Three Things Thursday, May 16, 2013

  1.  This past weekend I went to Fleet Feet Chicago and bought a Garmin Forerunner 10.  It’s supposed to be a simple watch.  When I run I only want to know distance, time, and pace.  And this watch will give me just what I need.  Plus, I fell in love with the color!

2.  On Saturday I am off to Portland to run in state #18.  It is supposed to rain and check out the elevation map.

I received this email below on Tuesday.  Yay!

Three Things Thursday, May 16, 2013

3.  I finally took the plunge and took my first bikram yoga class!  I can cross it off this list.  I have a headache which is probably from the heat.  I did like the class but I am not used to the heat.  I bought a new student monthly pass so I can go as many times as I want till June 16.  Definitely will take advantage of it!!

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, May 6-12, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 2 x 1200 (2 min RI) and 4 x 800 (2 min RI)
Done.  I had a meeting scheduled after school so I did my workout on Monday.  I enjoyed the 800s more than the 1200s.  Next week’s speed workouts are 5 x 1000s.

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Done.  I had to finish up, shower, eat something fast, and then head out to another negotiation team meeting.  I was there till about 9pm.  Definitely a long day for me!

Saturday – 8 miles a@ HMP, 10 minutes walking
I traded the treadmill for a nice long run along the lake.  Gorgeous!  Next Saturday I will be in Portland for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Portland Half Marathon.

Check out my colorful gear!

Total miles ran this week is 20.74.

Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday-May 9, 2013

1.  I got my latest medal from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Series.

2.  I am participating in two challenges-squats and planks.  The planks are not so bad but the squats are BRUTAL.  I may or may not sign up for another squat challenge anytime soon.  Ask me in a couple of months.


3.  I registered today for the L.A.T.E. Ride on June 29th-30th.  It is a 25 mile bike ride that goes through various Chicago neighborhoods.  Finally another item to cross off this list.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, April 29-May 5, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 6 x 400 (400 RI)

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Done.  Ran these in my new running shoes and new shorts.  No pain with the shoes.  As for the shorts, a little tight around the waist but maybe I was just feeling bloated/fat that day?  I hope so.  I will wear them for another run and then decide if I will keep or return them.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran 6.34 miles which includes the 10 minutes of walking.  I was just not feeling it.  It had been a long and tough week at work.  My students were misbehaving galore!!!  I was supposed to drive to Iowa for a half marathon yesterday but decided not to go.  Instead, I slept in both yesterday AND today and it feels really good.

Total miles ran this week is 15.34.

Three Things Thursday-May 2, 2013

1.  I received the email below.  The half marathon in Pittsburg was cancelled.  Dang, that would have been my race in PA.  Luckily, there is another race in Philadelphia in September so I registered for that race.

2.  To top it off I also found out that the Cleveland race has been moved from Saturday, October 5th to Sunday, October 6th.  What else is Rock ‘n’ Roll going to change?  I don’t mind it too much because now I can leave for Cleveland on Saturday and not take a day off on Friday.  When I found out I changed my airline and hotel reservation.  I had to pay a little bit more for my return flight to Chicago but got a hotel closer to the start/finish line.

3.  I’ve read great reviews about the Eugene Marathon that took place last weekend.  I wished I would have ran it this year but now I am determined to make my way over there next year.  For a great race recap read Kim’s at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.

Just Keep Running!