9. A time to vote and a day off

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

It felt good to be off yesterday.  I had parent/teacher conferences on Monday till 7pm.  Somehow I woke up with a headache on Tuesday morning.  That rarely happens so not sure why that happened.  I got up, ate breakfast, and did some things around the house.  Then I went to vote and then met the inspector for the house inspection.

Let me say that I am having second thoughts about the house.  I received the report and and feeling very overwhelmed by it.  The house needs more work than I was expecting.  Of the 61 items that were inspected, 21 are safety hazards ranging from plumbing, to electrical, to moisture damage due to water seepage from the yard.  Part of me says to go for it and hire a contractor to fix the items and another part of me says to forget about it and keep looking.

I knew it was too good to be true.  Didn’t I say that yesterday?  

Time to think about and make a decision.

8. Parent/teacher conferences and my biggest aspiration

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Yesterday was a long day for me.  I woke up at my usual time, drank my coffee, and checked email.  Then I went to the car shop to have my tires checked out, went to eat breakfast, went to Target, then to the bank, and finally made it to work.  I was there by 9:30am.  I had conferences from 11:30am-3:30pm with a break for lunch/dinner and then again from 5:00-7:00 pm.  Almost everyone showed up which is a good thing.

This was my breakfast and it was yummy. 

Mimosas sounded much better.  😀

Many of you know that I’ve been wanting to buy a house for a long time.  I’ve seen many, many houses, and there were some I liked and others I did not.  The housing market has been booming with houses selling for $100k or more from one year ago.  

On Saturday I went to see a house and liked it a lot.  The price was lower than what I’ve seen in previous months.  I put in an offer and it was accepted.  To say I am excited is an understatement.  However, part of me still cannot believe it and am “waiting” for something to go wrong.  Why am I being so negative?  I feel like it is too good to be true. 

Today is the house inspection and am crossing my fingers that no major repairs need to be done.  If all goes well, I will close, and can move in before the end of the year.  How’s that for ending 2022 with a bang!

 I am also linking up with Tuesday Topics!  Make sure to join the linkup! 

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7. A semi lazy Sunday

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Sundays are my days to really relax because then I have to go to work the next day.  Staying out late is out of the question.  😀

I spent time with my cats and read a book.  I am liking it! 

Then I went to a family party to celebrate my uncle’s 86th birthday.  I had a lot of fun because I saw other family members that I haven’t seen in years.  I didn’t stay out too late because even though I didn’t have to be at school till 11:10am for parent/teacher conferences, it will still be a long day because I have to stay till 7pm.

Let’s hope it goes well with the parents!

6. A fun Saturday!

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

On Saturdays I do laundry and then take it easy and relax the rest of the day.  I rarely have or make plans on a Saturday and that is OK with me.  A friend invited me to a joint birthday celebration for her stepsons.  The kids could play video games and the adults could eat and drink too (kids eat too).  It felt good to hang out with friends. 

I had a beer flight.  Each glass was about 6 ounces and they were all good.  I don’t drink a lot of beer because it fills me up quickly but do enjoy it once in a while.  I prefer wine or a martini.

5. Flu vaccine and what a Friday!

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Thursday after work I went to pick up my mom and then went to Walgreens to get the flu shot.  I took a Tylenol before going to bed and woke up feeling fine on Friday morning.  However, later in the day I felt awful.  I was hot, had a fever, and felt really tired.  My coworker gave me a Tylenol and felt better about 2 hours later.  I don’t remember feeling that bad last year.

This was me resting in a chair when my students were in art/STEAM class.

Then on my way home, I was less than 10 minutes away, someone rear ended me.  I was fine and nothing major happened to the car.  I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.  I’ve had my car for 2 years and that was my first (and hopefully last) car accident.

Earlier I stopped at Target and saw this cute Starbucks mug.  I was tempted to get it but didn’t because I have many mugs at home.  Now I regret not getting it.  I mean, it is my birthday month so I should get it right?  Next time I go to Target I will buy it.