Weekly Workouts, May 27-June 2, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 12 x 400 (90 sec RI)
I did not run.  Instead I took a break because I had some pain on my right side.  It does not hurt when I walk or run but only after I run.  I went to get a massage last week and the masseuse told me that it was the oblique muscles causing the pain.  She told me I should be OK to run.  I know I experienced that pain after the Rock ‘n’ Roll Portland Half Marathon but don’t know exactly why.

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
I did not run.  Still taking a break.

Saturday – Half Marathon
I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Half Marathon on Sunday.  It was a good race. A flat course with many turns and more turns.  That was the only downside of it.  I will write a race recap in a few days.

Just Keep Running!

May 2013 in Review

This month I ran 73.89 miles compared to 71.64 last month.

I ran two half marathons: Rock ‘n’ Roll Portland and Boston’s Run to Remember.  I LOVED both races!!  I encourage you to run both of them.

My upcoming races in June are Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego on June 2nd and Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle on June 22nd.  Definitely taking advantage of the TourPass.

I’ve been to bikram yoga twice and do like it.  I wish I could go more often.  I guess I can do that once I am done with school which is next Friday.  Yay!!

My Mizuno Wave Elixir have not given me any problem.  Well, the only problem is I get blisters from the orthotics.  I read that Brooks is coming out with their new Ghost 6 and they’re supposed to be amazing.  I love the ad featuring that they’re made of real float dust.  I’ve ran in the Ghost 5 but they hurt my feet.  I am hoping the new version are pain free.

May in Review
Source: http://www.brooksrunning.com

I love buying new running gear and have purchased two pairs of socks, a skort/skirt, and a couple of T-shirts. I am addicted.

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013

1.  I signed up for another challenge, the Runner’s World Summer Run Streak.  The plan is to run at least one mile from Memorial Day through Independence Day (39 days).  So far I’ve been running for four days, three loops around the school in front of my house.  I have to change up the route because I am getting dizzy from running the same loops.

2. This Sunday is my race in San Diego.  So that means not one but two medals!

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013


Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013
Source: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/heavy-medals

3.  Another perk of running the race on Sunday is an invitation-only to the upcoming new movie “Spirit of the Marathon II”.  Very excited about it!  Are you planning to see the movie?  I know it will be showed at various theaters on Wednesday, June 12.

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Keep Running!

Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon

Done, state #19.

I registered for this race in November of last year for $45.  Great deal right?  The host hotel, The Seaport Hotel, was sold out so I searched for weeks for an alternative hotel.  I was put on a waiting list for The Seaport Hotel and decided to stay at the Hyatt Harborside.  On Wednesday afternoon I got a message that there was a room available for me.  That made me very happy.

I arrived in Boston on Saturday morning.  It was a gloomy day.  Luckily my room was available so I left my suitcase in the room and went to the expo which was across the street from the hotel.  Not too many vendors were there but I bought a running skirt and two shirts.  I paid $30 for the skirt and one of the shirts. Great deal!

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

There was a dedication for Officer Sean Collier.

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

The course map.

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

I was up at 6am on race day.  I love staying at hotels in which the start line is right across the street. In my race packet there was a note letting us know that security was going to be tight and that we would be searched.  I understood the reason behind it but it just felt weird.

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

There were so many people and everyone was happy and excited about the race!

It was really crowded at the beginning of the race.  About 3/4 into it, I took off and passed a group of Marines.  So handsome!  🙂  I made it my mission to finish before them.  We ran next to the Charles River. This part of the course was mostly flat, calm and peaceful.  We passed a group of police officers cheering and giving high fives to the runners.  The turnaround point was past Harvard University. Such a beautiful campus!

As I turned around to head back I saw the Marines pass me up. Darn!  I could not keep up with them. By then I had eaten one GU, drank plenty of water and Gatorade and was already tired.  I had some pain on my right side and was chafing in my chest area.  I found a medical tent and rubbed some vaseline to help with the pain.

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

The last 3-4 miles we ran through Beacon Hill, the Public Garden, and Boston Common.  We passed the “Cheers” pub and laughed when I heard someone asked “Does everybody know your name?”  By then the sun was out and I was a little warm but knew I was close to the finish line.

At mile 12, I saw the group of Marines and cursed myself for not keeping up with them.  They were cheering the runners and that motivated me to keep on running.  As I turned on Congress Street I knew I was even closer to the finish line.  Another turn to Seaport Lane and I could see more people cheering.  I could see the finish line!  I ran as fast as I could and was finally done.

I went inside the World Trade Center to get some water and my medal.  There were boxes of Zico coconut water and people were taking one bottle and others a whole box.  I drank one bottle and took two more for the trip home.  I got my medal and was about to walk out when I saw the group of Marines.  I noticed they were just getting their medals.  I realized that when I saw them earlier they hadn’t crossed the finish line.  They were waiting for the rest of the group in order to finish together. That brought tears to my eyes.

It was a great race.  I had a great time and loved every minute of it.

Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

Weekly Workouts, May 20-26, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday –  6 x 400 (400 RI)
Done.  I had another meeting after school on Tuesday so I ran instead on Wednesday.  I felt really good throughout these workouts.

Thursday – Yoga
Done.  Another 1.5 hours of hot yoga.  This time it went much better for me.  I remembered to take my mat, long towel to cover it, and hand towel to wipe the sweat off my face.  This time I drank a big bottle of Gatorade prior to the class and I did not feel like I was going to pass out.

Saturday – Half Marathon
I ran the Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon on Sunday.  It was a GREAT race!  I loved every minute of it.  I always get chills when I listen to the national anthem and today was just even better.  There was a dedication for Officer Sean Collier.  He was the 4th person killed as a result of the tragedy at the Boston Marathon.

Total miles ran this week is 18.33.

Upcoming race is the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Half Marathon on Sunday, June 2nd.  Finally, I will meet the FANTABULOUS Rebecca Massie from Run Like a Girl, and Mean It!  She has a great sense of humor, runs super fast, and is supportive and dedicated to her students.  If you don’t follow her blog, make sure to do so because you will love it.  I told her that my goal is to cross the finish line before her.  Note that she is running the full marathon and starts at 6:15 am.  I will be running the half and start at 6:45.  Did I mention that she is a speedy runner?  Wish me luck!

Just Keep Running!