Little accident

Yep, I was running Tuesday morning along the streets of San Antonio.  I ran a little over a mile and then turned around to head out for a different route.  The plan was to run 4 miles.  Well, I was running against traffic on the street (there was no sidewalk) and I saw a few cars coming my way.  I decided to jump back on the grass to avoid getting hit.  Well, I miscalculated and brushed against some plant.  Immediately I started bleeding.  I stopped the bleeding and thought about actually keeping on running.  I saw my leg and blood and decided not to.  Luckily I was not too far from my sister’s house so I called her to pick me up.  Total miles ran was 2.04.

Today the cut did not look much better.  I had forgotten to put Neosporin on my leg yesterday so it looks like it might be infected.  Sigh.  Also, I did not run today.

Hopefully tomorrow it will be better.

Feliz Navidad

I hope you’ve all having a good holiday!  I sure am.  My sisters and I and my nephew came to San Antonio for the holidays.  We will be here till January 3rd.  So glad we came.  The weather has not been so great but it is supposed to warm up this week.  I don’t get back to work till the 9th so at least I will have a few days to relax in Chicago.

I have been a good girl this year so I decided to treat myself to some running shoes.  I already own a pair of Pure Cadence which I love so I bought Green Silence and Ravenna.

I LOVE the colors of the Green Silence.  I also love that they’re so lightweight (about 6.4 oz).

Feliz NavidadThe Ravenna feels so comfortable!

Feliz Navidad

I cannot wait to run in these shoes.  So did you get something for yourself for the holidays?

November 2011 Review

This month I ran 84.3 miles.  Much better this month.  Below are the races I completed this month.

  • Chicago’s Perfect 10 Mile, November 12
  • Run 3.14 Pie, November 24

Both races were new this year.  I had a great time at both of them so I plan to race them again next year.

Total miles ran this year is 657.93.  Definitely no chance of hitting 1,000 miles before December 31.  That is OK because my new goal is to run 1,000 miles before November 19, 2012 which is the day before I turn 40.  Yep, you read correctly.  I will turn 40 next year.  Do I feel almost 40?  Nope.

November in Review

I put together a list of 40 things to do before I turn 40.  Below is my finalized list. 
  1. Skydiving   
  2. Rollerskate 
  3. Blackhawsks game 
  4. Scubadiving 
  5. Whale watching 
  6. Taste 40 different beers/tequilas 
  7. Bikram yoga 
  8. Ballroom/pole dancing 
  9. Relay race 
  10. Slumber party 
  11. Drive-in movie 
  12. Pottery class
  13. Visit a country/continent that I have not been to
  14. Go to the Grand Canyon 
  15. Hike at Yosemite Mountains 
  16. Do ultramarathon (50K) 
  17. See U2 in concert  
  18. Hot air balloon ride  
  19. Take a CPR class  
  20. Learn sign language  
  21. Participate in the Chicago Polar Plunge 
  22. Go on a helicopter ride 
  23. Travel first class 
  24. Visit the four corners (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado) 
  25. Learn to play poker and go to a casino  
  26. Learn to play pool 
  27. Watch every movie that has won an Academy Award Winners for Best Picture 
  28. High Tea at the Plaza Hotel in New York 
  29. Get palms read/See a psychic/Get a tarot card reading 
  30. Run a marathon in another state 
  31. Participate in the Women’s Half Marathon 
  32. Run 1,000 miles 
  33. Rock climbing 
  34. View the top 100 paintings and pick top 10 favorites 
  35. Highlights on hair 
  36. Go to a bar alone 
  37. Horse carriage ride 
  38. Speed date/blind date 
  39. Graceland 
  40. Mt. Rushmore

No upcoming races until the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in New Orleans.  I am registered, got my hotel, and now looking for a cheap ticket to New Orleans.

Finally got my Brooks PureProject Cadence.  To date I’ve ran 33.16 miles and they feel GREAT!!  I love them!  They’re expensive ($120) but totally worth it.  My next pair will be a Ravenna.  I know that in a previous post I wrote that I was a fan of Asics.  Well, I have converted to a Brooks fan.

Glad it is December.  That means only less than 3 weeks of work and then off for vacation.  I will be visiting my sister and nephew in San Antonio.  Yay!!  I am so ready for it.


November in Review

Run 3.14 Pie Race

Run 3.14 Pie Race

Today I ran for pie.  What an awesome race!!!  The race began at 8:30 am and luckily a friend called me a little after 7 or else I probably would have missed it.

I arrived at the race site a little after 8 and was happy to see that we had access to a high school which meant a warm area to wait and real bathrooms.  I dropped off my bag, went to the bathroom, and then waited in the gym for a little bit.  A few minutes later I made my way outside.  I LOVE, LOVE hearing the National Anthem!!!  I do not get tired of it.

We ran through the streets of La Grange.  Great course!  No inclines which made me happy.  I did stop a few times because I was running too fast.  🙁  I need to learn to pace myself.   As soon as I saw the finish line I ran as fast as I could.  I passed several people which made me smile.  I accidentally pressed the “start/stop” button on my Garmin before mile 2 so I don’t know my official finish time.

I was one of the first 500 runners to register so I got a free pie.  Since I did not win a medal I was happy with it.  Yummy!  Next year I will just have to run FASTER!

Run 3.14 Pie Race

Look what was outside?  Poor turkeys.



Of course I had to get pictures with them.


This year was the first time this race was held and I thought it went very well.  However, the only thing I question is how the finish time will be determined because they was no chip on the bib.  As I crossed the finish line I gave a volunteer a perforated piece of the bib with my number in it.  I was told that the volunteers were supposed to keep them in order for finish time purposes.  Huh????  Another volunteer told me that a scanner would scan my number at the finish line to determine finish time.  Well, regardless I hope I find out soon.  😀

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Enjoy this special day.