Tuesday Topics: May 2022 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is How will you celebrate Global Running Day?  It is on June 1st.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am deviating from this week’s topic to instead do a monthly review.  Global Running Day is on Wednesday and I plan to run that day.  I do not know exactly how long I will be running but I will be out there.

Another month/sheet to rip off from my wall calendar.  With May almost over that means we are almost halfway through the year.  And what a year it has been so far!

As you know I was excited to pack up and finish this school year.  I was moved to the classroom across the hall.  It faces east, bigger, and nicer layout.  I was actually excited about it – even if it meant packing EVERYTHING in my room.  On Friday we found out that the school will be closed for the 2022-2023 school year and I will be going to a different school.  Not only do I have to pack everything, but I need to bring my personal stuff home.  Why?  In case boxes get lost, misplaced, etc.  I have spent a lot of money on school stuff and I would be upset it I don’t see it in my room next year.  The good thing about it is that now we have until June 10th, instead of the 7th, to pack up.  But during that time I also need to set up my room for Summer School.  Sigh.  These next two weeks will be very interesting.

package delivery throne

So let me tell you about how this month is going.

I was doing good in May with my run streak but halfway though the month I got a cold.  Once I was better, I got a fever.  It must have been too much for me because I took a week off to recover.  However, I wasn’t feeling it and took a few days off again.  I don’t think I’ll start a new run streak and I am OK with it.

Mileage:  I finished the month with 55.40 miles.  I am a bit disappointed because last month I ran 68.13 miles.  I know it is lower this month because I missed 10 days of running.  All of my runs have been easy runs with run/walk intervals.  Each day I run for a specific amount of time instead of miles.  No complaints there!

Highest Mileage Week:  18.16.  It was during the first week of May and it took me 3:49:15 hours.  

Current Challenge:  None.   😀  Any other ideas?

Current Book:  Finally reading “Falling”.  So far it is good.  I told my sister she could put the TV I had in my room in her room.  I told her I was planning to read more instead of watching so much TV.  Right now the only show I am watching is “The Golden Girls” and can watch it on my phone or my computer.

Current Shoes:  Still running in the Brooks Launch 7.  So far I’ve run in them 147 miles.

2022 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,200 miles.  I am 13% done with 163.80 miles.  Who knows how realistic this goal is.  There are 7 months left this year.  That means on average I would have to run about 148 miles each month.  Doable?

Topic for next week – What’s on your Summer bucket list?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Fit Five Friday and May 2022 Runfessions

Last month I wrote about how things were going so well with my student.  Not sure what happened but he is back to not behaving well.  Let’s just say he was out yesterday and is supposed to be back today.  I was planning to take a few days off next week but I thought about it and decided not to.  I want to spend the last couple of days with the rest of my students.  I am not going to let one student ruin that for me.  I was told that if he doesn’t want to do anything in the classroom, to send him to the office.  Seven more days!

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional!  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennMichelle, and me!  Let’s get started, shall we?!

I runfess…
Remember how I few months ago I told you that I didn’t know my car had a remote starter?  Well, a few weeks ago I found out about the anti-theft system for the radio.  🙄  Not sure how it was activated.  I followed the directions but could not enable the system.  I was getting frustrated.  Then something clicked in my head.  I used the power button for the radio.  I was pressing the wrong one!  I was using the one for the car.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️

I runfess…
That a few days ago I was in a group text with a few other teachers.  During the day I am fine with the messages going back and forth.  That night someone sent a text at 10 pm.  What?!?  I had my phone on vibrate but I still heard the sound.  Then others responded but I went to sleep.  I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw that there were over 30 messages with the last one at 11:30 pm.  Part of me wanted to respond at 5 am when I was up.  I couldn’t but I know I should have.  Would you?

I runfess…
That last week a few teachers were recognized because their students made advancements in an iReady (a math platform) diagnostics test.  They each received a certificate.  Everyone in my team got one except me.  I tried not to let it bother me but deep down inside it did.  The certificate didn’t bother me.  It was the fact that my students did not score high enough.  I kept wondering what did the other teachers did so that their students scored high.  I thought about what I could have done different.  I thought that maybe it is because my kids are bilingual and I teach math in English.  Who knows but then I was annoyed at myself for letting it bother me. 

single tear

I runfess…
That I got my assignment for Summer School and will be teaching 1st grade GE (English).  I was upset when I found out because I applied for a dual language (DL) position.  I emailed the Principal to remind him that I didn’t apply for a GE position.  He told me that there were no more DL positions.  Part of me doesn’t want to teach Summer School anymore, but a coworker reminded me that it is only 3 weeks.  I know I am letting my ego get in the way.

