On Sunday, I ran my 6th marathon and the final race of the Goofy Challenge. On Saturday I ran the half marathon and my legs were sore at the end. Yes, I was worried because I had no idea how I was going to survive 26.2 miles.
On Sunday my alarm went off at 3am. I made coffee, changed, went to the bathroom, and ate my breakfast. We then left around 3:45. I felt like there was more traffic on Sunday than on Saturday. Not a big deal because we still made good time since we were in our corral a little after 5. Then the fireworks and off we went.
I was so grateful that the weather was just PERFECT. It was about mid 60s and I felt really good running the race with JB. Well, my legs were not happy. JB rocks!! She held a good pace and for the most part I kept up with her. The race took us through almost the same route as the half marathon (except the overpass which made me happy). I must have been more alert because I enjoyed running through Magic Kingdom so much more than on Saturday. The view of the castle was so beautiful.
I was feeling really good and did not want to stop for any pictures. I didn’t even stop (just slowed down) at the water stations. I think I finally figured out how to drink from a cup while running without spilling any of the water.
I was doing really good until almost mile 12. There was a water stop and I told JB to keep going. My quads were killing me! I was almost in tears because I was in so much pain and I wasn’t even halfway done. I got worried. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish. I panicked. I decided to go for it and finish the darn race. I took advantage of the big bottles of Biofreeze at the medical tent and put some on my quads.
Next we ran through Animal Kingdom. I loved it there. I kept on running but took some walking breaks. I saw Rafiki but did not want to get in line for a picture.
Then came running through ESPN Wide World of Sports. I enjoyed that so much more. We ran at the Track and Field Complex and Champion Stadium which made my legs happy. I was so hungry and was grateful for the bananas at the next food station. I knew I was almost 3/4 done and that made me very happy.
The rest of the way I ran as much as I could while taking some walk breaks. The sun was already out but I never felt hot. At some point there was a breeze and that felt really good.
One of my favorite parts of the race was running through Hollywood Studios. I’ve never been there and had a blast! Plus, I knew that once we ran past it then it was just 3 miles till the end. There were so many spectators and that made me happy.
Once I got to mile 25 I lost it and broke down. I could not take anymore the pain in my legs. The spectators were saying things like “You’re almost done” and “Great job” but I did not care. I just wanted to be done. I walked a lot during the last mile.
Another familiar view and I knew I was almost done.

Once I saw the finish line, I ran as fast as I could. Finally done! Finish time is 5:30:37.
I met the fabulous Jeff Galloway.

Even though my legs were hurting on marathon day, I still had a GREAT time at the race. I enjoyed running through the various parks and was really happy about the weather. Not once did I feel dehydrated, dizzy or anything else associated with hot weather.
I am so happy I had the chance to run this race. I ran it for fun and not for time. My goals were to 1. Have fun and 2. Finish the race. That is exactly what I did and could not be happier about it. I know Disney races are expensive but I encourage you to run this marathon.
One complaint I have is that some runners were just plain rude. JB and I ran together for almost 12 miles. We ran on the right side and close together as possible. There were some runners behind us that when it came to pass us, instead of going around, they ran right in the middle of us. One guy was running so close to me that when he said”On your right”, he almost tripped me.
Now, would I do these two races again? No. Maybe just the marathon but definitely not both races.