This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Do you set a weekly goal? Monthly? Yearly? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Hello there! How is everyone doing today? Today is day 2 of Spring Break. Yesterday was glorious…loving Spring Break. I will write more about it in Sunday’s post. For now let’s talk about goals. I have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. I am happy to say that this is the first time I’ve actually written them down. 🙂
➡️ At the beginning of the year, I set my goal to run 1,200 miles. As you know, February was not a good month for me due to the weather (34.26 miles). March has been better (74.71 miles) but still my mileage is not what I wanted it to be. That is OK. I might have to change that yearly goal. Maybe 1,000 miles?
➡️ In order to meet my goal of running 1,200 miles this year, my monthly goal is 100 miles. I may need to adjust it.
➡️ Buy coffee 4-5 days per month. I have both a coffee maker and a Keurig so there is really no reason for me to stop at Starbucks of Dunkin Donuts for a coffee. I do like their coffee though but know it is expensive.
➡️ No specific mileage but just do the workouts assigned by my coach. I do my best but sometimes a run doesn’t happen or is cut short due to the weather or not feeling it.
➡️ Do 2-3 bike classes on the Peloton. I mean that is the reason I bought the bike.
➡️ Take my lunch to work 4 days a week and order out one day. I work hard. I treat myself. Sometimes I even have leftovers and that is dinner for me.
➡️ Not bring any work to do at home. Sometimes I don’t get to finish all of my work and I end up finishing it over the weekend. I remember a few years ago I would bring work home almost every day. Now it is just maybe an hour or two to finish my lesson plans.
➡️ Leave work at 3pm. We do have a staff meeting on Wednesday and on those days I leave at 4pm.
➡️ Drink 8 cups of water. I have a 32 oz water bottle that I take to work. I like to finish it before leaving work. Then at home I refill it again and try to finish it before I go to bed. There are days when I don’t finish the bottle and there are days when I refill it 3 or 4 times. Balance, right?
How about you? Do yo make daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals?