Tuesday Topics: What I learned during the pandemic

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What did you learn about yourself during the pandemic?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last year was a shock.  Sometimes I think about the things I did last year during January and February and then to think that everything changed in March.  

These past couple of months were an eye opener.  It was hard but I tried to stay positive and make the best of it.  Here are a few things I learned during this time:

😷 The importance of family.  A bunch of us would get together on a regular basis.  We would gather around the kitchen table to talk, eat, and drink.  Then in March we couldn’t do that anymore.  We had a few Zooms calls but it still wasn’t the same.  Now we text each other all of the time.  We check in on one another.  We make each other laugh.  If anyone needs anything, we are there to help that person.

😷 My mother is a strong woman.  I know I have mentioned it before but she is a tough person.  I loved listening to stories of when she was growing up in Mexico.  I also love listening to how life was when she emigrated from Mexico.  She and my dad worked long and hard hours to give their 7 children everything they could not do in Mexico.  My mother and I would spend hours on the balcony talking and listening to music.  Now it is my turn to take care of her and give her everything she needs.

😷 Life is short.  I think this applies even without a pandemic.  We really don’t know what is going to happen.  Treat yourself to that extra cup of coffee.  Enjoy that piece of cake.  Buy yourself those shoes.  I had a hard time justifying buying a new car but then I realized that I work hard and deserve to treat myself to it.  Now I love my car!

😷 Patience.  As a 2nd grade teacher I already am a patient person.  During remote learning I had to be even more patient with my students.  I struggled a lot because I knew they were struggling and going through a lot but so was I.  Many times I had to put a smile and pretend that things were OK.  Running and crying is what helped me get through some really rough moments.

😷 Everyone was going through the same thing.  It was so easy to feel sorry for myself thinking that no one would understand.  That was not true.  Everyone was struggling.  Many were even in worse situations.  Many people were getting sick.  Many were dying.  Many also lost their jobs.

😷 I really am a lucky person.  I did not get sick and I did not lose my job.  I am still standing and moving forward.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Week #6 of training for a 10k and back to work in the classroom

Happy Sunday!  Another week that goes by fast when you are having fun. Right?

This week started off good but then we got snow and well you know how I do with snow.  No bueno.  I went back to working from my classroom so I had to get outside earlier since I needed to be at work by 8:30am.  No more coming into the house at 8:15am.  🙂

I did not do all of my workouts the way I was supposed to but I tried.  Either I ran out of time (now I know that if I am back home by 7:30 then I can make it to work on time) or the weather was an issue.  I have no idea when I will run my 10k but I think my coach will have to add a few more weeks to the training cycle.

Thursday evening I had some pizza and wine.  Then I noticed that “Sex and the City: The Movie” was on Netflix so I watched it.  And then drank more wine.  I got really emotional watching it.  Then I watched the other “Sex and the City” movie.  And drank more wine.  Well, it was not a good idea because it was hard to get up on Friday.  No time to run either.  I then went out in the evening to run but it felt so hard.  It wasn’t cold but my chest was hurting.  Ran 1.02 miles and that was good enough.

Woke up Saturday morning to snow.  Looked so pretty.  Took is nice and slow and made the best of it.  Not all days will be perfect.  I am grateful that it has been a very mild Winter.  The temperature then went up to almost 40 and most of the snow had melted.

But then of course more snow on Sunday.  It wasn’t a lot but enough to make me nervous for fear of falling.  I made the best of it again while listening to music.  Stayed closed to my house since I knew I was not going to run far nor long.  I felt really good and actually enjoyed it.

This was Lola last Sunday evening.  She was not happy when I told her that I was not going to be working from home anymore.  Mateo didn’t care.  All is want is food in the morning and evening and he is a happy cat.

My room was set up already so I just had to move a couple of things to make it more comfortable.  I got a bigger desk to put in front of my Prometheum Board to have another computer and bigger screen.  I only leave my room to go to the bathroom and to check in on my coworker.  I didn’t want to go to the teacher’s lounge anymore so I bought a little crockpot to heat up my lunch.

This picture is from before I put a bigger desk.  You can see the difference between the screen size of my work laptop and the Prometheum Board.

The date to have kids back in the classroom has been changed again.  It was supposed to be January 25th and now it is February 1st.  Parents should just keep them at home.  Students will be doing the same thing in the classroom as if they were at home.  All of their learning will still be online.  There will be no interaction with the teacher, no small groups, and no manipulatives to work with during Math.  Basically I will be babysitting them from 8:30am-12:00pm.  Ha, I need a raise!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Fit Five Friday: Five things I am looking forward to Spring

Welcome To Fit Five Friday!  It’s time for a brand-new Friday Five, and we are thrilled to bring you this Fit Five Friday link-up!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Who’s ready for some fun?

Here are the guidelines:  Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)  Please link back to your hosts!  It’s the right thing to do!  Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!  Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media!  Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

Winter is here.  While I am not a big fan of it, so far it hasn’t been too bad.  We’ve had snow maybe 2-3 times and it hasn’t been that cold.  Winter running is all about having the right gear too.  I have plenty of it so so far I am surviving.  

