Can you believe today is my 100th day of my running streak? I can hardly believe it myself. No way did I think it would go this long. How much longer will I keep doing it? Who knows.
Monday was the last day in November and I ran 2.67 miles. I was supposed to do 4 but it was very windy and the wind wore me out. I did some quick math and knew that I’d met my goal to run more miles than I did in October. I ended up with 104.71 miles.
The most exciting thing happened on Wednesday. So for the past 9 weeks I have been training for a 5k. My goal was to finish it in 33:30. I’ve had some great workouts and have done much better than expected (i.e., I’ve run 3 miles without stopping and have done many runs with negative splits.)
My coach had set up my 5k race for Saturday. Last week on Sunday we talked about it more and while I was excited about it, I was also nervous. What if I didn’t meet my goal? I was also worried about the wind. Well, at that point I couldn’t worry about it too much since there was nothing I could do about it. I was running 3.10 miles on Saturday no matter what.
Fast forward to Wednesday and I went out for my run. I was supposed to run a progressive run of 3 miles with the first mile between 11:30-11:45 pace. I didn’t feel like I was going that “fast” but when I looked at my watch I was running at a 10:30 pace. It wasn’t cold nor windy. I kept going and just went with the flow. I finished my first mile in 10:37. It was faster than I was supposed to but kept going. Halfway through the second mile I was in the 10:20s. I had to make a decision. Could I keep running at this pace? Could I run 3.10 miles in 33:30 or faster? There was only one way to find out. I kept going. I finished mile 2 in 10:30. Mile 3 is when it started to feel hard. I wanted to stop just for a few seconds. But I was so close and while I was breathing hard and it was feeling hard, I kept running. I finished mile 3 in 10:19 which is the fastest mile in this training cycle. I had programmed my regular 3 mile run in my Garmin with the specified paces, so of course it stopped at the end of mile 3. I stopped running and then pressed the resume button to run .10 miles. Finally done! Finish time is 32:22. I had met my goal!!! I was so happy and could not believe it. By then it was about 8am so I had to quickly get home to shower and get ready for school. It wasn’t until later in the day that it really hit me what I had done. My PR is 29:48 from May 2011. I have never trained for a 5k and while it wasn’t an official PR nor an actual race, I am very pleased with how I did.
So what’s next? Train for a 10K. My PR is 1:04:02 from September 2010. My coach told me my goal will be around 1:05-1:06. Excited to see how I do!
In the school department, Friday afternoon I found out I got a new student. She is a transfer from a GE classroom in my school. You can just imagine how I felt that day. I was annoyed and frustrated, but mostly angry. I cannot believe that a District will allow that many students in a classroom. It may be fine during a regular school year (one year I had 29), but definitely NOT during virtual learning. There are just so many other things I want to say and write here (I am sure you can imagine), but I will not because, well, it won’t be appropriate.
Saw a cute friend this morning while out on my run. 🙂
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.