Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Half Marathon

Done, state #21.


I took an early flight from Chicago and arrived in Seattle around 10:30am.  There was no hotel shuttle and a cab was too expensive, so I took the light rail. I bought an all day pass for $5.75.  Score!

I booked my hotel, The Roosevelt, through Southwest.  I loved it!  It was a block and a half from the light rail/monorail to get to the expo AND the start line. Plus, it was close to Pike Place Market and many other stores and restaurants and I thought the price was reasonable.

The expo was cool!  I bought watermelon flavored Nuun tablets and three Sparkly Soul headbands. Unfortunately, I lost one (red, blue, white) that I was planning to wear with my new ProCompression socks in a 4th of July race.  I also purchased monorail tickets to the start line (Space Needle) and back to the hotel. I met Mel from Tall Mom on the Run.  She is really nice and we chatted for a little bit.

That evening I had pad thai from Wild Ginger.  I went to bed at 8 pm because my body was still on Central Time plus my alarm was set for 5:25 am.

Race day came and I got ready.  I walked to the monorail to get to the start line.  I had to use the bathroom and found one inside a building.  Then I proceeded to follow the crowd to the start line.  I realized I had to go again to the bathroom and left my corral to use the port-a-potty.  They smelled horrible! But when you have to go, you have to go.  I got in line again and had trouble with my Garmin.  No satellite.  Ugh, I got out and saw Mel again.  I realized afterwards that I did not take one picture with her.

Finally it was time to go.  I encountered my first hill after mile 1.  I thought it was never going to end. Of course there is always a downhill which was nice. I liked the view and felt really good at this time. At mile 6 we ran next to Lake Washington.  It was just beautiful!!  Plus, it felt good to be in the shade. I stopped to admire the view and also to see pictures of soldiers that died during the war. That made me really sad.




At mile 8 there was another uphill and I refused to run.  I was tired.  It was after the mile marker that we ran in a tunnel.  I did not like that AT ALL.  It was hot, dark, loud, and long.  I swear it was about a mile long!  There was a band playing close to the end of the tunnel which made no sense.  I ran as fast as I could because I just wanted to get out of there.  We then ran in the highway/expressway and it was mostly downhill.  We passed Safeco Field and CenturyLink Field.

I always find the last 3.1 miles of a half marathon to be the MOST difficult part of the race.  That is where I struggle the most.  I need to remind myself that it is only a 5K and not difficult at all.  Mile 11 is when the first marathon runner passed me up.  He was fast!  Right before mile 12 we ran in another tunnel.  Not happy about it again.  The last mile was mostly uphill.  Ugh!  Two more marathon runners passed me up.  A little before the finish line a runner had collapsed and that freaked me out.  I had no energy to run/sprint to the finish line.  My legs were not cooperating at all.

Here are my splits:
Miles 1 through 4 – 9:37, 9:45, 11:24, 10:02
Miles 5 through 8 – 10:58, 10:55, 11:43, 11:47
Miles 9 through 12 – 12:37, 11:48, 11:45, 12:44
Mile 13 – 10:32

My finish time is 2:30:39 and according to my Garmin ran 13.42 miles.  Am I happy with it?  No.  I really struggled in this race.  It was HOT and HILLY.

I got three medals at this race!

1) Running Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Half Marathon
2) Running both races in Portland and Seattle
3) Running 7 Rock ‘n’ Roll races


After the race I went back to the hotel to shower and change.  Then for lunch I went to Tap House Grill.  The burger and beers (sampler) hit the spot.


Afterwards I walked over to Pike Place Market but was not impressed with it.  I ended up just walking for a little bit before heading back to the hotel.




Weekly Workouts, June 17-22, 2013

Workouts this week:

Monday – Cardio
25 minutes on the elliptical was quite a workout for me.  I did intervals and did not get bored at all.  The time went by fast!

Tuesday – 5 x 1000 (90 sec RI)
Done.  It was tough and I struggled to get them done.

Wednesday– Cardio
25 minutes of intervals on the elliptical.  Loved it!

