Tuesday Topics: A few things you may not know about me

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Thanks to everyone that linked up with us two weeks ago.  It was interesting and fun to read everyone’s 5 words they picked to describe themselves.  It was also interesting to read that quite a few said they were introverted.  Today I will be sharing more and writing about a few things you may not know about me.  

I’ve never been hospitalized
I’ve been to the ER when I broke a glass with my arm and had to get stitches.  I spent a few nights with my mother in her room when she was hospitalized after her stroke.  Nope, nothing for me.

I was engaged 
We had our hall, church, and date picked out.  Things fell through.  I remember the day I was supposed to get married, it RAINED!  Do I see myself getting married in the future?  Definitely not.  Nothing wrong with it.  I am just used to it being me, myself, and I (with my cats too) and I am perfectly fine with it.  However, I do wonder what my life would be like if I had gotten married.

I eat A LOT when I get stressed out
Food relaxes me.  Sometimes I like to get a Big Mac with fries and a Coke with no ice from McDonald’s.  Who doesn’t like fries from McDonald’s?

There are 7 in my family and I am the 2nd youngest
There are 3 girls, one boy, and then 3 more girls.  All of us are about 2 years apart.  That is how I can remember the ages.  The oldest is 10 years older than me.  Rumor is that I was named after my grandmother (my dad’s mom) because I was supposed to be the last one. 

I cannot stand the taste or smell of whiskey
Just thinking and writing about it makes me queasy.  Let’s go back to 1993.  I was in college for summer school.  I was at a party and we were playing “Quarters”.   You know where I am getting at, right?  Yep.  I had too many shots that night.  

I was born in Mexico but emigrated to the US when I was 5
I still remember that day.  My mom and my siblings arrived on July 4, 1978.  We were supposed to arrive the day before but we missed our flight.  Well, that is the story my siblings tell me.  I have some vague memory of being in the airport and being outside.  I also remember being in a car and seeing the Sears Tower and the lake.  Now that I am older I know that was the Kennedy Expressway (I-90).  I have some memories of living in Mexico, but sometimes I do wonder if they’re real.

I wore braces and glasses in high school
High school is already awkward.  I got braces at the end of my freshman year and wore them till the beginning of my senior year.  The glasses I got at the beginning of my senior year too.  I was already a quiet and shy girl so it didn’t really bother me.  As a matter of fact, I had a great time in high school!  I was not a social butterfly but I still had many great friends.  

I have 3 tattoos
I have a panther, a butterfly, and a sun.  I would like to get another one but am not sure.  The last one (the sun) is on my ankle and that was painful.

I wasn’t always a teacher
After college I worked at The Lodge for 3 months.  It was a company owned by McDonalds’s.  Then I worked several years and different positions at the American Bar Association.  It was there that I received an email to attend an orientation for people wanting to make a career change.  I went because another friend of mine was going too.  I remember someone there telling us not to go into teaching just for the money.  A few months later I had an interview.  Then did a few years of graduate school.  As much as it is tough to be a teacher, I do not regret it one bit.  It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

My dad passed away when I was 18 years old
It was at the end of my freshman year of college.  I was never close to him.  He was a quiet man and we rarely talked.  I remember before leaving for college, he asked me a question.  I don’t recall what it was but I responded with “yes”.  He then told me to take care of myself.  

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Back on the Peloton and “dibs”

What a week!  Even with no school on Monday and half day on Wednesday, I was EXHAUSTED on Friday.  I came home from school and took a nap.

Are you all tired of seeing all of my snow pictures?  I will stop at the end of the month.  It is supposed to warm up this week and hopefully most or all of the snow will melt.  🙂

I renewed my Peloton membership and got on my bike again!  I told Kim about this class and if you have not taken it, please do.  It is one of the best ones (or THE best one) I’ve taken so far.  This is one class I will definitely take again.

I checked my profile and the last time I was on the bike was in August when I was in quarantine.  Then I used the app mostly for running.  Then I got bored with it and paused my membership.  Cody is always fun but I also like Robin. 

I had been away for so long that now I had to name my bike?  Is that something new?  I don’t remember having to do it when I first got the bike.

So here in Chicago after a snowstorm, some people like to clean up an area in front of their house and claim it as their parking spot.  I don’t think I’ve ever had to do it.  The last time we had a major storm in 2011, I parked in the garage, so there was no need for it.  This time I actually went out and shoveled and claimed an area.  Well, someone decided to take my spot anyway.  Didn’t they see the items I had left?  Luckily, I found parking in front of that car.  The next day my neighbor took my spot because someone else had taken her spot.  ¡Caramba!  Hopefully soon this will not be an issue anymore.

