Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics! Thank you to everyone that links up with us. I want you to know that I do read everyone’s post and also leave a comment. Sometimes I do it on Tuesday, or Wednesday, etc., and as late as Saturday. It is the same for Sunday’s posts. A little late but I do get it done. 🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic: Your 2020 mid year review. You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
As many people have mentioned, this year is NOT going how we expected it to go. It is a good thing we are halfway through the year because, frankly, I am just plain tired of how it is going. I am trying to stay positive, but sometimes it is just hard to do.

So let’s review on how 2020 is going so far. I remember on December 31st being excited about the new year (I also had a cold). 2020 sounded so cool! What could go wrong?
✳️ I was training for the Atlanta Publix Half Marathon. I was looking forward to the race as it would be state #43 for me. Plus, the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials was taking place the day before.
✳️ I got sick and once I felt better, I went out for a run and I fell. That brought a fear of running outside and I had to do my training on the treadmill.
✳️ Made plans to race in Kansas and then go to Boston to spectate the Boston Marathon.
✳️ Ran 20.50 miles in January.
✳️ On Super Bowl Sunday my cousins and I got together to watch the game, eat, and have a great time. It was so much fun and that would be the last time we would get together.
✳️ Ran 37.05 miles in February.
✳️ Spectated the Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta. A very exciting day!
✳️ Ran the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon. A very hilly and tough course!
✳️ Due to COVID-19 I cancelled my trip to Mexico. My mom and I were excited and looking forward to this trip. 🙁
✳️ March 13 was my last day in the classroom. My kids went home with packets of work to do along with instructions on how to log in Google Classroom. I had NO idea that would be the last day I would see my students.
✳️ Stressed out and working overtime to figure out how to do Remote Learning. Working from home is not easy. I had no idea how to do it. Learned to make a schedule and stick to it.
✳️ Ran 35.10 miles in March.
✳️ The rest of my races were cancelled (Shamrock Shuffle, Garmin Oz Half Marathon, and Fargo Half Marathon).
✳️ Signed up for the Un-Canceled Project. I didn’t do all of the races but I was able to get out and run.
✳️ The Governor announced that schools would be closed till April 30th. Excited to know there was a chance we would be going back to school but deep down inside I knew that was not going to happen.
✳️ The Governor announced that schools were closed for the rest of the year.
✳️ My uncle, my mom’s brother, passed away due to Covid.
✳️ Ran 41.16 miles in April.
✳️ Began working with a new coach. I was in and out of a funky mood and reached out to my friend, Juan, to help me get out of it. 🙂 Have been working with him since then and am loving my workouts!
✳️ Still no races so I signed up for the Un-Canceled Project 2.
✳️ Signed up for a RunBet Challenge and won. 🙂
✳️ Signed up for The Great Run Across Illinois with Marcia. The goal was to run 210 miles (105 each).
✳️ Signed up for the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge. The goal is to run 250 miles by Labor Day.
✳️ Ran 72.05 miles in May.
✳️ School ended. Had a week off and began Summer School.
✳️ The Chicago Lakefront is open for running. I’ve been there twice on a Saturday.
✳️ Ran 84.91 miles in June. Highest mileage to date.