Done, state #15. Well, I know Washington DC is not a state but let’s pretend that it is for the sake of this blog and my running goal. I was very happy with this race because of my finish time (2:22:43) and the weather (it did not rain). Also, the shirt was kind of cool. So far I’ve received three shirts from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series and this is the second one I like.

I did not write a post about the expo because it was pretty much the same from other Rock ‘n’ Roll expos. I like the expos but did not find anything that I really wanted or needed.
The weather forecast called for rain on race day. I don’t mind running in the rain but do mind it when it is cold too. It is such a miserable experience! Luckily, there was no rain on Saturday. It was kind of cold so I went back to the hotel (the start line was 2 blocks from the hotel) to put on my long sleeve shirt. I am glad I did because there were times in which I was cold.

I felt really good for most of the course. It was boring but I listened to music so that helped a bit. There was great crowd support in parts of the course. And then there was this massive hill around mile 6. Now, who does that?

I felt a few drops around mile 10 and prayed that it would not rain. I mean I was almost done and was cold and did not want to get wet.
My favorite part was running towards The Capitol. Such a pretty view and great because it was mostly downhill. Not good for my quads but made me feel like flying.
It was a challenge to get to the finish line. I remember it being mostly uphill. I was very happy when I crossed the finish line and got my medal.
I love how there is so much food at these races. There were so many people that it took me a good 10 minutes to get out of there. I had to meet my friend, Jaime, because we were taking the Metro back to the hotel.
I LOVE Washington DC and am so glad I went for a race. My visit was not complete until I went to see the White House. Mission accomplished!

Just Keep Running!