Three Things Thursday, March 20, 2014


Today is the first day of Spring!  I am sick and tired of the winter here in Chicago.  Let’s hope we don’t get any more snow because I don’t want to see it again this year.

1. I entered the Chicago Marathon registration lottery.  Cross your fingers I get picked.  If I don’t get picked, I won’t be upset about it.  I’ve ran this race 3 times but not enough for a guaranteed entry and I definitely do not have a qualifying time (3:15 for men and 3:45 for women).  I don’t want to run for a charity.  Why?  I guess I don’t feel very strongly about running it this year or I would have signed up to run for a charity.  In the past I’ve ran for the Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization and the American Cancer Society.  Well, if I don’t run the marathon then for sure I will be spectating.  It is so much fun being a spectator.

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Chicago Marathon-Pilsen Style

2. The new date for the ZOOMA Chicago race is Saturday, August 2.  Oh and there is also a new location for this race.  Make sure to register and use discount code CAMB8 for a 10% discount on either the half marathon or the 10K.  Come run with me and the other 14 ambassadors for what promises to be a fun and exciting race!!

3. I am a member of Team Tough Chik and was recently featured on their blog.  Pretty cool huh?

My trip to Epcot

I had never been to Epcot (well, I’ve ran through it) but finally went last month.   AR and I went after the Enchanted 10K.  After my race, I showered, we ate breakfast and hopped on the shuttle bus to Epcot.  I loved the convenience of Disney providing transportation to the parks.

I don’t get tired of seeing this gigantic “golf ball”.


photo-2Let’s go to Mexico!

Who doesn’t love mariachi music?


We had to see the Mexican Donald Duck!

Then off to Tokyo and France.

Morocco and England.  I really wanted to see Mary Poppins but no luck.

We were there for a couple of hours and I had so much fun!  However, I was tired from all of that walking.  I know, I know, I shouldn’t have walked that much the day before a race.  Lesson learned.

Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon

AR and I had pizza on Saturday evening.  It was good and hit the spot.


My alarm went off at 3am on Sunday morning.  Dang, why do these races have to start so early?  It felt like I had just gone to bed and closed my eyes and next thing I knew my alarm was going off.  I stayed in bed for a few more minutes then got up and got ready.  I was done in about 15 minutes but knew I had to do one more important thing but couldn’t do it because I hadn’t yet had any coffee.

I went to the lobby to get in line for the shuttle bus.  The line was moving quicker than I thought it would be.  About 2 minutes later AR was in the lobby and then we got on the bus.  The bus ride was about 15 minutes and once we arrived AR and I looked for coffee.  Well, I wanted coffee and she wanted water.  We found it!  What we did not know is that once we passed through the “Runners Only” area, there was free water for the runners.  Boo.  We had paid for the water and coffee.  The things Disney does to squeeze more money from people.



AR and I walked to the start line.  I got in line to use the bathroom twice (just to make sure) and then went to my corral to wait.  I did not wait too long and off we went to run 13.1 miles.  I was hoping to see Jeff Galloway but did not see him at all.


This race is the same course as the one from Walt Disney World Half Marathon.  Oh and it was humid too.

So pretty!  Can you see how foggy it was that morning?


This race went so much better for me.  Maybe because I knew it my last race that weekend and was not worried about another race the next day like I did in January?  It could have been that I knew what to expect and that the killer overpass would not bother me as much.

There were quite a few characters along the way but I did not stop for anyone except Sofia the First.

We look like twins right?

This flag too.


Finish time is 2:32:13.  I did it!  I completed the Glass Slipper Challenge and got 3 medals.  And because I also completed the Coast to Coast Challenge, I got an additional pink medal.



I had a great time in Florida but was looking forward to coming sweet home Chicago.


February 2014 in Review

This month I ran 122.09  miles compared to 90.3 in January.  Definitely another great month.  Ugh, I cannot take this winter anymore!!  It is driving me nuts!  More snow and more snow.  I cannot wait till Spring.

I ran two races:  Walt Disney World Enchanted 10K and Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon. Two humid days in FL.  After the race on Saturday, I went to Epcot and had so much fun!  I’ve never been there and am glad I was able to go.

My training for the 50K is going OK.  I’ve tried to keep up with all of my workouts but man sometimes I am just not in the mood to run.  Thankfully Coach Sara has been very helpful and understanding.  My training plan includes doing a variety of runs (tempo, steady, recovery, and long) which makes my runs interesting.  But with 23 kids in a classroom for 6.5 hours, after work all I just want to do is come home and relax on the sofa.

