Fit Five Friday: Belated Coffee Date

I know it isn’t our coffee date today but I missed it last Friday so I thought I would do it today.  It will be short and sweet.

☕ Over coffee I’d tell you that today is my mom’s birthday.  She is 79 years old.  My oldest sister flew in from Mexico yesterday.  The plan was to make mole today (one of my mom’s favorite) but we ended up making it yesterday.  From start to finish it took us almost 3 hours to make it.  Mole tastes better the day after so I am sure today it will be even more delicious today.

☕ Over coffee I’d tell you that last week I went to the doctor.  I told her about how tired these past couple of months.  She ordered bloodwork to check ferritin, hemoglobin along with a a complete blood work.  The results are normal.  Ferritin is at 17 and higher than it was in June (it was 10) and iron is at 67.  She thinks my fatigue is due to lack of sleep and wants me to track/monitor it.  I do not agree with it.  I’ve had the same doctor for about 15 years but a part of me thinks I should go to someone else.  Thoughts?

Over coffee I’d tell you that taking a day off is nice.  More days is even better.  However, the amount of planning it takes sometimes isn’t worth it (but I know many times it is necessary just in case).  It took me a couple of hours to do a sub tub (5 days worth of emergency plans).  I was off yesterday to pick up my sister from the airport and to take my mom twice to the doctor and it took me about 2 hours to do my plans for just one day.  Now I need another day off!

☕ Over coffee I’d tell you that I know I have mentioned that I like running in the dark.  I like the solitude and feeling like I am in my own world.  However, these past few days I have been afraid to run in the dark.  It isn’t complete dark since I run along a major street until it is light outside, but it still scares me.  

☕ Over coffee I’d tell you that I have not read linkups nor comments from Tuesday’s post.  I try to read and respond no later than Wednesday, but this week it was one thing after another.  And I hate that my classroom is still not finished.  I still have boxes full of books and random things here and there.  I jokingly told the custodian that it will be ready by the time I will have to move back to my old building.  We still do not know if it will be teared down or remodeled but either way it will be about 3-5 years before it will be ready again.

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.

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Tuesday Topics: My Fall bucket list

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s on your Fall bucket list?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Fall.  My favorite season.  I love the color of the leaves.  And I love the cooler weather.  I can be in shorts, jeans, etc., and a jacket and be comfortable.  However, Fall means Winter is around the corner and that I do dislike.  Oh well.  I will enjoy it as long as I can.

I was looking at my Spring bucket list and realized that I will include some of those items on this list.  Nothing wrong with it, right?

🍁 Leave work stuff at work and leave at 3pm.  Back to school is a lot of work and exhausting.  I need to find a balance between work and my personal life.  I start work at 8:30am but usually get there between 7-7:30am so there is really no need for me to stay late.  Many times I do too much – more than I should and then I resent it.

🍁 Continue to use the Peloton bike.  I am not training for a race but running here and there so I might as well use the bike.  Still working on taking all of Camila’s classes.  She has 206 classes and I’ve taken 91 leaving me with 115 more to go.  I am leaving the 45 minute classes till the end.  Those intimidate me.

🍁 Read more books.  With the extra time that I will have from not staying late at work nor working at home, I can do this.  I’ve been going through Wendy’s books from her reviews and am almost finished with the books she reviewed last August.  I am really amazed at the amount of books she reads on a monthly basis.  As much as I love reading, unfortunately I haven’t made time for it.  Pleased to say that I’ve read 7 books this year.  Currently I am reading “Landslide” and have already put on hold 3 more books.

🍁 Have fun! I plan to do more things with family and friends.  Yes, that involves food and laughing!  

🍁 Of course a 🏠And that is all I will say about it.  😀

Topic for next week – Today is Positive Thinking Day. What quotes of affirmations do you use to get through a hard run?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!Tuesday Topics

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Fit Five Friday and August 2022 Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional!  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennMichelle, and me!  Let’s get started, shall we?

I runfess…
That it does feel good to not be doing long runs.  I leave in the morning early to go to work and then stay late as well.  There is still so much to do and not enough time.  My room is not how I want it to be but it is looking better everyday.  I have a couple of boxes with files for my file cabinet and books for my library.  But I am at least trying to run 20, 30, or 45 minutes in the morning.

I runfess…
I hadn’t run for a few days when I went back to work but began again on Monday simply because of another Strava Challenge.  This one is for Picky Bars and I have 3 more days to complete it.  This will be my second time completing it and am actually excited about it.

I runfess…
That I do not check social media as often as I used to.  When I get home I like to watch The Golden Girls and may check it during a commercial break (I watch it on Hulu).  I don’t really miss it but feel like I am still on missing on friends’ updates.  

I runfess…
That this is the first time that I can remember ever having a full week for the first week of school.  In the past we’ve had meetings on Monday and Tuesday and then start with the kids on Wednesday.  It’s been hectic and exhausting.  I have 22 students but 21 have shown up (one is still in Mexico).  Overall, they’re a really good group of kids, but they talk SO MUCH.  On the first day a few told me that they like my class and that made me very happy!  Now to get them to stop talking so much.  🤔

I runfess…
That I am already looking forward to September 5 which is my day off.  Too early to start counting till the last day of school?  OK, maybe, how about Thanksgiving break?

