Three Things Thursday, April 3, 2014

1. Thanks to Maggie, I won a race entry to the Michelob ULTRA 13.1 Chicago, on June 7.  I’ve ran this race in the past and have enjoyed it for various reasons.  There was one year in which it was cancelled due to the hot weather.  I was around mile 10 and told myself that I was almost done.  Yep, sure was and had to walk the rest of the way.  Sign up today as there is a great post race party and the view is phenomenal!!


2. Have you heard of “The Metabolic Effect Diet”?  Well, I am finally going to get a chance to read it. The idea is to lose weight/fat but you eat more and work out less.  I first heard about it from Kim from (Just) Trying is for Little Girls but it wasn’t till I saw her post and pictures in mid-March that I bought a copy for me.  She looks great and you can tell that not only has she lost weight but she looks more toned.  Way to go Kim!


3. I am off this week for Spring Break and cannot believe it is already Thursday.  It has been great staying home, relaxing, and catching up on Grey’s Anatomy.  I began watching it last year via Netflix and made it to Season 8.  Then I cancelled my subscription to Netflix because I was also paying for Amazon Prime which gave me access to many online shows.  Well, after waiting a LONG time for the episodes to be available (and they’re still not available), I finally bit the bullet and renewed my Netflix subscription.  Now, I am almost done with Season 9 and luckily episodes from Season 10 are on my DVR.

Now off to rest and to start getting my stuff ready for Saturday.  Yep, the big day for me…my second 50K.


March 2014 in Review

This month I ran 140.56 miles compared to 122.09 in February.  December 2013 is still my best month with 142.39.  This month I was so close.  Dang, if only I hadn’t missed my 10 mile run on Thursday. Oh well.  Definitely another great month.  Yesterday I ran outside again and it was just perfect.  Felt so good.  Spring is definitely here.

I ran one race:  Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  I got a PR!  Very happy about my time.  I can’t wait to run a 5K and see how I do.  I think I will run the Run to Remember 5K on May 3rd.  I’ve ran it in the past and have had a great time.

ultra_marathon_50kThe Chicago Lakefront 50k is on Saturday.  I’ve been checking the weather channel and it is supposed to be 45 degrees in the morning.  Definitely good running weather.  I did my best with keeping up with my training plan.  My coach told me that this week I need to focus on resting, recovery, and staying positive.  I always struggle with the latter but yesterday’s race did send me positive vibes that I hope will last all through the week.  Plus, I am off for Spring Break so I will definitely rest and relax.


I’ve enrolled at the SESAME Program at the University of Chicago to take classes for a Math Endorsement.  I am excited about it!  I need to take 8 classes and then I will have an endorsement to teach math to middle grade students.  I will be in class on Wednesdays from 5pm-8pm.  My first class starts on April 2nd and ends on June 11th.  The next session runs for two weeks, Monday-Friday, from 9am-12pm.  Then they also also another session from 1pm-4pm.  I don’t think I want to be in class all day for two weeks but I will definitely take one class.  If I take one class per quarter then I should be done in 2016.  Ha, seems like a long time but time sure goes by fast.

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Two weeks from today I’ll find out if I got in the Bank of American Chicago Marathon!

Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle

I got a PR today!  I am so happy and still cannot believe it!!

Let’s go back to yesterday to packet pick-up.  I am so glad my nephew and I went early.  There were so many people and parking was a hassle.


I registered for the The Original 5K.  How many candy bars in the jar?

Thinking of running the BTN Big 10k in July.


My nephew and I had so much fun with the magic tricks from Open Heart Magic.  Sorry it is blurry.


Today I woke up at 5am.  Why so early?  I don’t know.  I tried going back to sleep but couldn’t so I just stayed in bed and finally got up at 6:45.  I got dressed and had breakfast.  I was nervous about the weather because it was in the low 30s.  I was undecided on which long sleeve shirt to wear but finally decided on a black and thin one.

I left at 7:30 to pick up my friend, ABH, to take the train downtown.  Lots of people were on the train going to the race.  We got off on Roosevelt and walked the 8 or so blocks to drop off my bag at the Nike Running tent.  Then we walked to the start line.  I was in Corral F and ABH was in K so I just went to her corral.  It was a long wait.  By then it was a bit warmer so I was grateful for the “late” start.

A little after 9:30 it was time to run.  There were so many people.  I did not wear my headphones but instead just focused on my surroundings and how I was feeling.  Boy oh boy I was feeling really good! I ran nonstop for 3 miles.  That has never happened.  I was planning to take a break to drink the rest of my water at 2.5 miles but instead just kept on going.

Mile 1-9:40

Mile 2-9:03

Mile 3-8:59 Fastest mile!