I runfess…
That I am beginning to dislike driving because of the drivers.  Many are just awful and impatient.  I’d like to think I am a good driver.  I see many drivers driving way past the limit on the streets, change lanes because the driver in front was “too slow”, and texting while driving.  Doing those things can cause an accident and we don’t need more to happen.

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.

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Tuesday Topics: Off Topic Tuesday with a few of my favorite things

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Off Topic Tuesday.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I told Kim I was not going to post today.  Yesterday I was at work till 7:15pm packing up my stuff.  I wasn’t sure where to start and knew I had to start somewhere so I went for it.  Not much organization and hope I don’t regret it.  I did make a list of the boxes I have with the brief description inside them.  There is a chance that my school will be closed for next year and my boxes will be moved to a different building.  Who knows?  With 10 days left, hopefully soon we’ll find out for sure.  Regardless, I still need to pack up my stuff.  

Hopefully it won’t take me too long to respond to your comment and read your post.  Remember, only 10 more days left of school. 😀

Here is a list of some of my favorite things:

Ice Cream Flavor:  Chocolate.  I love anything with chocolate.

Movie: The Lion King.  I think I’ve cried a few times.  The scene with Simba and his dad after he falls gets me every single time.  I’ve also watched the Broadway show a few times and love it as  well.  Next time I go to NYC I want to see it there too.

Place to Shop:  Target!  I live a half mile away from the store and there is another one on the way to work.  I love the convenience of ordering items on the app and picking them up.

Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s.  I am a sucker for their fries.  Whenever I am in the mood or really stressed out, I get the Big Mac Deal.  I know it is healthy but I don’t care.  I don’t get it too often anyway.

Color: Blue.  I also go for pink and purple.

Snack: Popcorn or potato chips with buffalo sauce.  There are days when I crave something salty and that combo does the trick.

Alcoholic drink:  I am a martini girl.  The one I prefer is sour apple but like trying different ones.  I have a list of about 100 different martinis that is offered at a bar not too far from work.  I went there during Winter Break and am hoping to go once school is over.  

Food: Pizza.  I prefer cheese only but do like sausage and pepperoni.  

School Subject: Math.  I love teaching it to my students.  I try to make it fun and I smile whenever I see their their faces when they understand what I am teaching.

Day of the Week:  Friday!  The end of the week plus we can wear jeans at work.  Every other Friday is payday too.  Perfect, right?

Breakfast Food: Over hard eggs, bacon, hash browns, and greek toast.  Add in some Cholula or Louisiana hot sauce and I could eat this everyday but I don’t.

Beverage:  Coffee.  I drink a cup in the morning while reading my email and blog posts.  Sometimes I will have another cup at work.  I also drink a lot of water. 

Hot Dog Topping: I know this is weird but I eat them with only mayonnaise and hot peppers.  Definitely NOT Chicago style.  

Topic for next week – How will you celebrate Global Running Day? It is on June 1st.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Fit Five Friday: 5 things I am looking forward to this Summer

Last week it felt like Summer.  It was over 90 degrees for a few days.  The AC was working at home but it didn’t work for about 2 days at school.  We were all miserable.  I got a cold (my first one over 2 years) and felt better on Sunday but then got a fever.  I took the day off on Monday to fully recover.  I did take 3 Covid tests and they were all negative. 

Haven’t been motivated to run but am hoping to run today.  Yep, that means no more run streak.  My last run was on Saturday.  I was planning to run on Sunday morning but didn’t feel well with the fever.  I was tempted to got out in the afternoon after a nap and run slowly but that didn’t happen.  Oh well.

I have 12 days left of school.  12!!!  I can hardly believe it.  While I am excited about it, I am freaking out because I have not started to pack up my classroom.  I was moved to another classroom across the hall and everything needs to be packed up by June 7th.

Anyway, let’s talk about Summer.  It isn’t my favorite season for running, but I don’t hate it.  Well, maybe on some days.

🌞 End of the school year – I thought last year was awful but this year was worse.  But, we all made the best of it.  I’ve enjoyed my kids and tried to offer a safe, fun and loving, learning environment for them.  I’d like to think they are enjoying having me as their teacher.  They’ve made me cry but also made me smile and laugh.  Yes, I will miss them.

🌞 Read more books – I have a long list thanks to Wendy’s reviews.  I am excited to sit out on the balcony with a glass of wine while I read.  

🌞 Train for my 50k – Ha, I know you will definitely hear me complain about it.  I haven’t signed up for it and several of you brought up good points about running it in Chicago.  I don’t have an exact date but it is usually in late October/early November.  

🌞 Run in shorts and short sleeve tops – Fall is my favorite season for running but Summer is great too because I don’t have to wear tights or long sleeve tops.  I hate wearing all of the layers during the Winter.  

