I don’t recall the time change having that much of an impact, but this time it did. I also had parent/teacher conferences on Monday so that was another thing that also affected my schedule. I was so tired this week. Usually my cats wake me up very early because they want to eat. This week I was able to sleep in till about 5 and on some days till 6. I also took a few naps.
I want to say that it is also taking me longer to read, comment, and respond to everyone’s blog posts. So sorry. As of now I am all caught up. 🙂
This week was windy! It really annoyed me. No matter where I turned it was windy and it was tiring. I decided to just take it easy and walk when needed. Maybe that is what I had to do anyway.
Monday afternoon we got more snow. Not too much but Tuesday morning I wasn’t comfortable running in the dark not knowing if there was snow or ice on the ground (there was some snow on the sidewalk). I am still afraid of falling. Tuesday was my 200th day of my run streak.
I had posted that for my 100th ride I was planning to take a class with Cody either on Tuesday or Wednesday. I had a birthday car celebration to go to on Tuesday but I thought it was at 6pm. So then I decided to do take the class on Wednesday. Well, it turned out that the celebration was at 5 and I knew I would be back in time to take the class at 6:30pm on Tuesday. Cody is always fun! No shoutout from him but hopefully there will be one for my 150th ride. I need to keep trying!
On Wednesday I was supposed to run 2 miles recovery run. I didn’t do the workout I was supposed to on Tuesday so the plan was to do said workout on Wednesday. Then I found out that Wednesday was my coach’s birthday. I ran 5.3 miles that morning to celebrate. I had to run 5 miles anyway so what’s .30 more? It was not easy. I was tired. I walked when needed and finished.
Today was a gorgeous day for running. I went out later in the morning and enjoyed my run. Took a 45 minute class with Serena Samuela. I like her! Not too chatty. 🙂 Wore a jacket but took it off halfway because I got too hot. I also ran in shorts. Spring is here!
On Wednesday my students watched a video to draw on leprechaun. They had so much fun! Check out their work. 🙂
I am not sure if I’ve asked or mentioned this before, but has anyone read “The Vanishing Half”? I think Wendy has. I am about 1/4 done with it and so far am liking it.
I am hoping next week is better and I am not as tired anymore. I’ve been using my weighed blanket and it’s helping me sleep better. Even Mateo approves of it.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.