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Did not run.  I was supposed to do yoga but instead took a break since I had a half on Saturday.

Saturday – Half Marathon
I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Half Marathon.  The weather was great at the beginning and there were some parts of the course that I liked.  It was HILLY and HOT towards the end!  My finish time is 2:30:39.  I tried really hard to finish close to 2:22 or 2:23 but had no energy towards the end.  I will have a recap on Tuesday. I will be taking a break from races for a few weeks.  My next one is Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon, July 21, and I am really excited about that one.

Three Things Thursday, June 20, 2013

1.  I do like running on the treadmill.  I watch TV and/or listen to music on my iPhone.  I like it even more when I need to do speedwork because it keeps me on track.  I’ve read in several places to set it at 1% incline.  Here is the link to a conversions chart.  When I do speedwork I set it at 7.5 (since I am “supposed” to run them at an 8 minute mile) but according to the chart I am actually running them at an 8:20 minute mile.  What?  I guess I need to crank it up to 1%.  However, I recently read a post on Become a Better Runner!  from Women’s Running Magazine (tip #21) that states to up the incline to 3%.  Yikes!!

2.  Last week I saw “Spirit of the Marathon II”.  I can honestly say I liked it a lot and found myself a few times in tears.  Watching the movie inspired me to run another marathon.  I know I’ve signed up for the Goofy Challenge in January but I am not looking at it as a “real” marathon or to PR but more as a challenge since I’ll be running a half marathon the day before and to have fun running through Disney.

3.  And something not running related, I am upset that the San Antonio Spurs lost Game 6 on Tuesday.  I was really hoping they’d beat those cocky Miami boys.  Let’s hope they win today!  By the way, did you happen to see that cute little kid, Sebastien de la Cruz, singing the National Anthem at Games 3 &4?  Oh my!  I am embarrassed to admit that I STILL don’t know all of the words to the National Anthem.  I can sing a few words to it and do so at my races but that’s it.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, June 10-16, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 6 x 800 (90 sec RI)
Done.  I had so much energy and wanted to do more.  It must be the chia seeds in my green monster smoothie that I drink almost every day.

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Did not run.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran 3.13 miles for a virtual 5K.  It was another gorgeous day to run along the lakefront.

Training for the Fort2Base 10 NM

Total miles ran this week is 9.08.

Since I am doing The L.A.T.E. Ride at the end of the month, I decided to take out my bike for a ride. And yes, I did that along the lakefront too.  It was tough at the beginning but then I got the hang of it. I did 2 miles and took a break because my quads were on fire and my seat was not so comfortable (even with a seat cushion).  I did another 2 miles and took another break. I guess that was my warmup because I turned around and rode 4 miles straight for a total of 8.

Weekly Workouts, June 10-16, 2013

After today I truly admire those people that do LONG, LONG bike rides.  What I plan to do before my bike ride is to shop for another bike.  The one I have is a good one but it is a mountain bike and HEAVY.  I also want a more comfortable seat.  I would have pedaled longer today if my behind was not hurting.  As for the quads being on fire, breaks solves that problem.  🙂

Medals and Bibs Holder

I did it!  I made my own medals and bibs holder!

Medals and Bibs Holder

On Thursday I went to Michaels and bought paint, brushes, nails, decorations (stars), and three pre-cut boards. I painted the boards on Friday and applied a coat of Super Gloss Mod Podge so that they would look shiny and let them dry overnight.  Yesterday I added the hooks (from Target) and stars.

Medals and Bibs Holder

I have a lot of medals and the same number of bibs.  So, one holder won’t be enough and I definitely need more for the medals.

Medals and Bibs Holder

Since I had another board, I painted that white and added a coat of clear paint with glitter.  I cannot wait to see the final results!
Medals and Bibs Holder


It was fun doing these because my nephew helped me and I have plenty of time right now. However, I saw some other cute ones on Etsy and might buy 1 or 2 or I might just buy more boards and make them myself.  At least I’ll save money because I have most of the materials and I definitely have time right now.

Thanks to PavementRunner for inspiring me and giving me direction to make them.