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.

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Tuesday Topics: Things I am Loving IV

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. 

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Share your favorite running item(s) you’ve tried this year.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am back at work and I was tired before starting with the students.  I spent days setting up my room and I still was not ready on Monday morning.  On Friday I was so tired that I almost cried.  We had two days full of meetings and not one minute given to set up the classroom.  

I thought about this a lot but I made the decision not to continue training for my race.  Last week I missed most of runs and I had no desire to do it after I worked in my room.  Back to school is a hectic time for me and I am always staying late at work and doing work at home too.  Plus, constantly being tired did not help.  I have plantar fasciitis and some days the pain is tolerable and other days it isn’t.  I feel like a failure.  I wanted to do this race because I turn 50 in November and was getting excited about it.  Crazy way to celebrate, right?  😄 😄

Right now I am going to get back to my work routine and take it easy.  I have a doctor appt in early September and hopefully can get some answers.  Maybe now I can do more bike classes and catch up on all of Camila’s classes.

So let me tell of a few things I am loving.  Some are not running related but still I am loving them.

Athena Club – Last year I wrote about Billie Razors.  While I did like them, I’ve been hearing about Athena razors and wanted to try them out.  I love the color.  The kit is $9 and includes 2 Five-Blade Cartridges, 1 Ergonomic Razor Handle, and 1 Magnetic Hook for easy storage.  You can also pick to get each month 4, 9, or 12 blades every couple of months.  Click HERE to get $5 off your first order.

Dove Anti-Perspirant – I’ve been using this for years as an anti-perspirant.  Recently, I’ve been using it to prevent chafing.  I apply it between my thighs and around the bra area.  So far so good!

Tofu Press – I’ve been trying to eat more tofu but removing the water is a hassle.  It is very easy to use.  This kit has 4 parts and in just 3 steps, your tofu is in a strainer box.  You can leave it there for 15 minutes or more and then it will be ready for you to cook it.  

Dr. Scholl’s Pain Relief For Plantar Fasciitis Insoles for Women – I bought these one day at Target.  I had no idea if they would help.  I wore them while running and also during the day.  While I am not 100% pain free, it doesn’t hurt as much to walk or run.

OOFOS Recovery Sandals These are seriously the best sandals!  They’re very comfortable and I wear them every single day.  They’re not cheap but you can find a good deal when they’re on sale.  I bought a new pair but need to exchange for a bigger size.  

Do you use any of these products?

Topic for next week – FREE Topic!  Feel free to write about any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Traveling the Alphabet – Part 3

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Where I’ve been, A-Z: Letters S-Z.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Thanks for joining me again this week again.  Click here to read Part 1 for letters A-I.  Click here to read Part 2 for letters J-R.  

Thanks to my Race in the 50 States +1 running goal, I’ve run in 43 states.  I need 8 more to complete it.  Before I was a teacher, I worked at the American Bar Association.  Through this job I also traveled to various states for our Spring and Annual Meetings.  The traveling aspect was fun but the work itself was not.  I was ready for something different and more challenging and so I went back to school to become a teacher.  My job now is different and definitely challenging.

So, let me tell you where I’ve been.  Ready?

S is for San Antonio
I’ve been there a few times because my sister lives there.  Once I went there during the Summer and OMG it was awful.  Never again.  Also, during one of my trips my sisters and I were on a mission to find Sandra Cisneros’ house.  We found it!  I’ve also been to St. Petersburg (Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon), San Diego (Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Half Marathon), St. Louis (Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Louis Half Marathon), and Seattle (Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Half Marathon).

T is for Tulsa
I went there to run the Route 66 Half Marathon.  It was a beautiful but hilly course.

U is for Urbana
I thought it would be a tough one but it wasn’t.  It seems that I ran there while running the relay portion of the Illinois Marathon and when I ran the half marathon.  At least I think I did.  Originally I had trained for the marathon but things didn’t go as planned and I ended up running the half.  Reading again the race recap brought back memories of training during the Winter since the race was at the end of April.  Almost all of my runs were done outside.  I was unstoppable.  I ran in the snow and in freezing weather.

V is for Virginia Beach
I went there for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon.  It was a flat course but that day was very humid.  Check out my Nike watch, armband for my iPod, and earphones with cords.  Very different with how I run now.

W is for Washington, DC
It is one of my favorite cities.  I’ve been there plenty of times and love it there.  A few years ago I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Half Marathon.  I remember we had good weather but will never forget that monstrous hill around mile 6.

X is for Xcaret
This was a tough one.  But it still counts, right?  I’ve also been to Xochimilco (Floating Gardens) in Mexico.  No pictures but I swear I was there in 1988.  I remember because it was after my nephew was born.

Y is for Yauco
Puerto Rico!  Don’t ask me what year it was because I honestly do not remember.  But I remember it was before 2009 because I was still working at the ABA.  

Z is for ?
Another tough one.  I know there is Zion, Illinois but don’t think I’ve been there.

These posts were so much fun to write!  It was great to look at pictures and read posts that I wrote years ago.  I may not have traveled much these past 2 years but overall have I done quite a bit of traveling.


Topic for next week – Share your favorite running item(s) you’ve tried this year.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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