Godiva.  The Staples by my house is going out of business so all of the food is 50% off.


You bet I stocked up on my coffee and chocolate.

Current Excitement: I have 6 weeks to go till summer break.  Enough said.

summer break

Nike Women’s Half Marathon

This past weekend I made another trip to Washington, DC.  I have to say that it is one of my favorite cities.  I’ve been there numerous times and each time I always have a great time.

I got in on Saturday afternoon and made my way to the hotel.  I was meeting up with a few girls from the Nike Training Club.  I dropped off my luggage and made my way to the expo.  I am used to an expo being in one building.  Well, this expo was different because you had to go to three different locations to get your bib, your shirt, and other miscellaneous stuff.  There weren’t many vendors plus it was crowded so I did not stay too long.  I then found out that Shalane Flanagan was there.  Dang!!

As soon as I got my bib and shirt, I saw this.  Pretty cool!



 The course map.



Found my name!  It was so cool to also see my mother’s name next to mine.


Then I met up with the rest of the girls and then went to lunch.

I woke up at 5 on race day.  I quickly got dressed and ate a ClifBar with some coffee.  Then we proceeded to take the metro to the start line.  It was a bit chilly and part of me wanted to go back to the room for a long sleeve shirt.  However, I knew that eventually it would warm up and then I would be too hot.

Ready to run!


There were so many runners on the course.  Even after one mile, the course was still crowded.  It was then that I saw JB.  She had flown in the day  before after running The Garmin Half Marathon in KS (where she got to meet Meb). She is pretty amazing!  She was running with a coworker and I managed to tag along.  Yeah, we ran together till the end.

It was a gorgeous day for running.  At various points there were so many spectators cheering for us.  I did get hot and thirsty but overall felt good throughout the race.  I began to feel a bit tired around mile 11.  I told JB to go ahead while I walked.  However, she is such a good pacer and part of me still wanted to run with her so I picked up the pace until I caught up with her.

Less than a mile to go.  That is me by the letter “E”.


So close to the end.


Finally done.  I love that instead of a medal, I got a Tiffany necklace.


It is a great race!  It is not a flat course but isn’t too hilly either.  The weather was gorgeous.  I definitely recommend doing this race.  I enjoyed it so much that I plan to go back next year.


Three Things Thursday, April 17, 2014

1.  It is official.  I am in.  In October I will be running again the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.  I am very excited!!


2. Last week I attended a reception at Fleet Feet Chicago for the premiere of “Finding Strong”.  I was in class most of the evening but made it with enough time to talk to Bart Yasso and David Willey. They’re both really cool guys!

3.  It’s been 11 days since the last time I ran.  I finally ran yesterday.  I went to the gym and only managed 3 miles.  Boo me.  That brings me up to a grand total of 34.22 miles.  I am behind in the Nike+ Leaderboard.

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I guess I am still in recovery mode because I am so tired every single day.  I was supposed to go to Utah this weekend for a half marathon but decided against it.  No desire to race this weekend.  Ha, better get out of this weird mood and be ready for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon on the 27th.

Chicago Lakefront 50K

On Saturday, April 5, I completed my 2nd ultramarathon.  I ran my first one two years ago.  This race was a fun experience but I will admit that I also felt some disappointment.

I spent the week leading up to the race just relaxing and not thinking too much about it.  I know that if I think about it then I worry and what good does that do?  Absolutely nothing.  I made sure to drink plenty of water and carbo loaded on Friday.


The weather was perfect on race day.  It was sunny and no wind.  I saw Amanda from Too Tall Fritz and Michelle from This Momma Runs.  I was so nervous that I went to the bathroom 3 times. Luckily there weren’t too many people running the race so the lines moved pretty fast.


I got in line at 8:25 and realized that I did not have my iPod.  I thought I had lost it.  When I couldn’t find it, I went to my bag to leave my headphones and saw that my iPod was already clipped to my waterbelt.  By then the race had started and I was still trying to get myself together.  There was no chip time so it is important that you start on time.  I was finally ready and was probably the last one to cross the start line.  I did not worry at all because I knew I would catch up to the other runners.


My friend, Rhoda from Relentless Rhoda, agreed to run with me for 9 miles.  I saw her before mile 1 and we ran till the first turnaround on North Avenue (5.2 miles) and then continued on till mile 9.  It was great running with her.  Thanks Rhoda!!

Mile 15.5.  I was in a lot of pain and took two ibuprofens.  Thank goodness I did because it would have been tough to run another 15.5 miles.

photo 2

I ran and walked the rest of the way.  I turned on my iPod but for some reason the battery had died.  It was weird because I made sure to charge it the night before.  Ugh, I was annoyed because I spent a few minutes before the race looking for the darn thing.

By the time I got to mile 20.7 (start/finish area) there were a few people that had already finished. What?!?!?!?

Just before the finish line.  Not sure why it is blurry.


Done.  Finish time is 6:39:08.

photo-4Luckily I finished before the watch battery died.


Post-race food.  I had two bowls because I was hungry and one wan’t enough.


I keep thinking about the race to figure out what went wrong.  The weather was perfect.  I felt really good.  I did not have any hip pain.  So it should have gone just perfect right?  I know I cannot PR at every race.  However, I did not think my finish time would be 20 minutes more/worse than my first ultra.  I had such a great experience at the Bank of American Shamrock Shuffle and thought for sure that it would be the same on Saturday.

Overall, it is a well organized race.  There was packet pickup on Friday and also on Saturday morning. It is so much cheaper than a full marathon.  There is no crowd support but there were so many runners out there and a few of them cheered for us.  There are 3 aid stations on the course with plenty of water, gatorade, potato chips, pretzels, and other goodies.  I realized I did not have to carry so many gels and Perpetuem solids with me because I could get them each time I passed by the pass/finish area where I left my bag.  I like that there are 6 legs and each one is a little over 5 miles. This helps to mentally break down the miles and not focus so much that you have to run 31 miles.  If you are thinking of running an ultra, then this is THE race to do.

Part of me does not want to run another ultramarathon but then another part does want to and hopefully get a better finish time.  Third time is a charm right?

The chafing is so painful.  I took my time taking a shower.  I did get three blisters on my left foot and thought for sure I had lost a toenail.  Oh, and I am constantly HUNGRY!


I saw this tweet from Kara Goucher (love her) and it made me feel a little bit better.


My next race is the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in DC.  I’ve heard so many great things about the race and am so excited about it.

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