An agreement was finally reached with the Union and the School District.  There is a Board Meeting tomorrow in which all agreements will be officially signed.  Here are the main things that were decided: Teachers will return to work on March 15 (meaning all teachers will report to their school building on said date) but we also have the option to work from home until March 15.  Hybrid students will return on March 22nd.  Those teachers that defied the initial order to go back to the building and as a result disciplinary actions were taken against them, all of those disciplinary actions will be rescinded.  Looks like those that stayed home are laughing at me!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Fit Five Friday: In 5 years

In five years it will be 2026.  Nothing wrong with thinking ahead.  Things definitely will be better than how they are now, right?  I thought it would be fun and interesting to write about where I see myself in 5 years.  Keep on reading to find out.  🙂

🟣 I hope that I will still be running.  I won’t stop unless it is absolutely necessary.  Hopefully in 5 years I would have completed my goal to run a half marathon in each state.  Hopefully I would have run another marathon or a 50K.  I’ve run two 50Ks and my finish time from my second one is worse than my first one.  Yep, I would like a PR too.

🟣 I hope to still be blogging.  I enjoy it.  These past couple of months have demonstrated to me how much I look forward to reading different blogs.  Your posts have encouraged and motivated me.  You’ve all made me smile and let me know that things will be OK.  Hopefully in 5 years I will have met many more of you.

🟣 Still living in Chicago in a new house.  You know I have to add this one.  While I am grateful to have a place to live, I want something new.  I want to have my own house.  Though right now I am glad I don’t own a home because I hate to shovel.  

🟣 I see myself still teaching.  I already made a career change back in 2009 and don’t see myself making another one.  The only change I would like to make is to no longer be a classroom teacher.  I have a certificate in Math and would love to be a Math Interventionist.  This past year was really difficult and challenging.  While teaching isn’t as fun as it used to be, I still know that I am making a difference in these kids’ lives.

🟣 Hopefully I would have traveled to all of these countries or some of them – France, Italy, Hawaii, Africa, and Greece.  Of course I would love to go there to run but most importantly the chance to travel somewhere new.  While Hawaii is not in a different country, it sure sounds like it since it takes so long to get there.  That is how I felt when I traveled to Alaska.  I was in the US but it felt foreign to me.

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  

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Tuesday Topics: More running/race pet peeves

How is everyone doing with this crazy weather?  I saw on the news yesterday that over 40 states are under a Winter weather alert. At least here in Chicago we get snow and are “ready and prepared” for it.  States like GA or TX are not and, well, they are struggling.  Stay safe and be careful.

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are some of your running pet peeves?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Here is what I wrote in a previous post 

• Runners that post their pace all of the time (Garmin, Strava, and RunKeeper, etc.) 

• Walkers that start in the front of a race.

• Runners that make sudden stops.

• Runners that take up the whole path.

• Dog owners that don’t leash their dogs. 

• Runners that blast their music.

• Runners that talk non stop during  a race. 

Today I am adding a few more.

• Long lines at the port-a-potties.

• Running out of food or swag.

• People that honk or catcall while I’m out running.  

• Races that start late.

• People that spit.

• Shoe companies that think they are making their product better, but really they’re not.  Don’t change anything!

• Chafing and not realizing till taking a shower.

• An ugly shirt or one that does not fit properly.

• People that do not throw their water cups in the trash can.  Stop being lazy.  

• Races that do not have a refund or deferral option.

• Spectators with signs saying that I am almost there.  No I’m not.  Don’t lie to me.

• When I want to hit the pause button on my Garmin and instead hit the lap button.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Run, repeat, and ready for someplace warm

What a week!  More snow and more cold weather.  I know Winter is associated with cold weather and snow, but this is just awful.  Even in other parts of the country is colder than normal.





This morning I woke up with a headache.  I usually get them when I don’t get enough sleep or when I am hungry.  Sometimes I get one if I don’t wear my mouth night guard.  I never eat before running but felt a little hungry this morning so I drank coffee and ate a cinnamon bagel.  Then after my run and shower, I ate again.  I still have a slight headache and am still feeling hungry.  I took a Tylenol and will finish reading blog posts from Friday.  I am so behind.  

The most exciting thing this week was taking my mother to the hospital for her first vaccine.  While I appreciate that there was a vaccine for her, I wished it would have been more convenient for those that need to go there.  It was quite a walk to get to the vaccination room (not sure what to call it).  Luckily someone took her in a wheelchair but on the way back she had to walk.  Now, I don’t mind it, but a 70 year old woman should not have to walk that much.  Well, enough ranting about it because as I mentioned earlier, I am happy she can get a vaccine since I know others cannot get it.  We go back on March 1st for her second vaccine and I go March 2nd (I am going to a different location).  

On Tuesday I went to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few bottles of wine for a virtual wine tasting.  I didn’t realize there were so many options!!  Wow, and the price was decent.  I ended up buying 5 bottles and so far have opened 2.  The red one is really good.

Nothing exciting with school except that the District and School Union have not come to an agreement about this whole going back to school thing.  They’ve had to get the courts involved.  They’re like two big and stubborn babies.  We all want what is best for the students and the teachers.  Someone has to give in.  It’s been one month since teachers have been back in the school building BUT not everyone is doing that.  They are working from home.  Do you know how it makes me feel?  I am going in.  I am dealing with the weather and traffic.  Others are working from the comfort of their own home.  Instead of uniting all teachers, it is dividing us and creating a feeling of annoyance and resentment.  The next court date is sometime this week so you know I will keep you posted.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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