Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!
This week’s Tuesday Topic: How do you fit your workout on a busy day? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Currently I am on Summer Break. It’s been two weeks since the end of Summer School. This week I have a few professional development courses (all online) that will be taking up most of the day. There is still no word on our back to school plan. I have a feeling it will all be remote learning and I want to know for sure so I can start making my virtual classroom in Google Slides.
How cool is this? All I need now is an individual Bitmoji of each teacher.
Anyway, back to today’s topic. During remote learning my schedule was different from when I was in the classroom. I was still busy (mostly learning how to do remote teaching) but at the end of the workday I was mentally exhausted. I knew that I would have no motivation to run after work. So I continued running in the morning.
✔️ Running in the morning made me feel better.
✔️ Running in the morning gave me time to think.
✔️ Running in the morning got my workout out of the way.
I got it done by waking up early. I didn’t have to wake up that early since I didn’t have a commute to school and all I had to do was change into a decent looking top and sweatpants.
I realize that not everyone has that option. There are other ways to fit in a workout on a busy day.
➡️ Run/walk home or to your workplace. A few years ago I did the AVON 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. At that time I was working downtown so I would walk home from work to “train”.
➡️ Do your workout at work. Set an alarm to remind you every hour to get up and walk. You can even walk up and down the stairs. Add in some wall or “real” pushups too. 🙂
➡️ Run or walk during lunch.
➡️ Schedule your workout in your calendar. It is equally important as a doctor appointment or a work meeting.
➡️ Get the family involved. Take a walk after dinner. Take the kids on the stroller to the park or go for a run.
➡️ Run/walk to do your errands.
I thought that by working from home I would have a lot more time to workout. I was correct. I did have the time but sadly did not put in the effort. I was eating more (the fridge was so close) and not walking like I was doing before (in the classroom I was constantly walking). I paid the price. Most of my pants don’t fit anymore. With the possibility of going back to remote learning in Fall, I know I cannot do this anymore. I can use this time to figure out what I am going to do. 🙂
Remember, something is better than nothing. The main thing is to get your body moving. Anything else you would add to the list?