This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What’s the worst fitness advice you’ve ever received? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
I think over the years I have received mostly good fitness advice. Ha, now do I always listen to or do what I am supposed to do? Not all of the time. 🙂
Here is a list of the worst advice I have received. Thank goodness I don’t not listen to it anymore.
√ A weight scale shows whether you’ve made progress or not. Definitely not. I do have one but now am wondering why I even have it anymore. Once my pants are too tight then I know I need to do something about it. The number on the scale is higher compared to 10-15 years ago but I am still wearing the same pant size.
√ Exercise alone is the only way to lose weight. It is a combination of exercise and eating healthy/good eating habits. I do watch what I eat but sometimes I do indulgence and have wine and mashed potatoes for dinner. Talk about stressful times!
√ If you can talk while running then you are not running hard/fast enough. Run faster! Over the last year or so I’ve really learned to understand and love my easy runs. There’s no pressure and the pace is supposed to be slower anyway.
√ You need to carbo load the night before a race. Pasta and more pasta was always the key to a successful race/run. Now I eat what I want but am careful NOT to eat too much or anything that I know will not sit well the next day. I know too much spicy food is definitely not good for me.
√ Running is bad for your knees. Definitely not. Yes I have had some issues with my knees but it’s been because I needed to strengthen other parts of my body (i.e., hips and glutes).