How is it already Sunday? This past week did go by fast. I go back to work tomorrow but am not ready. I still haven’t done my lesson plans, but how can I when I was on break. Hopefully I can leave work at 3pm. Balance, right?
Here is how my week went.
January 2-8
Monday: Walked 2.63 miles. My sister and niece came over and we made green pozole. Not as difficult as I thought it would be. It does taste different than white pozole and I prefer that one.
Tuesday: Ran 3.04 miles. A good run. My runs on Tuesdays and Thursday are 3 easy miles which I like.
Later in the day I met up with a coworker for lunch. It felt good to talk, laugh, drink, and eat!
Wednesday: Ran 3.05 miles. I ran this with each mile faster than the previous one. I did this a bunch of times with my previous coach. However, I had no business doing this at the paces that were already set on Garmin Connect. My first mile was to be done between 11:45-12:15. That was too fast for me. I did good though but it was still tough (average pace was 12:16). I know for next time I will start slower.
I took a fun Peloton class with Matty. I liked the playlist and enjoyed a song by Ace of Base. I don’t remember it at all but now have added it to my Amazon playlist.
Thursday: Ran 3.04 miles. Same workout as Tuesday. Managed to run it faster.
In the afternoon I was supposed to meet up with a former worker but felt really tired and stayed home. I finished reading “Come Fly The World”. One book down and 11 to go. I already began reading my next book.
Friday: Walked 1.76 miles. It was cold that morning. I am enjoying my walks but need to do better about my gear. I cannot wear the same thing I do for running. Another option is to walk faster.
Saturday: Ran 5.11 miles. I was up late on Friday and it was hard to get out in the morning. It was in the 30s but minimal wind. That is how I like it for Winter.
Sunday: Walked 3.27 miles. It was ideal walking weather, low 30s with minimal wind. It also could have been because I was wearing a warmer jacket.
It was a good week of walking and running. One of my goals is to do a Peloton activity everyday. There are so many options. This week I did either a running or walking class. I haven’t taken a bike class but need to figure out when to add that to my training schedule. Something else I need to add is strength training but not sure when to do that.
Running: 14.24
Walking: 7.66
Cycling: 0
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.