Weekly Run Down: Memories and “new” running routes

Weekly Mileage-65.jpgAnother week of running 6 days for a total of 23.11 miles.  But did it really happen since Garmin has been down since Thursday? 😜🤣

Thanks to Facebook Memories, I was reminded of some fun things that happened a few years ago such as my trip to Alaska and running my 100th race (RnR Chicago Half Marathon).  It is fun to see these memories.  I like remembering my fun trips and thinking about when things were “normal”. 

RnR Chicago Half Marathon was supposed to be last weekend.  I saw someone post this announcement and I don’t understand why RnR even is offering these options?  I mean do they seriously think that these races will take place?  Or will they?

RnR Announcement-1

I know I am late to the party here but now I am taking full advantage of my Peloton membership.  I was mainly using it for cycling classes (and even that was just a few classes).  Yes, I know a few bloggers have written about all of the different classes they’ve taken and I would tell myself to do it as well.  It wasn’t until I started the Pelothon 2020 Challenge that I had a chance to explore it more.  Better late than never, right?

This past week I took 12 classes.  It might not be much but it is for this girl.  I am enjoying the mediation, stretching, and running classes.  Yes, running!  I do it mostly for the music and sometimes all of the talking still annoys me, but not enough to stop me from taking the classes.  This week as part of the challenge I took 2 live classes which is something that I never did.  

Even Mateo took the stretching class with me.


With Garmin being down I cannot show you my new running routes.  A few weeks ago I mentioned that most of my runs are done by my house.  They’re mostly the same routes which is fine by me.  Last Sunday I decided to run the streets by the house.  I started by going right, then left to the next block and ran there till the major street.  Once there I turned left and then went left again in the following block.  Kind of hard to explain but see image below.  I like that route.  I am never too far from my house since there is another street in the middle and if for any reason I need to get home sooner, then I can go down that street.

New running route-1

Yesterday I ran the Quad-City Times Virtual Bix 7 with a few bloggers.  It was fun deciding on the date to do said race, starting time, and coordinating our outfits.  I did this as part of my long run and had no expectations regarding pace.  All I knew was that I was running along the lake and was planning to start early.  It wasn’t too warm in the beginning but then it did get hot later in the run.

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We are entering the last week of July.  My goal was to run at least 100 miles.  Right now I am at 87.41 miles so I need 12.59 between tomorrow and Friday.  I think it is doable and I am excited about it!

I am borrowing an idea from Kim.  She ends her post with some funny memes.  I am doing the same today but they’re all about the Garmin outage.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 134

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I saw these bags at Starbucks.  I would have bought one but not sure if I like the design.  How about an image of a cup of coffee or something coffee related.  Do you like it?

Starbucks bag-1

• Saw this and it made me laugh.  The cold weather doesn’t bother me too much, but the snow is what I don’t like at all.  I don’t know exactly how many weeks it will be till Winter but I am not looking forward to it.

Winter and snow.jpg

• Every year we have to do a few video trainings and some of them are just ridiculous.   I do roll my eyes whenever I see the list.  I remember at one point I would have to watch over 10 of them.  This year is just 5.  I did check out the list of optional sessions and was surprised to see “Telephone etiquette” and “Timeout”.  

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GCN Training-2

Last week I wrote about how I was contacted by a University for a Freshman orientation.  I was contacted again.  Yes, I was annoyed and even so when he asked me which high school I graduated from.  I did assume he thought I graduated this year.  Let’s hope I don’t get another email.

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You all know I am a Tieks fan.  This is their new shoe that will be released soon.  Isn’t it a pretty color?  Of course I don’t need them, but I do want them.



Tuesday Topics: My running gear

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics! 

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Where do you buy your running gear You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I have enough running gear that I seriously do not need to buy more.  But that did not stop me from placing two orders last week.  I have no self control.

Last week I posted on Instagram that I had 6 new pairs of shoes in boxes.  I found a pair of the Brooks Levitate 1 in my room.  No more shoes for me.  I hope Brooks does not make anymore cute shoes that would want me to buy them.  I do have enough pairs to last me for at least 2 years.  


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I also have plenty of socks, tops, jackets, shorts, and pants.  Let’s not forget the accessories.  So where do I buy all of this good stuff?

