Three Things Thursday

1.  Finally done with school.  Time to travel, run, and have fun.  Enough said.

2.  I am leaving this afternoon to Madison, WI for the Ragnar Relay.  When I joined the team I was Runner #2.  I was responsible for running the following: 4.5 (Moderate); 4.4 (Moderate); and 6.2 (Hard).  Not bad right?  Well, I found out Sunday that now I am Runner #6 and have to run, ready….10.9 (Very Hard); 3 (Easy); and 5.8 (Hard).  Gulp!  I don’t mind too much running 11 miles but very hard?  I really, really hope they’re not very hard at all.  On a good note, I found out that “Runners who run leg 6 at the Ragnar Chicago have something extra to be excited about – besides conquering the longest leg on the course.  Be prepared to receive a special gift from Pacifico as you finish Leg 6!”  Free beer for a year?  I hope so!!

3.  I am debating whether to run the Women’s Half Marathon in Minnesota on August 26, the Philadelphia Half Marathon on November 18, or The Space Coast Half Marathon in Florida on November 25. Decisions, decisions.  Have you done any of  these races?  What did you think?

Run Happy!

May 2012 in Review

I am a little late with this post.  Blame it on “feeling blah” and “ready to end this school year” attitude.  This month I ran 81.4 miles compared to 35.3 last month. Total this year is 421.18 miles.

I ran four races in May: Run to Remember 5K, First Midwest Bank Southwest Half Marathon, Y-Me Race at Your Pace,  and Fleet Feet Sports Soldier Field 10 Mile.  I did not finish the Chicago Spring Half Marathon.  I did all of these races last year and managed to not only PR on the 10 mile race but also to improve my finish time from last year on 3 out of 4 races.  Yay me!!!

Upcoming races this month include.

Ragnar Relay Chicago
Late Night 6 Glo Run
Guaranteed Rate Disco Dash 5k/10K

I will also be doing a duathlon on the 24th.  I’ve never done a duathlon and am super excited about it.  First, I will run 2 miles, a friend will bike 11 miles, and then I will run 2 more miles.  I don’t own a bike and have not been on one in years.  Well, except for an 18 mile ride last year in Ecuador in which I fell and told myself I would never get on a bike again.  Maybe next year I can do both portions.  I don’t have a time goal for the duathlon except for us to finish it.  I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t but you just never know.

Run Happy!!

Three Things Thursday

1.  I have 7 days left of school (last day is Tuesday, June 5).  Well, maybe 6 since we are going to the Museum of Science and Industry the day before our last day.  I am so excited!  This has been my most difficult year with my students.  I’ve had so many problems with them.  I am hoping that next year is better.

2.  Once school is done I will be doing a Ragnar Relay from Wisconsin to Chicago.  I am excited and nervous too.  This will be the first one I do and have no idea what to expect.  I’ve met with one of the team’s captains and she explained a few things for me.  There is another meeting in June to meet the rest of the team and discuss final details.  I need to review my packing list and make sure I have everything.

3.  In mid June I will hike at Yosemite Mountains.  I purchased a 3 day camping adventure from San Francisco.  It will be definitely be an exciting adventure.  I hope I can keep up with the walking since this trip will be a few days after the relay race.  If I get too tired I can always head back to the tent for a nap.  🙂

Run Happy!

Races, DNF, and Mistakes

For the past three weekends I’ve had a race on Saturday and Sunday.  I know, crazy me.  Too many races and not enough time in between to rest.  My results are proof.  I’ve done these races last year and my finish times this year are not any better.   So frustrating!!  I have no one to blame but myself.  However, I did place 2nd place my age group in one of the races. I’ve listed the races below first listing the finish time from last year then this year.

Wrigley Start Early 10K-1:06:16; 1:05:19, CARA Lakefront 10 Miler-1:49; 1:49:43, Alivio y Salud 5K-29:48; 30:38, Run to Remember-31:14; 30:17, Palos Heights Half Marathon– 2:26:16, 2:28:03, Y-Me Race At Your Pace-30:59; 29:52.

