Little Rock Marathon Expo

Hello, I am at the hotel resting before tomorrow’s race.  I arrived last night but it took forever to get to the hotel because of a cab situation, and then Jaime and I went to the lobby for a drink..or drinks.

This morning I met Jess at Run with Jess as she waited with her husband for the start of the 5K (her husband was running that race).  She is such a great person!  I already knew that because I read her blog a lot.  🙂

Afterwards I met up with Jaime to eat breakfast and then to go to the expo.  I was not disappointed with it.  There were a decent number of vendors but I told myself that I was not going to buy anything.  Well, I just bought another red flower by Fellow Flowers and one of their shirts.  So cute!

The decor was neat!

I met Bart Yasso.

I got taped!  I’ve been having some slight discomfort in my IT band so someone from KT tape helped me out.

The medals!  The one on the right is for the marathon and the other one is for the half marathon.

The start line.  See the Marriott sign?  That is our hotel.

Off to get more rest.  Just Keep Running!

February 2013 in Review

This month I ran 66.18 miles compared to 90.01 last month.  Short month and I missed quite a few workouts.  ;-(  I ran one half marathon in February:  Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon.  I took it easy after the race because I think I was tired from too much running.  Is there such a thing?  In March I have two races:  Little Rock Half Marathon and Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Marathon and Half Marathon.  I am so excited about both of them.  Then in April I have two more races and a trip to Riviera Maya for Spring Break!!  Fun!  These socks are awesome.  I love how they fit and how they make my legs feel during and after a long run.  And the colors?  Fantastic!!

A few months ago I purchased the “Christmas socks”.  I finally got a chance to wear them today to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  My socks were a hit with everyone in school!

During my long run on Tuesday, my shorts ripped in the left inner thigh area.  I felt discomfort (chafing) but did not realize the extent till I got home and showered.  Ouch and painful!  Well, that area still has not healed and it hurts every time I walk.  I better put a bandage or something or I will be in big trouble for Sunday’s race.

Today I am leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas to run in state #14.  The weather is supposed to be nice for a race.

February in Review

I have to leave now for the airport.  Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, February 18-24, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday  – 5 x 1000 (400 RI)
Done.  I changed the speed (7.1, 7.2, and 7.3) after each set.  I felt great after each one!

Thursday – 3 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Did not run.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I only ran 2.67.  I felt like a big loser.  I woke up late because I was out with friends the night before. I did not have time to run before my doctor appointment at 12:30 so I decided to go afterwards. Ugh! At the gym I felt horrible.  I was dizzy and nauseous.  I decided to call it a day and go home.  My friends told me that maybe I was dehydrated from the sangrias the night before.  I made a rookie mistake.  That  morning I had coffee with my breakfast and did not drink water at all.  Lesson learned but I should have known better.

Next week’s speed workouts are:
2 x 1200 (2 min RI)
2 x 800 (2 min RI)

This is how I translated it: run 1.5 miles, recover for 2 minutes, run 1 mile, recover for 2 minutes. Am I right? Total ran this week was 13.02.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, February 11-17, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday  – 5 x 1000 (400 RI)

Did not run.

Thursday – 3 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy

Did not run.

Saturday – 11 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking

I only ran 6 miles with a 5 minute cooldown for a total of 6.29.  Total ran this week was 6.29. I was in a funky mood this week.  Tired?  Probably, so I took a break.  I felt better on Saturday but my body was just not up for running 11 miles.  I think I need to review my training plan again.  Do I really need to run 11 miles the weekend after a half marathon?

I am sure this week will be a great week.  No school on Monday, the following week we have teacher institute day on Tuesday, and the the week after that we are off on Monday.  Oh yeah, I plan to get all of my workouts too.  I cannot wait till Spring Break because I will be going to Riviera Maya.  I am looking forward to the warm weather, the non stop drinks by the pool, and the chance to finally relax and not think about work.  I received these cute Pro Compression socks.  Love the color!


Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon

Done, state #13.  Is the number 13 really an unlucky number?   This would have been a “perfect” race (flat) but yet it was a tough race for me.  I am still racking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong.

My finish time was 2:28:22.  I did so much better in Phoenix and that race was just as flat.  The weather?  Both races were sunny but this race was a bit warmer.  I remember that I was sweating before I finished mile 1.

I was tired by mile 6. My legs felt like lead.  I could not make them go faster.  I tried.   I was trying to enjoy the race but it was just too hard. I want to run a race but also have a little bit of fun.   I just couldn’t.

The course was boring.  The best part of it was the last three miles.  There were beautiful houses and amazing crowd support.  I even managed to take a few pictures which I never do during a race.

I was happy to see the finish line.  I think one of them was John Bingham aka The Penguin.

As usual there was delicious food after the race. Unfortunately, I could not stay long because I had to get back to the hotel for my 11am check out.  Too early I think.

I wish I could say I liked this race but I just can’t.  Of course this is just my opinion as other people would say just the opposite.

As for the medal, sigh, kind of boring. What do you think?

Hopefully March is a better month.  I will be in Arkansas for the Little Rock Half Marathon and in DC for another Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon.

Just Keep Running!