How many more weeks till Spring?  

💐 Flowers – I enjoy seeing colorful flowers.  They make everything look prettier and makes me feel better.  With everything that happened last year and what is happening this year, we need to stop, admire and smell the flowers.  

💐 No more snow – While there is never a guarantee that we won’t get snow, it is less likely that it will happen.  As you know, I HATE the snow.

💐 Running in shorts and short sleeve shirtI love running in shorts.  I also love running in shorts and a long sleeve top.  I dislike running in tights with a long sleeve shirt AND a jacket.  The less the better.

💐 Spring Break – Honestly, I was planning to go on vacation but now am seriously doubting I will go.  Yes, it is the same trip I was planning to take last year.  If I cancel again then at least I will have a week off to stay home and relax.  No complaints there.

💐 March 14 – Do you know what that day is?  It is Daylight Savings Time.  I know we will lose an hour but there will be more light in the evening.  Eventually there will be more light in the morning too.  Oh, and I realize the first day of Spring isn’t till March 20th, but it still counts.

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Tuesday Topics: My favorite book from 2020

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What was your favorite book you read last year?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I love to read.  I find it so relaxing to sit down on the sofa or anywhere comfortable and read a book.  Add a glass of wine and it is much better.  :-). Reading takes me to a new place.  Reading transports me to the place where the story takes place.  It is a whole new world for me. 

Thanks to Wendy for posting the books she has read.  I go through it and then pick a few to place a hold at the library.  Others I have read based on other people’s recommendation as well.

I don’t have a favorite book that I read last year.  I read a few interesting books and it was hard to pick one.  I wished I could say that I read more books since I did have more time last year.  I didn’t.  I also watched a lot of TV last year.  Thanks Netflix!  Also, none of the books I read were running or fitness related but I do have one on my list to read this year.

UnorthodoxWow!  I enjoyed everything about it and learned about Hasidic Jewish traditions.  I also enjoyed the Netflix series.  It was a perfect thing to do during the beginning of quarantine.

Truths I Never Told You – I could not put this book down.  I knew it was a very different way of living in the 50s and 60s but to read about (illegal) abortion made me feel sad and angry.

Ghosted – I was not too crazy about this book.  I only finished it because I wanted to see how it ended.  Rosie Walsh meets the perfect man.  Somehow he then starts to avoid her.  Ha, I thought he was just a jerk.  He wasn’t.  There is a family tragedy that took place years ago and it involves both families. 

Darling Rose Red – This was another I could not put down.  At one point I remember it was late and dark and I was still outside in the balcony reading.  It was twisted but yet interesting.  I had never heard of Munchausen syndrome by proxy and this book is an example of it.  Cannot imagine how this could be happening out there.

Books I am writing to get from the library are:

The Silent Patient

Win at All Costs

The Vanishing Half

The Promised Land (I have the audiobook and started listening to it but keep getting distracted).

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Weekly Run Down: Week #5 of training for a 10k and 21.99 miles

I went back to work on Monday.  Honestly, I did not want to go back.  Everyone was tired and it was tough.  Looking forward to Spring Break!  🙂

We got a little bit of snow on Monday but no way was I going to run 5 miles.  I know it isn’t a lot but I didn’t have enough time either. 

During the week the rest of the snow and ice melted.  I hate going out in the dark while there is still snow/ice for fear of slipping.  I wait till it isn’t dark anymore but then sometimes run out of time.  Once I got back at 8:15 and was ready by 8:30am.  🙂

Saturday morning I had to run 7 miles but I was very tired and slept in till 7.  Then I couldn’t run because I had to take my mother to the doctor.  But I did get out later in the evening.  Felt good being out there.  I did not feel cold at all.  But I did not run 7 miles either.  Some miles is better than no miles at all.

I ran 7 miles this morning.  I had to run the last two miles between 11:00-11:15.  Both miles were done in 11:17 and 11:19.  So close and both are positive splits.  I still win because 7 miles is a lot to run.  I am pleased with how I did because the last time I did this workout was on December 26th and those last 2 miles were done in 11:48 and 11:12.

I laughed when I saw my total mileage for the week.  Oh gosh!  How did I let that happen?  It does bother me but it isn’t the end of the world.  I need to pay more attention.

Tomorrow is the day that teachers are going back to the classroom.  I keep changing my mind about whether or not to go.  I have my substitute lesson plans ready just in case.  I will know for sure tomorrow morning.  This year is clearly one of my worst years of teaching.  I do not feel like I am appreciated nor respected.  I hate that our Board of Education does not have any parents or teachers to voice their opinion and make decisions.  How is it that non teachers are making decisions for us?  They really have NO idea what we are doing or dealing with this year.

A NEW link up – Fit Five Friday

It’s time for a brand-new Friday Five, and I am excited to be a part of the Fit Five Friday Link-Up!

Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsRun Laugh Eat Pie and me, every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Who’s ready for some fun?

Here are the guidelines: Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)  Please link back to your hosts!  It’s the right thing to do!  Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!  Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media!  Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!  And let’s go! We can’t wait!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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