✔️ Oiselle.  This where I buy most of my running clothes.  Like most running clothes, it isn’t cheap but I’ve been able to purchase a lot of it on sale.  If it is something that I like very much (i.e. long rogas) then I will buy them at full price.  Sometimes by the time there is a sale, the ones I want are no longer available.  I must have about 30 pairs of the long rogas (that is how much I like them).

Oiselle Gear-23

✔️Running Warehouse and Zappos.  I love their great customer service.  I’ve never had any problem with any of my orders or returns.  Running Warehouse’s return policy is 90 days but they’re accepted a few of mine past 90 days.  Zappos’s return policy is one year.  How awesome is that!!

✔️ Amazon.  Pretty much everything can be bought on Amazon.  I’ve ordered Tailwind, Huma gels, UCAN, Nathan handheld, and a Nathan hydration running vest.  I also have a monthly subscription for Nuun.  With the hot weather I’ve been drinking A LOT of it.  Is there such a thing as drinking too much Nuun?  

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: 125.3 miles and Pelothon 2020

Weekly Mileage-64Another week of running 6 days for a total of 25.69 miles.  During the week it wasn’t too hot (but it was humid) but it did warm up on Friday and Saturday.  We were warned.


I’ve run 125.3 miles for the California Coast 500.  I need an additional 124.7 by September 7.  At this rate I am estimating that I will be done at the end of August.

California Coast 500 Virtual Race-7

Tuesday was 3 miles at easy pace.  That means running in zones 1 or 2.


On Thursday my workout was 2 sets of 3:15 with 1:20 recovery.  I did not want to get up but knew I had to because then it would be too hot out there.  I did pretty good and I was proud of myself. 


Friday morning I ran 3 miles again.  I didn’t think I was going that “fast” but it was humid and well you know what happened.  Still I did pretty well.

Saturday morning I ran 8.15 miles.  I woke up at 4am and was undecided on whether I should go to the lake or run by my house.  I decided to go to the lake.  I noticed right away that I wasn’t as tired as I usually am in the morning.  On Friday I told my coach that I was not going to stress out about pace or training zones.  I ran and walked whenever I got the high heart rate alert.  It worked out just fine.  At this point, because it is summer, that is about all I can do.

I was a little annoyed that there were a bunch of teenagers (no masks) hanging out (it was 6am so they must have been out there from the night before).  Oh and I saw a slow moving car with the passenger door open and someone’s head sticking out.  I think you know what she was doing.  I was grossed out.  This was in a different area that I never run by and don’t think I will again.  Oh, and I was disgusted by all of the garbage that people left too.

I finished Week 1 of Pelothon 2020 of team #LegendsofFun.  I took 6 classes.  When I first signed up for this challenge I thought it would be all cycling classes.  Boy was I wrong!  I am glad for this challenge because I am being exposed to other instructors and different classes.  I actually enjoyed the meditation class.  🙂  I know I said I would never take another running class , but I took one today and it was actually fun!  I enjoyed the music and the 20 minutes went by fast.

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Overall it was a good week.  I am enjoying my time off, but still need to finish decluttering.  I am reading “The Hummingbird’s Daughter” and need to finish it by next Sunday to discuss it with friends on a Zoom book club meeting.

The Hummingbird's Daughter-1

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 133

Random Thoughts Thursday

• On Monday I received 3 emails from Texas A&M University inviting me to a Freshman session.  I would have simply deleted the email but I got 3 emails within half an hour.  I was at Staples picking up some crayons and in my rush I quickly wrote a response and did not check before sending it.  I was horrified when I saw what I wrote.

• The Chicago Marathon in cancelled.  I knew it was going to happen.  No way would it have taken place after many races have already been cancelled.  

Chicago Marathon 2020 cancelled.jpg

• I agree with this comment.  There was a Board Meeting yesterday for our District and many people expressed safety concerns.  I honestly don’t know what the correct plan is but I really doubt that our schools will be open in the Fall. 

Back to school statement

Anyone doing the Pelothon 2020?  I am on team #LegendsofFun.  I like that I am not only being exposed to other instructors, but also encouraged to take different types of classes.  I mainly take cycling classes with Cody.  Yesterday I took a 10 minute meditation class and I liked it.

Pelothon 2020-1

Last week I wrote about how I was annoyed that my Starbuck stars expired.  I did contact someone and he added them back to my account.  
