3. What a day and ready for the weekend

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

What a day it was yesterday!  I was at work till 6:45 pm.  I try not to stay that late anymore but I needed to get a few things done.  

I had a meeting with the assistant principal at 3:30.  That lasted about half an hour.  Then I went back to my room to get some copies done, organize some of my data charts, and check my email.  I check it throughout the day but this time I deleted a few, responded to a couple, and moved some to folders.  I hate having a full inbox.  Right now I have 7 emails in my inbox and that is still too many for me.

I don’t hate my job but there are days when I do not like it.  I feel like I will never catch up and get all of my work done.  There is always something that needs to be done and not enough time.  The 2020-2021 school year was awful!  2021-2022 was bad and this current year is just as bad.

I know it is only November and I am already stressed out.  I still have a few more months to go so I need to figure out a way to get through them.

But it isn’t always that bad.  I care a lot about my students.  They make me smile and laugh.  They draw cute pictures for me which I hang on my walls.   Today during recess two girls drew a picture on the playground.  Cute, right?

2. New month and new goals

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Hello November!  It is one of my favorite months because of my birthday and Thanksgiving.  Plus, that means December is around the corner along with the end and start of a new year. 

As I write this post I am massaging my left foot with a foot roller.  Plantar fasciitis is the worst!  It is clearly the worst running injury I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve also had a mild calf strain but this is just worse.  I sent a message to a sports medicine doctor asking about a cortisone shot. 

Yesterday I ran for 15 minutes in a pair of new shoes I got from Brooks.  Last month I participated in a fun run and the rep told me she would send me a free pair of either the Ghost or the Hyperion Tempo.  I chose the latter.  I love the teal color!  I didn’t find them to be as comfortable as the Ghost but maybe it is because of the injury.

Here are a few goals for this month:

➡️ Feel better.  My right hip also hurts.  I’ve been meaning to try yoga but haven’t gotten around to doing it.

➡️ More consistent in running.  I still have a few more states to run in for my 50+1 Goal so I need to sign up for one or a couple more races soon.

➡️ Read one or two books.  I have 2 books from the library and am excited to read them.

➡️ Not work so much.  I say this all of the time but many times it isn’t possible.

➡️ Take better care of myself.  How is it that I can spend hours at work but not do the same taking care of myself?  See point #1 regarding yoga.

Here is a photo of Mateo.  No reason but just because.  This was after I came home yesterday after my run.

1. 1,000 posts and Happy Halloween!

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Welcome to my first post of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), 30 posts in 30 days!  It is my first year participating and while I am excited about it, I am also a little nervous.  It should be an interesting experience too!

November is my birthday month and this year it is the big 5-0.  Yep, I turn 50 this year.  So many thoughts about it but I will leave that for another day.

Anyway, this post is my 1,000th post!  I’ve been blogging since January 2011.  I had no idea what I was doing when I started my blog.  I began using WordPress and then went back and forth with Blogger before finally deciding on WordPress.  Oh, and I’ve changed my domain name a few times too.  See, no idea.  OK, maybe a little since I am still blogging. 😆😆

The best part about blogging has been the bloggers I’ve met and the support and encouragement they’ve given me.  I’ve had a few rough years with running and being a teacher and they’ve all been there for me.

I am pleased to let you know that I survived Halloween.  My kids were excited and they actually did well.  We did our usual reading and writing.  The rest of the day we did some fun Halloween sheets (math, word search, etc), watched movies, and played hot potato.

I was going to dress up as a cat but then remembered I had a witch’s hat.  A simple and easy costume.

I made treats bags for my students.  Too much?  Did I over do it?

I am also linking up with Tuesday Topics!  Make sure to join the linkup! 

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Tuesday Topics: October 2022 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I cannot believe October is almost over and we have 2 months left this year.  And what a year it has been so far!

So let me tell you about how this month is going.

Mileage:  I am currently at 28.85 miles.  It isn’t my lowest.  It is February with 1.49 miles.  This past weekend was gorgeous with weather in the 70s.  Very unusual for October.  But this week it will get cooler with Fall weather.

Current Book:  I began reading “Landslide” then put it down to catch up on a few TV shows.  Then I requested from the library in audio version “A Place for Women” so I could listen to it on my way to work and home.  I couldn’t focus.  There were some parts I did listen and enjoyed but then got lost when I wasn’t paying attention.  I decided to request the book instead and am waiting for it.  How do people listen to audiobooks all of the time?

Current Shoes:  Still running in the Brooks Ghost.  So far I’ve run in them 230 miles.

2022 Running Goal:  My goal this year was to run 1,200 miles.  To date I’ve run 464 miles.  I am OK with not making this goal.  At least I am out there running whenever I can and want.  It will be interesting to see how many miles I end up doing this year.  I will keep you posted!

Injuries: I am still dealing with plantar fasciitis and hip pain.  My chiropractor said the hip pain could be from a tight hip.  He told me to stretch more.  I am trying.  It hurts to even do that.  My runs have been either 20 or 30 minutes but maybe I should stop running for a few days to get better.  And how could I still be dealing with injuries if I am barely running?

Blog: I had a folder on my computer desktop with ALL of my blog pictures.  I was organizing the desktop (I do not like it when it is cluttered) and I must have deleted it by mistake.  I searched for it but it was gone.  Then I remembered that I may not have all of my photos in a folder but they’re still on the blog.

I am not blogging much these days but am interested in 30-day blogging challenge in November.  Next month is National Blog Posting Month.  Can I do it?  I think that if I sit down and plan then I could come up with blog posts for each day in November.  Read more about it HEREClick here for best practices and here for writing prompts put together by our very own San who blogs at The in between is mineWhat makes me think that I can do this is when she says “Also, remember that not every blog post has to be a deep, long, elaborate piece of writing. Sometimes sharing a picture or some random thoughts is all it takes to engage your readers!”  Sounds manageable?

School:  As usual it is hectic and nerve wrecking.  As much as I tell myself that I need to focus on myself and not work so much, it just isn’t happening.  I am doing too much and there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all.  It is very frustrating when there is a lot of work to be done to help our students in reading, writing, and math.  Surely it shouldn’t have to fall on all of us to help them with this.  What about the parents?

Health:  I have my days when I sleep OK and other when I do not sleep OK.  I don’t wear my Fitbit anymore and instead wear my Garmin.  The data shows that I sleep usually around 6-8 hours each night.  I don’t feel as tired as I used to but sometimes do take a nap on the weekends.  

Thanks for listening!  This is more like a coffee date than a monthly review.  😀 😀

Topic for next week – Tips for Finding a Running Group.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Favorite recovery tools

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Favorite recovery tools.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Runners have a basket or baskets full of recovery tools.  We need them.  These tools help us feel better and recover faster.  Below are the ones I have on hand.

➡️ Massage Gun Deep Tissue Percussion Muscle MassagerI’ve had mine for three years now.  I’ve used it on my mom and my coworkers.  Lola even likes it!  It is easy to use, quiet, cordless, and rechargeable.

➡️ R3 foot roller-This hurts but helps with plantar fasciitis.

➡️ Ryson Foot Roller Massage Ball for Relief Plantar FasciitisAnother tool for plantar fasciitis.

➡️ HoMedics® Therapist Select Foot & Calf Massager-This was gifted to my mom by two of my sisters.  I use it more than than she does.  I love it!

What I really want are Compression Recovery Boots.  But I think that with what I already have should be enough.

Topic for next week – Free Topic.  Feel free to write about any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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