I remember stopping at mile 4 because I had a side stitch.

Mile 4-9:48 Slowest mile.

I looked at my watch and knew that I had a good chance of a PR.  However, I did not know it was going to be by almost 5 minutes.  I just ran and ran without stopping.

Once I was back at Michigan Avenue, I knew I was almost done.  I just had to conquer a “hill”.  I’ve walked this “hill” at every race but this time I was determined to run it at a slower pace.  I succeeded! Once I made it to the top and turned left, I just ran to the finish line.

Mile 5-9:43

Done!  Finish time is 48:38.  I couldn’t believe it when I saw it on my watch.


Overall it was a great race.  I was a bit nervous about the weather but it turned out to be great.  My only complaint is that there were so many walkers in the middle of the street.  There is nothing wrong with walking.  I’ve done my share of walking during a race but I’ve always moved to the right side of the street/road.  During this race I kept moving left and right to pass the walkers.  It was a bit annoying but I did what I had to do to get to the finish line.  🙂

After the race I went with ABG and her sisters to Waffles Cafe.  The food and coffee was delicious.


Next race is the Chicago Lakefront 50K on Saturday.

Three Things Thursday, March 27, 2014

1.  The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle is this Sunday.  I’ve ran this race six times since 2006.  My best time is 52:18 in 2010 so my goal this year is to PR.


I am not cool about my start time.  The actual race starts at 6:30 am.  Of course I am not a speedy runner so my start time is at 8:55, Wave 2.  Boo.  Funny how those in Wave 1 and maybe 2 will be done by the time I start to run.



2. I like Picky Bars.  Well, what’s not to like?  They’re tasty and have lots of good stuff for us.  They’re “real food balanced for sports”.  Just this past weekend I became a member of the Picky Club and I got my first shipment yesterday.  As a club member I get 18 bars for $37, free shipping, samples of new flavors, a free shirt, and other fun club gifts.


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3.  I love a good sale.  I bought two pairs of Brooks PureFlows 2 for $50 each from Running Warehouse.  They still have more pairs available so I think I will purchase a few more or all of them.  I love running in those shoes and I don’t think I’ve ever paid $50 for a pair of Brooks shoes.



My training so far for the Chicago Lakefront 50k

I cannot believe that two weeks from today I will be done with my second ultramarathon. I can’t remember why I signed up for something “crazy” like this.  When I signed up for this race I wasn’t sure how I would train for it because I was focusing on my quest to run a half marathon in each state. Luckily I had a coach come up with a training plan.   Fast forward weeks later and here we are.  My coach’s plan has me running 5 times a week in various speed modes (tempo, easy, steady, long, and recovery ) for a total of 415.3 miles from January 27-April 5.

As you know the weather in Chicago has been ridiculous.  Also, I hate running in the cold weather. Yes, I do like running on the treadmill and have done most of my training on it. Coach did advice me to do my long run outside.  No can do.  My excuses were always “It is too cold” and “There is snow and ice and I don’t want to slip”.  I did manage to do a few of them outside when the weather was bearable for me.  I think what makes it more difficult for me is that I run alone.  I sure could use a running partner.

Now back to the plan.  To date I’ve ran 245.7 miles but should have been 315.3.  Believe me.  I did my best to do all of my runs but there were times that I was just so tired that the last thing I wanted to do was run.  So instead I would go home to rest.  My longest run was supposed to be 26 miles.  I only ran 20.  When I began running that morning I was determined to do the whole 26 plus .2 miles to equal a marathon.  Guess the joke was on me.  My legs were hurting so much and I was almost in tears.  I honestly thought that I was injured and thought about quitting and not running the race anymore.  Well, that feeling only lasted a few hours and then I felt better once I ate and showered.

Am I injured?  I don’t know.  For as long as I can remember I’ve had problems with my hips.  My right hip gives me the most trouble.  I HATE foam rolling but I do it because Coach told me to.  I get a massage two times a month, use “The Stick” and do several hip flexor stretches (thanks to Pinterest).

January in Review

The stretches kind of hurt but also feel good.  Weird combination.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve felt (more) pain in my right leg.


I have two weeks till my race.  I was supposed to be in GA this weekend but decided not to go.  I am still running 13.1 miles tomorrow but at a much slower pace.  I have an 8k next weekend that I really, really want to do but will wait and see how I feel.

I am nervous and excited about the 50K.  I am even more excited because Michelle from This Momma Runs is also running that race and has agreed to run with me.  However, that girl is so much faster than me and I think she will get bored with me.  😀 The race starts at 8:30am at Foster Avenue Beach House.  If you happen to be in the area, come run a few miles with us.  Let’s do this!