On Saturday I ran the Chicago Spring Half MarathonLast year I registered for the half marathon but then changed to the 10K.  So glad I did because it was cold and windy.  I should have changed it to the 10K this year too.  The race was along the lakefront and I knew it was going to be flat.  However, I did not pay too much attention to the weather.  Ugh!  Big mistake!  I arrived downtown at  about 6:30 am.  The half marathon began at 7 and the 10K at 7:30.  I used the bathroom, dropped off my bag, and used the bathroom again.  I use the bathroom a few times before a race.  I get nervous EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I was off to a good start.  Weather was great and no wind.  Mile 1 came quicker than I expected.  I looked at my watch and noticed that it was only .80 of a mile.  After each mile I looked at my watch and it was still off by .20 of a mile.  Oh well.  Just keep on running.  The turnaround point was a little before mile 7.  When I saw the mile marker, my watch showed 7.05.  OK.  Much better.  By then it was windy, cold, and raining.  I did not prepare for the rain.  I was wearing shorts and a semi-cotton shirt.  I am a big fan of Champions shirt and bought a shirt that was supposed to wick moisture.  Umm, I guess it is not the same thing as rain.  I was soaking wet.  I was cold too.  I knew I was not going to finish the race.

I saw an ambulance a little before mile 8 and asked the driver if he was heading over to the finish line.  Not yet is what I was told.  I got in the van and was given a blanket and heating pad to warm up.  Also, one of the workers gave me a plastic blue gown to wear.  I was close to a major street and thought that I could get a cab to get my car and go home.  Why bother running?  I was so cold and could not run anymore.  I realized that I had no cash nor a credit card.  I was so mad at myself because I usually run with one or both of them.  This time nothing!  I had no choice but to walk.  I saw mile marker 8 and realized I still had 5 more miles to go.  That is more than an hour.

Runners passed me up.  I was angry because I had not prepared for the rain; no jacket and was I wearing the wrong shirt?  I was even more angry because I had no cash nor a credit card for emergencies.  I had an emergency and I couldn’t do anything about it.  I had no choice but to keep on walking.  The rain stopped but I was still cold.  There were no other runners.  I was definitely the last one.  I realized that I’d better hurry up because I had left my bag at the gear check and I did not want to lose it.  Around mile 11 I alternated between walking and running.  I caught up with two runners from the race.

Finally I arrived at the finish line but did not cross it.  I had thrown away my bib because the plan was to not finish the race.  I was wrong.  I managed to finish it whether I wanted to or not.  I have no official finish time but I know it was about 3 hours after I started the race.  That was my first “DNF”.  I picked up my bag and went home.  Oh well, I guess runners have at least one horrible race.  I learned to ALWAYS, ALWAYS from now on run with cash and a credit card.  No buts.  I never want to go through that again.

Run Happy!

Five Random Things

1. I decided to go back to school to pursue my Type 75 Certification.  It is a two year program and once I receive my masters, I can continue to be a classroom teacher or be an administrator.  I knew from the beginning of this new career that I was not going to be a teacher for a long time.  I don’t see myself being 50 years old and still being a teacher.

2. I signed up for the Race Around the World Duathlon on June 24.  I will be missing out on the Chicago Women’s Half Marathon.  I guess it is OK.  I can still (hopefully) do one offered by the Divas Half Marathon Series or the Lady Speed Stick Women’s Half Marathon.

3.  I am toying with the idea of running a half marathon in each state.  Originally, I had thought of doing a marathon in each state but quickly changed it to a half marathon.  I’ve been following Kim’s blog at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls and told myself that I could do this too.

4.  During my race on Saturday I developed a pain in my left foot.  My first thought were the orthotics.  I’ve ran in them before but only on a treadmill.  Saturday was the first time I ran outside.  Once I got home I took them off and replaced them with the original insoles.  I wore my gym shoes to work today and my foot feels much better.  I am afraid to run in my orthotics this weekend.  Maybe the 5K on Saturday will be OK but definitely NOT the 10 Miler on Saturday.

5.  I know eventually I will need surgery on my right foot.  I have a bunion that is growing and is giving me trouble.  Usually the pain goes away for a few months with a visit to the podiatrist.  She injects this liquid in my foot and that helps with the pain.  However, I went last month and my foot still hurts.  It could be that the bunion is just getting worse or the podiatrist inserted the liquid in a different part of the foot (she did tell me that she was going to do that).  I am hoping it is the latter because I went all crazy and registered for almost every race I could find in the Chicago area.  My plan is to run until November of this year then take a few months off for the surgery and recovery.