This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are your goals for 2022? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
I can’t believe 2021 is almost over. Wow, time to start thinking about next year. Last year I wrote my goals for 2021 and, unfortunately, did not reach all of them. I will be including them again in this post for next year.
✅ Stay injury free. This year I had a minor calf strain and plantar fasciitis in the Summer but it wasn’t serious that I had to stop running for weeks or months. I try to use everyday my massage gun and my mother’s foot and calf massager.
✅ Buy a house. Yep, still on my list. Still looking. I am giving myself till the Summer to move. I don’t want to move in the middle of the year (especially while training for my race), but if I have to then I will.
✅ Travel. This year I traveled to work, to the laundromat, and to the store. Hopefully next year I will at least leave the state. At least I did leave the city. 🤣
✅ Continue to be patient at work and at home. I noticed a change towards the end of the year. I wasn’t as angry as I would usually get. At work I pick my battles and mainly focused on the things that I can control (mainly in my classroom). I do need to work on being more patient with parents. Ugh, sometimes they drive me crazy with the things they do and/or don’t do for their child.
✅ PR in my 50k. My PR is 6:20:55 from 2012. That is a 12:14 pace. 😮
✅ Run 1,200 miles. I was planning to run that this year but unfortunately had to change it to 1,000 miles.
✅ Complete 300 Peloton rides. I’ve been slacking with my bike. Running has been taking a lot of my time, but I know that if I plan it correctly, I can fit in a bike ride after work.