Papers I need to review and grade this weekend.  Not fun.


I am sure you’ve heard of Apera Bags.  I’m excited because I purchased a bag and am supposed to get it on Tuesday.  They have so bags but at the expo last weekend in FL, they were there and I was able to see the bags and decide which one to purchase.  The winner is…Sling Tote.

apera sling tote

The bag is roomy but yet not bulky.  I like that it can be worn over the shoulder or across the body. Every morning I walk out with at least 3 bags to go to work and this bag will simply make it easier for me to haul my stuff for the gym.

I also bought a pair of Aspaeris shorts.  According to their website “The patent pending technology uses Dual Sensory Compression™  in key compression zones that guide knees into the proper position, acting as a guide that creates muscle memory. This, coupled with a second layer of overall compression leads to proper joint, “loading,” to help you avoid injury and improve performance as your legs move more efficiently.”


I was worried when I got them because they look very small.  I wear a medium in Nike and Brooks shorts so I decided to also buy a medium.  No, I did not pay attention to their size chart.  The first time I wore them the waistband kept rolling down and made it uncomfortable to run.  I pulled them up and they finally stayed put.  I wore them again today, adjusted them, and ran 12 miles in them.  Not sure if that’s what I am supposed to do each time or maybe I ordered the wrong size and should have gone with a large instead?  Overall, I like the shorts.  They’re silky soft and felt comfortable once I adjusted them.  They did not ride up at all.  Yeah, definitely my kind of shorts.

How cute are these pink ones?


Walt Disney World Enchanted 10K

This past weekend I escaped the cold weather in Chicago for a warm weekend in FL.  I went back to Walt Disney World for the Glass Slipper Challenge–10K on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday. After completing the Goofy Challenge last month, I was convinced that I could accomplish anything. Well, I already knew I could but the challenge “sealed the deal” for me.

Travel plans began on Friday morning.  After last month’s travel fiasco to CA for Tinker Bell Half Marathon, I told myself that for future trips I would get on the first available flight.  My flight was supposed to leave at 6am but due to weather conditions and other technical difficulties, it left 2 hours later.


AR and I arrived in Orlando about 11:30 or so, picked up her luggage, and then headed to Terminal B for the Disney’s Magical Express Bus.  Our wait time was about 15 minutes and then we were on our way to the hotel.  The bus ride was about 45 minutes but it sure went by fast.

Check-in at the hotel was fast and easy!  We each got a personalized MagicBand to unlock our hotel room, enter the parks, and buy food and merchandise.


We stayed at the All-Star Movies Resort and this was on the way to our room.

We had a quick lunch and then off to the expo.  It was pretty much the same as the WDW Weekend last month.  This time I bought two tops from Running Skirts.  I was tempted to buy a long sleeve shirt too but realize that I have too many of them.

After walking around for a couple of hours, it was time for a drink.  Check out the cool bib!


The next morning I was up at 3:10am for the 10K.  I got ready and then headed to the lobby to get on the bus.  I did not wait long and was at Epcot about 4:15.  Then it was just to wait for the 5:30 start time.  I didn’t want to put together another costume so I wore the same one from the WDW Half Marathon.


It was a humid morning.  Finally it was time to run.  The first 3 miles were B-O-R-I-N-G.  Oh dear!  It was dark and we were running on roads so pretty much there was nothing to see.  The next half was the best part.  The best part was running along the Boardwalk.  Oh, and I ran again with Jeff Galloway. He is such a cool guy!

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I only took one picture along the course.  Love it!  I think this was about mile 5 or so.


Finish time is 1:10:38.  Definitely not my best time but I was not expecting to PR or anything like that.

I felt OK throughout the race.  The humidity did not help at all.  I was disappointed with the course. This was the first year of the 10K so hopefully they’ll change it for next year.

I liked the convenience of staying at a Disney property.  There was an airport pick up, transportation to/from the expo, and transportation to/from Epcot for the race.  Oh, and I loved the MagicBand.  My only complaint is that there was no coffee maker in the room.  In every hotel I’ve stayed in, there’s always been a coffee maker.  The cafeteria was not open on race morning nor was there any coffee in the lobby.  I am a big fan of coffee and MUST have it every single morning.