Strike Out ALS 5K

Yesterday I ran my 99th race, the Strike Out ALS 5K.  Let me just tell you that it was a muggy evening for a race.  I ran with members of Team Ruth in support of my friend, LH, whose sister has ALS.

I met up with them at 5:30 pm and then went to gear check to meet members of the Chicago Running Bloggers.

Strike Out ALS 5K

Again, it was muggy outside.  Before I left my house I took a water bottle with me in the hopes that I would run with it.  I knew there was only one water station along the way and knew that was not enough for me.  Well, I finished the water BEFORE the start of the race.  There was water by the start line so I grabbed another bottle.

The race began a little after 6:30.  I had trouble with my Garmin locating a signal so I got out of the line and waited a few minutes.

The course was mainly through the U.S. Cellular Field parking lot.  Boring.  I did not like it one bit.  I really tried to stay positive but I was hot, thirsty, and already had a headache.  I finished my water bottle a little after the first mile.  The view was not interesting at all.  I cursed the sun in the hopes that it would go away.  No luck.  I focused instead on the reasons I was running this race.  So many people/families are affected by ALS and as much as I was unhappy about the weather and the course, I was still grateful that I was healthy and had two running legs.

The last half mile or so was inside the stadium.  I remember hearing last year that it was hot and long. Well, it was long but not hot since the AC was on.  I kept on running and took one walking break before we were finally outside the field.  We still had about another quarter mile before the finish line. It was cool there because it was like running to make a home run.  I was so happy to see the finish line!!

Strike Out ALS 5K

Weekly Workouts, July 8-14, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 2 x 1200 (2 min RI) and 4 x 800 (2 min RI)

I updated my running plan based on the book “Run Less Run Faster”.  This one ends the week of 9/22 and then I start training for Goofy Challenge.  And I also have a training plan for it.

I know speed workouts are supposed to be hard but how hard?  In the past I was doing them at 8:20 but it was just too difficult that I found myself taking breaks..a lot.  With that many breaks it just defeats the purpose of speed workouts.  So now my speed workouts will be more manageable but yet difficult for me and with time I will get that sub 2 half marathon!

These week’s workouts were the same as last week.  And I felt great (better than last week) when I was done.  I raised the incline to 1% and ran them in 9:01 (1200s) and 8:45 (800s).

Thursday – 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ 9:52, 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ 9:52,  1 mile easy
Done.  I was sweating up a storm when I was done.

Saturday – 10 miles
I met my friend, PA, for another long run along the lakefront.  We decided to meet at 6 am but he overslept and we did not start till close to 7.  I was annoyed but then realized that it happens (it could happen one day to me).  So I used the extra time to stretch and use the bathroom.

I used Aquaphor in the areas that I normally chafe and it worked!  However, because it was a hot day and I was sweating a lot, I also chafed in other areas that I normally do not and that left me very unhappy.

Sunday – Yoga
Another 1.5 hours of hot yoga.  I think I am getting the hang of it.  But my right leg/hamstring/hip is still very, very tight and some poses are just too difficult for me.  I know I need to stretch more so that I can do these.  Pretty cool huh?

Total miles ran this week is 24.5.

Three Things Thursday, July 11, 2013

1.  I am finally using my Lock Laces and let me tell you that I LOVE them!  Never again do I have to tie my laces again.  I remember I had a pair of Yankz but for some reason I did not like them so I either threw them away or gave them to a friend.  I hope it was the latter.  And because of the Yankz experience I hesitated to try the Lock Laces but am so glad I did.  They come in different colors so you can match them according to your shoes color.  Mine don’t really match because those came in my June StrideBox but I still like them.

Lock Laces Giveaway

2.  Yes I am Disney crazy so I signed up for the TinkerBell Half Marathon in January.

Three Things Thursday, July 11, 2013

3.  Lately I’ve been hearing so much about Aquaphor as an anti-chafing cream.  I chafe… A LOT.  I’ve been using BodyGlide for as long as I can remember but I still chafe.  There is nothing worse than taking a shower and screaming in pain as the water hits that raw area.  I found a small Aquaphor tube in my dresser and will try it out and see if it is as good as people are saying.

Just Keep Running!

Changes and wake-up call

So much has been going through my mind.

This year there has been three deaths in my family (my aunt’s husband, my mom’s sister, and my dad’s sister).  Three deaths within 6 months.  I know that life is short and to live life to the fullest but sometimes I “forget” it.  I mean sometimes I take it for granted and don’t enjoy it to the fullest.  Or maybe my definition of enjoying it to the fullest is different than other people?  I work hard and a lot for about 9 months of the year (teacher) and enjoy my summers off.  During the summer I travel when I can, stay home to relax, meet up with friends, and do other things that I normally would not do during the school year.  So far I am having a good summer.  But my aunt’s death really hit me hard.

I like to eat.  Well, who doesn’t right?  I never watch what I eat.  The more food there is, the more I can have right?  Over the last couple of years I’ve watched the number on the scale go up.  I’ve ignored it because I was running a lot and now have muscular legs.  Muscle weighs more than fat right?  But still that number on the scale bugs me.  And don’t get me started on my weight measurement.  Let’s just say it is not a pretty number.

I fail at  portion control.  Many times I’ve eaten (because the food was so delicious) to the point that my pants were tight.  And then I am disappointed in myself because I ate so much.

Last year my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic.  I was shocked!!!  That was the last thing on my  mind because hey I am a runner.  Runners are healthy and don’t get diabetes.  Wrong!  She told me it could be because all of the carbs.  I told myself it could be my daily dose of an XL Dunkin’ Donuts coffee with cream and sugar.  But really that is the only thing that gets me through the day with a classroom of 1st graders.

I am learning and trying to be more conscious of not only what I put in my mouth but also how much I put in it.  My mother is here from Mexico and makes these really delicious meals.  It is hard to say no to tortillas, beans, pozole, carne asada, etc, etc.   Our meals have too much fat and too many carbs.  Bad, really bad.

My goal now is to pay more attention to what I eat and how much I eat.  I am specially paying more attention to the sugar contents.  I don’t expect it to be easy and know that it will take some time. 

I have a doctor appointment in two weeks.  I am hoping to get good news from her.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, July 1-7, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 2 x 1200 (2 min RI) and 4 x 800 (2 min RI)
Tired. Not feeling it so I only ran 3.65 miles. I am losing my mojo to run intervals. Maybe I’ll take a break from them. Or maybe it was one of those days. But then again I’ve been having too many one of those days.

Thursday – 3 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy.
I ran 4.06 miles at the Community Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th race.  It was a great race and you can read the recap here.

Saturday – 9 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I met up with PA again at 7am on 31st street. We decided to alternate our meeting location because we live on opposite sides of this world. 🙂 It was already too hot at 7am. He had to run 11 miles and at first I was fine with it but then told him to go ahead without me and that he could meet up with me on the way back. I was no longer planning to run 11 miles. I finished my run and he came along about 15 minutes later. Next week we are meeting at 6am. His plan is 12 miles and mine is 10. We’ll see how it goes.

Went back to Bikram Yoga Chicago for 1.5 hours of hot yoga. Today was the first time going on a Sunday. I found parking in front of the studio and there were no more than 20 people in the class. I don’t know if it is like that on Sundays or maybe people were away because of the holiday. The instructor was nice and friendly. He assisted me several times with some of the poses. I really need to go there more often. Some of those people are really flexible and have no trouble with the poses.

Total miles ran this week is 17.21.