This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What’s your plan to achieve your 2022 goals? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
In December I wrote about my 2022 goals. Let me tell you how I plan to achieve these goals.
✅ Stay injury free. Being injured is no fun. The two worst ones I’ve had were a calf strain and plantar fasciitis. But I can say that the latter one was more painful. The first time I experienced this (that I can remember) was during the Missoula Half Marathon in 2019. I was miserable towards the end because my feet were hurting. It wasn’t until a month later that I got an official diagnosis. Anyway, my plan is to do more cross training, use my massage gun, and my mom’s foot and calf massager. Any other suggestions?
✅ Buy a house. Besides looking, I need to expand my search area. Right now I am looking at a specific area and nothing. Well, there have been a few but either someone else makes an offer before me or they make an offer way more than I am willing to spend. It is ridiculous how expensive it is. Something else I am doing is looking for a house with an unfinished or semi-finished basement. At least with that option I can customize it and hopefully more available to buy.
✅ Travel. I have a new passport. I am ready to go. I guess I don’t really need to travel internationally. 🙂 My sister is planning to visit from Mexico in May. Then the plan is for me to go for 2-3 weeks there in the Summer. I don’t want to go during Spring Break for just one week. To me it isn’t worth it. I want to go for a longer period of time. But before I can travel I need to make sure my siblings can stay with my cats. A tentative trip I am also planning is to Fargo for the Fargo Half Marathon. I still need to run in 8 states for my 50+1 state goal.
✅ Continue to be patient at work and at home. Pick my battles, step away, and not keep quiet. I think I am doing OK with it. I remind myself that sometimes it isn’t worth getting all frustrated and annoyed. I don’t have access to my work email on my phone and that has helped. I also think about things that make me happy like coffee, my family, my cats, etc. Watching TV has also helped me relax.
✅ PR in my 50k. Just run and follow the plan? I may have to switch my race because I’ve missed a lot of runs due to the weather. Yesterday was my first time running in 2 weeks. It ran 2 miles and it felt hard! By picking a race later in the year will give me more time to train and hopefully get a PR.
✅ Run 1,200 miles. In order to do this I need to run an average of 100 miles each month. I am not starting off the year correctly because for this month I have 7 miles. Hopefully once it clears up then I can bump up the mileage. Plus I know training for a 50k will add lots of miles there too.
✅ Complete 300 Peloton rides. I started off the year with 136 Peloton rides. Yep, I was slacking. Now I’ve done 157 rides and need 143 to meet my goal. With 11 months left in the year, I will need an average of 14 rides a month, 3-4 per week. It is hard to fit in a bike class while running 6 days a week but thinking of doing a 20 minute ride in the evening on the days I do a hard run. I will need to talk to my coach and see what he thinks.
Topic for next week – FREE topic . Feel free to write about this or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!