Another week of running 6 days for a total of 23.11 miles. But did it really happen since Garmin has been down since Thursday? 😜🤣
Thanks to Facebook Memories, I was reminded of some fun things that happened a few years ago such as my trip to Alaska and running my 100th race (RnR Chicago Half Marathon). It is fun to see these memories. I like remembering my fun trips and thinking about when things were “normal”.
RnR Chicago Half Marathon was supposed to be last weekend. I saw someone post this announcement and I don’t understand why RnR even is offering these options? I mean do they seriously think that these races will take place? Or will they?
I know I am late to the party here but now I am taking full advantage of my Peloton membership. I was mainly using it for cycling classes (and even that was just a few classes). Yes, I know a few bloggers have written about all of the different classes they’ve taken and I would tell myself to do it as well. It wasn’t until I started the Pelothon 2020 Challenge that I had a chance to explore it more. Better late than never, right?
This past week I took 12 classes. It might not be much but it is for this girl. I am enjoying the mediation, stretching, and running classes. Yes, running! I do it mostly for the music and sometimes all of the talking still annoys me, but not enough to stop me from taking the classes. This week as part of the challenge I took 2 live classes which is something that I never did.
Even Mateo took the stretching class with me.
With Garmin being down I cannot show you my new running routes. A few weeks ago I mentioned that most of my runs are done by my house. They’re mostly the same routes which is fine by me. Last Sunday I decided to run the streets by the house. I started by going right, then left to the next block and ran there till the major street. Once there I turned left and then went left again in the following block. Kind of hard to explain but see image below. I like that route. I am never too far from my house since there is another street in the middle and if for any reason I need to get home sooner, then I can go down that street.
Yesterday I ran the Quad-City Times Virtual Bix 7 with a few bloggers. It was fun deciding on the date to do said race, starting time, and coordinating our outfits. I did this as part of my long run and had no expectations regarding pace. All I knew was that I was running along the lake and was planning to start early. It wasn’t too warm in the beginning but then it did get hot later in the run.
We are entering the last week of July. My goal was to run at least 100 miles. Right now I am at 87.41 miles so I need 12.59 between tomorrow and Friday. I think it is doable and I am excited about it!
I am borrowing an idea from Kim. She ends her post with some funny memes. I am doing the same today but they’re all about the Garmin outage.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.