Tuesday Topics: My goals for Fall

This week’s Tuesday Topic is What’s on your Fall bucket list?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’m deviating from this week’s topic to write about my goals for Fall.  I’ve been working very hard in my training and also in my job.  However, I don’t make time for me.  I am hoping that with these goals I can find a balance between my personal and work life.  I am writing them in no specific order.

⇒ Continue working with my coach.  I enjoy working with him and my workouts.  I have my good and bad days.  Every runner goes through that and there is nothing to do about it.  Is there?

⇒ Keep on working on endurance and speed.  I truly believe that the training this year is getting me ready for next year.  I say this because I want to be positive that there will be races next year.

⇒ Stop checking and responding to work email after work hours.  I have already removed the app from my phone.  I can only check it from my computer.  Whatever it is sitting in my inbox can wait till the next morning.  

⇒ Log off from my work computer at 3pm or 4pm (the latest).  The work is never ending.  Work will always be there.  It can wait till the next day.  Yesterday I was working on school stuff till 8pm.  

Buy a house.  I know I keep saying this but I want to move this year.  I like where I live but am ready for a change.

Get up more often during the day.  I sit pretty much all day and am tense and sore.  My neck hurts every single day.

Get a massage.  I maybe need 7 in a row!  I know the last one I got was last year.  I used to be really good about it and get a massage twice a month.  

Read more books.  I love reading Wendy’s posts where she mentions the books she has read.  Right now I am reading “The Happy Ever After Playlist” and have a few more waiting for me at the library.  Thanks Wendy!

Do more fun things with friends.  This one is “tricky’ but doable.  Last Monday I met a friend for dinner.  I had not seen her since March and it was my first time out in a restaurant in a long time.  It felt weird but also nice to be out.

Go to sleep earlier.  I have not been sleeping well.  I stay up way too late (work) and then wake up early in the morning.

Find time for yoga and cycling classes.  Running and strength is what I do now.  I know I should do more.  I miss the bike and I know yoga will help me feel better.  I was motivated with Deborah’s post where she did yoga everyday for 2 weeks.  

Smile and laugh more!  

Whew, that’s a lot.  What do you think about my goals?  Anything else I should add to the list?
Tuesday Topics



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Weekly Run Down: What a week!

Another week of running 7 days.  I am on day 22 of a running streak.  I actually like it.  Running in the morning gets me ready for the day. On the days I don’t have a workout from my coach, I run for 20 minutes – slow and easy.  Although on Thursday my heart rate went up a lot.  

My workouts on Tuesday and Saturday sucked.  Tuesday was a 45-minute fartlek.  I did the intervals (5 sets of 1 minute fast and 1 minute recovery) and when I was done, well, I was done.  On Saturday I had to run 7 miles.  I made myself go in the evening and that did not go well.  I ran 2.04 miles and went home.  Well, I guess they did not suck but they did not go as I had expected.  It happens.  I did notice that both runs were done in the evening.  

I am loving this Fall weather.  I love running in shorts and a long sleeve top.  

This week my kids took their MAP tests.  It is the worst test to administer to my students.  I have transitional students (80%-90% of the classes are in Spanish and the rest in English).  Why would they take a test in English?  Long story short, my kids took 4 tests (Reading and Math in English and in Spanish).  We had so many technical issues and not everyone signed in for the test.  By Thursday we had enough and I decided that on Friday they would relax and take a break.  We will continue with tests this week.

My birthday is in two months myself a new computer.  I am using it now and am loving it.  I love the big screen too.

This makes me laugh.  It is me every single day.  

Not running or school related but still wanted to share.  An amazing and beautiful person!

This past week was not my week.  I know it is all work related and I am tired of being tired and stressed out.  I know everyone has stress but I need to manage it better.  I’ve been spending so many hours doing work related stuff (after work hours) and I don’t like it.  I know I shouldn’t do it (the work will always be there) and I need to find more time to relax and have fun.  Right?

Thank you for reading about all of my school issues/complaints.  You’ve all been very encouraging and supportive.  Hugs to all of you.  I want things to get better and I am working on it.  

