Workouts this week:
Monday – Cardio
Rode my bike along the lakefront. I forgot my Garmin but I think it was about 9 miles.
Tuesday – 4 x 1200 (2 min RI)
Done. It was tough and I struggled to get them done.
Wednesday – Cardio
Skipped the bike and instead went for a massage. My legs were sore. 🙁
Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
It was rough but I only did 2.41 miles. I was very tired. I did not want to get up in the morning and told myself that I would feel better once I started running. Nope, did not happen.
Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran with my college friend, PA, who is running the Chicago Marathon in October. I have not seen him since last year in October. We had a great time! For the most part I was able to keep up with him but struggled towards the end. With a half mile to go, I told me to “go” and he did. That was OK with me because I did not want to hold him back and I told him that various times. He was cool with staying with me for most of the run.
I cannot believe that we’re already halfway through the year. This month I ran 80.43 miles compared to 73.89 last month. This year I’ve run 467.83 miles and I’m a bit behind if I want to meet my goal of running 1,000 miles this year.
I ran two half marathons: Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego and Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle. My best time was in San Diego (2:22:06) but then did not so good in Seattle (2:30:39). Oh well. I should not be so hard on myself and expect a good race every single time. Actually, it can be a good race if I just change my attitude. Is it all about the finish time or the experience? If it’s the former than I’m in trouble because I have many more races this year and I don’t expect a PR at each one. It can be a fun race if I don’t focus so much on the finish time but instead pay more attention to the course, the volunteers, the runners, and anything else associated with the race. So my plan for the rest of the year is to enjoy my races.
I’m thinking of doing the 4 on the 4th race on Thursday. My 4 mile PR is 44:28 from November 2008. Yes, it’s been that long. I think it’s time to find out if I can set one this year.