This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Share your best running views. You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Happy Tuesday! I am counting down the days till Winter Break. This morning I am in a training session for a new math program we plan to pilot for our students. The one we currently use isn’t really the best so I am excited to hopefully use a better math curriculum.
I love running in Chicago. Of course my favorite place to run is the lakefront. The views are amazing! I haven’t run there in months and truly miss it. I cannot make it there to run and then be ready to start work at 8:30am.

For the past couple of months I have been running by my house. It is so easy to just head out the door and run 5 or 6 miles and be back in time for work. I like it that it isn’t dark when I head out. However, that will change once I go back to school. I will need to be out there again at 6am. Oh well.
This is one of my routes. Not my best drawing but it works.

Sometimes I go a little further north because it is in the area that I am interested in buying a house. I get excited when I see a sign in the front yard, but it turns out it s a sign congratulating a graduate. I keep on looking for a house for sale. I almost bought one last year but someone beat me to it. Then earlier this year there was one that I wanted to check out but someone else beat me to it too.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of my running views. They may not be as exciting as a lakefront view, but to me it is more than that.
This fire station is 2 blocks north from from my house. Whenever I see it I think about that day last year in March when my mother had a stroke. Thanks to the paramedics she was quickly rushed to the hospital where “luckily” it was a mild stroke.

This is heading out south. It is the train station (Orange Line) which takes you to Midway Airport and downtown. How I loved taking this train when I worked downtown. This train has taken me to the airport many times (I miss traveling) and to Grant Park for a race.

Running north on Pulaski is my favorite store. You see it, right? It is also close to the area I want to live in.

Pete’s Market is next to Target. Now you see why I want to live in this area? Target and Pete’s Market are the two places I shop to get pretty much everything I need.

I’ve run these streets and sidewalks a lot. I’ve laughed, smiled, and cried while out there. I’ve mentioned that running is my ME time. It is the time for me to think or not think and simply enjoy my music. It gets me ready for the day. More than even I am thankful for running.