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Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Tuesday Topics: Speedwork in my running

This week’s Tuesday Topic is What speedwork do you incorporate in your running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

One can either love or hate speedwork. I have mixed feelings about it. It all depends on how I am feeling that morning. I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. I do it because I know it will help me get faster and because my coach tell me do do it. 🙂

When doing speed workouts, my paces aren’t “fast” but to me they are. They’re faster than what I would normally run. It feels good to hit paces and see numbers I never thought I would see. It is even better when I don’t want to do said workout and it goes better than expected!

✔️ I like to do short speed workouts than longer ones. My favorite ones are the 30 seconds fast with 1 minute recovery and 1 minute fast with 1 minute recovery.

✔️ A longer one that I like to do is 3:15/80 or 3:30/75. It isn’t that bad once I get settled in. Sometimes I do two sets of interval and I have to be careful not to go too fast in the first set.

I do a workout like this about once a week. Again, I don’t love them but don’t hate them either. They’re like spice adding an interesting twist to a run! Doing them does not kill me but will make me stronger. 🙂


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Weekly Run Down: I survived another week of school!

Done with another week of school.  Was it easier?  A little.  But it is still challenging and lots of work.  Our District got the bright idea to have the students take the MAP test.  Umm, it is difficult to administer it when in the classroom so can you imagine how it will be now?  

I knew it would get easier once I had a routine set up for them.  I spent all day on Monday working on my lesson plans to post in Classroom.  Every morning I showed it to them and also referenced it so they would get into the habit of doing that instead of asking “What do we do now?”  

I did not lose power so that is a win.  However, a few of my students said they lost their Internet connection.  I’m not sure how since they all have a Hotspot.  Do all 27 students log in?  Not all at once but total throughout the day they do.  They come and go as they please and I don’t like it because I teach a lesson and then they log in and have no idea what we just did.  

My complaints with remote learning is the number of students I have and the fact that they’re online for 6 hours.  It is a long day for me and for them. I do give them breaks and independent work but that is also online. Oh and there are so many technology issues. I can only help them so much but it takes up so much class time.

In some exciting news I received a keeper for my watch.  Mine broke and I had to use a hair rubber band to hold the band in place.  

This week my running went well.  I did the same workouts as last week but added one more mile to my long run and another mile on Sunday.

Tuesday morning it was raining in the morning and I thought about waiting to run after work. Well, it turned out that it was supposed to rain all day. Off I went. It wasn’t that bad. I am glad I did because later that morning I got a message that my mother’s results (she went on Friday to get tested again for Covid) were negative. After work I went to the grocery store and then went to pick her up so she could stay with us for a few days. She had been with my sister for about 3 weeks. It was good to see my mother!!!

Even Mateo missed her!

It was my mother’s birthday on Wednesday. My younger sister came over with a cake.

Tres leches- SO good!!

I live 2 blocks from a fire station and as I was heading back home during my run, I saw a couple of firefighters and fire trucks outside. I stopped for a few months. It was an emotional moment. I cannot believe it’s been 19 years.

WordPress Update: I think I have figured out this new format. It isn’t that bad. I still like the other format better. However, what I have not figured out how to do is copy an old post. Anyone know how to do that?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

Tuesday Topics: How I stay motivated to run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is How do you stay motivated to run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Like many runners I’ve had my days when I don’t feel like running.  There are no races taking place so what’s the point of running/training?  Well, I think it is the perfect time.  To me now is when I am training for my training next year (hopefully we’ll be able to race next year).  I have a great coach and get excited when I see my workouts for the week.  What motivates me to run?

🟣  I remember that I don’t HAVE to run but instead I GET to run.  How lucky am I?  Besides the occasional aches and being tired, I am healthy and well.

🟣  Sign up for a challenge.  Recently I completed the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge.  I started doing this at the beginning of June.  I had 3 months so run 250 miles and that was enough motivation to run.  I was upset when I had to stop running and would not finish it.  Lucky me – not only was the deadline extended but I did finish it before Labor Day.

🟣  I set a goal.  My goal is to run 100 miles each month.  I’ve been working with my coach since May and I’ve been able to slowly increase my mileage each month.  I ran 72 miles in May, 84 miles in June, 103 miles in July, and 68 miles in August (it would have been more if I hadn’t stop running).  If all goes well then I am sure I will meet that goal the next couple of months.

Not running related but I know some of you use WordPress for you blog.  Anyone struggling with the new format?  I am.  I noticed it last night and not sure if I like it.  I know change is good but this is too much for me.  🙂

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