🌞 Buy and house and move – I have to add it in here hoping that for sure it will happen.  Interest rates are going up and house prices are going up as well.  Every day I cringe when I look at the prices of the house I like.

What are you looking forward to this summer?  Any summer plans? 

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.

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Tuesday Topics: Day in the life of Ms. Arroyo

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: A Day in Your Life.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’ve done several Day in the Life of a Teacher posts.  The first one was on November 6, 2016, when things were “normal”.  The next one was on June 25, 2019.  I wrote it when I was teaching Summer School.  The last one was on May 11, 2021.  I wrote it during remote learning.  It was fun reading each one again and reflecting how each one is very different.  While I am glad I am no longer teaching from home, it is still different from my first post.

Here is a typical day for me (I chose Tuesday):

5:30-6:00 AM
I get up and make my coffee.  I check my school email and then my personal email.  I add my blog post to the link up.  I schedule it to go live on Tuesday at 12:01 am but need to manually add it in the morning.  Then I get ready and head out for my run.  Depending on the distance I am back by 6:30 or 7am.   

After my run, I shower, get ready, make my smoothie, and hit the road.

7:00-8:30 AM
I arrive at school during that time.  I no longer try to get there by 7am.  There’s been times when I’ve arrived at 8am and it was OK.  I live 6 miles from my school but the later I leave, the more traffic I encounter.  Still, I am not going to stress out if I get there late.

During this time I eat breakfast, check work email, make copies, talk to colleagues, go to bathroom, and get ready for the day. 

8:30-8:45 AM
The bell rings at 8:30 to let the kids in the school.  A few minutes later my students are lined up outside the classroom.  They come in and eat breakfast.  Those that do not eat, they color or do something else.  I take attendance and do lunch count.

welcome classroom

8:45-10:15 AM
My kids have reading till 10:15.  We read again the book from Monday and discuss it.  This week we are reading about how pencils are made.  I will have an assignment for them as well.  Three of them leave at 9:30 to work with a reading interventionist.  The rest of us then do the same thing we did earlier but with either a Science or Social Studies book.  We have a different Reading Unit Plan every 5-6 weeks and alternates between Science and Social Studies.

10:15-11:00 AM
My kids have Music.  They line up and I take them to the teacher.  On Tuesdays I meet with the rest of my team for a meeting.  We go over upcoming assignments, data, test results, etc.  The other days I stay in my room to finish up my work or I internal sub.  There is a shortage of substitute teachers (well, teachers in general) and many of us are asked to internal sub.

11:00-11:30 AM
My students are back from Music.  They sit on their desk and log in iReady.  It is a math program that ties in with our Math curriculum.  During this time I do some work, grade papers, or check email.

11:30-12:00 PM
Lunch time!  I eat lunch with my coworkers.  Everyday someone is responsible for bringing lunch for the rest of us.  There were 4 of us but now there are 5 in our group.  It works out perfect because now I am not trying to figure out what to bring to school everyday.

12:00-12:05 PM
The bell rings and I go outside to get my kids.  My students are very happy it is finally warm for them to go outside for recess.  Last week it was awful because it was so hot.  Sometimes we stay a bit longer but definitely go back before the next group of students go outside.  



12:50-1:50 PM
Math.  My favorite subject.  Right now they’re working on fractions.  Honestly I find this unit boring.  I’d rather go over again adding and subtraction, place value, and word problems.  This is my first year teaching Math in English and it is so hard for me and for my students.  Everyone is struggling.  The reason I am now teaching it in English is because of our new dual language curriculum.  


1:50-2:05 PM
Recess time!  Our favorite time of the day.  😀  Sometimes we can a bit longer.  A few of my students leave for additional support from a reading interventionist.  

2:05-2:40 PM
We go back to the classroom for our English Unit (part of the dual language curriculum).  If we have time then the students color, watch a movie, read a book, or rest before going home.  

2:40-2:50 PM
Bell rings.  The students get ready to go home.  I also get my stuff ready.  I don’t stay late anymore like I used to.  Whatever doesn’t get done during the day can wait till the next day.  If it is urgent then I do it at home.  I just want to go home.  We head downstairs and wait for the bell to ring again.  We go outside and the students leave with whomever is there to pick them up.

2:50-3:00 PM
I stay there for 10 minutes and then at 3 go home.  Sometimes I’ll stop at Target or another store.  I will be moving to a new classroom next year so I will be staying late to pack up my stuff.  Not fun but it needs to be done.

At home I cuddle with my cats and rest for a bit.  Sometimes I take a nap.  I eat and check blog posts.  Sometimes I’ll watch a bit of TV before getting ready for bed.  It was a long day.

Topic for next week – Off Topic Tuesday: Write about your all-time favorite movie, musical, pizza topping or what have you.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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