ZOOMA Chicago


I’ve been selected as an ambassador for the ZOOMA Chicago Half Marathon & 10K.  Yes, I am excited!  I’ve heard so many great things about this race and am happy to be a part of it.  The race will be on Saturday, August 9.  The half marathon starts at 7am and the 10K at 7:30am.

It will be an exciting weekend — a mocktail party, recovery yoga, and running with friends.  Every participant receives a cool swag bag which includes a technical tee (see below), a pair of Feetures! Performance Socks, a ZOOMA running hat, and a reusable bag.

ImageCheck out the medal!  Pretty cool huh?


Register online or download a registration form.  You can this discount code CAMB8 to save 10% for either the half marathon or the 10K.

January 2014 in Review

This month I ran 90.3  miles compared to 104.65  in December.  Almost all of my runs were on the treadmill.  I refuse to run on the snow.  I don’t mind too much the cold but I hate running on snow.  No thank you.  Yes, I’m a wimp.  And we’ve had plenty of snow here in Chicago.



I also ran three races:  Walt Disney World Half Marathon, Walt Disney World Marathon, and Tinker Bell Half Marathon.  Of course each race was different but my favorites were the marathon and the Tinker Bell Half Marathon.  On Tuesday I signed up for the Dumbo Double Dare (10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday).  I am convinced that if I can finish the Goofy Challenge (half marathon on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday) then anything else is a piece of cake.

In April I will be running my second 50K.  I got myself a coach and she put together an awesome 10 weeks training plan.  So far training hasn’t been too bad.  This week was week #1 and all of my runs were on the treadmill.  Did I mention the snow?  She did tell me to set the treadmill incline to 1 percent.  My first run was on Tuesday, 7 miles with 2 at tempo pace.  I enjoyed my run.  Nice and slow but at 0% incline.  But then on Wednesday was 5 miles at easy pace.  That kicked my you know what. I was feeling tired and could not keep up so I only ran 4 miles.  Thursday’s run was 7 at a steady pace. Again I was tired so I only ran 5.76 miles.  Today’s run was 14 at a long pace.  Yes, I was determined to run all 14 today and I did.  Tomorrow in only 10 miles.  My coach told me that by next week I will not notice the incline on the treadmill.  We’ll see about that.  🙂 I realize that my 1st week was kind of rough for me but hopefully it will go smoother in the upcoming weeks.

In January I began running in another pair of my favorite Brooks shoes, the PureFlow 2.  Love them!


I am excited about this month’s races, RunDisney Glass Slipper Challenge.  The challenge is a 10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday.  Easy peasy right?  I am debating on whether to wear a costume.  If I do, most likely they’ll be the same ones from the Goofy Challenge.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl!  What team are you rooting for?

My trip to CA after Tinker Bell

I ran the Tinker Bell Half Marathon last Sunday then stayed an extra day to go to Disneyland.  The last time I was there was in 1991.  Yeah, a long time ago.  Below are pictures from my fun trip.

I told my nephew he needs to get me this keychain.  He laughed.


Time for the parade!

It’s a Small World.

I saw Woody!


Disneyland looks beautiful at night!

The fireworks at night were spectacular.

Time for some sightseeing before heading to the airport.

Finally a good breakfast in Hollywood.


I had a great time in CA.  The weather was just perfect, I enjoyed running the race, and had a great time at Disneyland.  Oh and I am a little bit jealous for those that live there because I am tired of the snow and cold weather in Chicago.


Tinker Bell Half Marathon

This past weekend I made my way to CA  to run the Tinker Bell Half Marathon.  I had a blast running that race!  However, I almost did not run the race.

My flight was supposed to leave at 10:10 am on Saturday morning with a connecting flight in Denver and then on to Orange County/Santa Ana.  The Chicago flight was delayed so I was not going to make it to the Denver flight.  After searching for a few minutes, the agent found a flight that would get me into CA at 3:30pm.  The catch?  I had to fly to Des Moines, IA, wait on the plane, head on to Las Vegas, and then get on another flight.


Once in CA almost everything went smoothly except that we didn’t get off the plan till almost 4. I ran out of the plane and airport to catch a shuttle to the hotel (thinking that I could check-in and then walk to the expo).  Well, after talking to the shuttle agent he told me to just get to the Disneyland Hotel for the expo and then catch a cab to my hotel.  Good idea!  Except the driver was still waiting for other passengers.  Boo. After about 10 minutes later we were off.  Oh, and the driver had an attitude with me because I told him I had to be at the Disneyland Hotel by 5pm.  And because now this post will be longer than I intended to be, the driver dropped me off at 5:10.  Yes, I was late and could not get my bib.  Luckily, I found out that I could pick it up on race day.  That made me so happy because I was almost in tears when I found out the expo was closed.

On race day I was up at 3:00am.  I made coffee, got ready, and ate two pancakes.  I then walked to the shuttle bus stop and saw the bus coming along and I was at Downtown Disney in about 5 minutes. So convenient.  I must have walked over a mile to the Information Booth to pick up my bib.  Then I just wanted for the race to start.  It was 48 degrees which is ideal running weather.  Eventually I got cold so I ducked inside one of the hotels and stayed there till almost 5 and then made my way to the start line.

If you’ve ran a Disney Race you know that it is always fun and exciting right before the start of the race.  I was in corral B so it took me about 10 minutes to cross the start line.

I ran, walked, and took pictures for about 3 miles.  It was fun running through Disneyland and California Adventure.  It was still dark and I enjoyed all of the lights.

I ran the last 10 miles with Jeff Galloway.  I actually enjoyed the run/walk method.  I’ve ran and walked during a race but never followed any specific time frame.  With this method I was able to run at a decent pace and take quick/short breaks.  This made the miles go by faster and before I knew it I was crossing the finish line.

I enjoyed this race much more than the WDW Half Marathon.  It wasn’t as hot and there was more to see.  Plus, I enjoyed the convenience of shuttle buses to and from the race.  I stayed at the Best Western Plus Raffles Inn & Suites and there was a shuttle bus stop just a short walk from the hotel. My favorite part was running by “It’s a Small World”.  I stopped for a minute or two to admire the lights.


Things did not start well for me on my way to CA but it sure ended well.  My finish time was 2:28:17.   My next Disney race will  be next month in Disney World for the Glass Slipper Challenge.

Brooks PureProject Apparel

On Thursday I had the opportunity to attend a Brooks PureProject Apparel Fashion Show at Fleet Feet Chicago.  I almost did not go because I was tired by the time I left work and did not want to make the drive to Old Town when home is by Midway Airport.  Anyway, I am glad I went because I had a blast and I got to see a former coworker that I hadn’t seen in about 6 years.

The first thing I did when I arrived was to get some wine and food.  It was delicious!!  I must have filled my plate about 5 or 6 times and my stomach was very happy.


There was women and men’s apparel.  The line that was presented was two shirts for women and one for men, jackets (for men and women), and a pair of pants for men, and shorts and capris for women. We also saw the new line of PureProject shoes.

The fabric for the shirts is so soft.

From the website:

Screen shot 2014-01-18 at 9.21.53 PM

Cute jackets right?

Love the jacket and would like one for me.  The shirt is the same material as the women’s.

Can’t wait to run in these shoes!

I love running gear.  I have a lot at home but once in a while I find myself buying something new for me.  I almost bought the short sleeve shirt but could not justify paying $60 for it…yet.  🙂

Overall it was a fun night!


Oh, and let’s not forget about my former coworker, JF.  So great to see her!!


All photos are from Colin Gazley.