Tuesday Topics: California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!  

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Working out on vacation tips.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’m deviating from this week’s topic to write about a new challenge I am doing now.  The future of races is up in the air.  Who knows when we’ll race again.  Right now virtual races is really all that we can do right now.  I like them now.  They have kept me motivated and accountable so I make sure to get out there and run!

With the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge you challenge yourself to run 100, 250, 400 or 500 virtual miles this summer from LA’s Santa Monica Pier to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge along California’s idyllic Highway One.  You get 3 months (June 8 to September 7) to complete the challenge.  I signed up for 250 miles which is about 84 miles each month.

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Along the way you can maintain your motivation with custom content, mini-challenges, digital badge awards, and bespoke California swag.  All participants will also receive:

√ an official California Coast 500 Race Shirt
one of four finisher’s medals at 100, 250, 400 and 500 miles
awesome content and opportunities to share where you #runlocal

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Check out the medal you get after completing the challenge.  

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Thanks to the team at PWR Lab, there is an interactive map for you to keep track of your goal.  On a team?  You’re covered as well. You’ll be able to filter the leaderboard to see those closest to you, so you can encourage each other up Highway 1.  I am on the BibRave Pros Team so you can see me along with my team members.

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There are 5 in the team.  Juan and I ran 3 miles yesterday so we are close together at the end.  

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There is also a relay team option so you can team up with family & friends and work towards 500 miles together! 

To sign up, go to https://runlocalevents.com/california/.  Make sure to use “BIBRAVE10” good for 10% off.

Source: https://runlocalevents.com/california/

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Done with school and 92.88 miles

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Another great week for me!  Ran 5 days for a total of 20.84 miles and did 2 virtual races for the Uncanceled Project.  I was hoping to do 3 but needed a little over quarter of a mile for an 8K.  Oh well.

Last week was my last week of school.  While in a way I am glad it is over, it was sad.  I know this isn’t the way it was supposed to be.  I did the best I could with the tools I had.  I had mentioned in another post that the camera in my students’ Chromebooks were not “working properly”.  Due to security reasons, they could see me but I could not see them.  Thursday morning we got an email that the cameras were now (we knew they would for Summer School).  It felt so good to hold a Google Meets session on Thursday and Friday to see my kids!!

I mailed a certificate for those students that did some of the work these past couple of weeks.  A few did NOTHING so no certificate.  I did mail the “o-FISH-ally” gift to everyone.  Mailing wasn’t cheap and someone told me that I could have just delivered to save some money.  Umm, no.  That is 18 envelopes.  One of my kids received it yesterday and the mom sent me a picture thanking me.  

End of school certificate

Marcia and I are doing The Great Run Across Illinois.  We signed up for the 210 miles challenge and each of us is planning to 105 miles.  I am happy to report that I have run 92.88 miles since May 1st.  I need 12.12 miles, but of course will continue running to complete the challenge with Marcia.  I know virtual races isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it wasn’t mine either.  However, they have motivated me to keep running.

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I also signed up for the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge.  This challenge offers different distances – 100, 250, 400, or 500 miles and you have 3 months to complete it.  I am doing 250 miles.  Run Local will donate 5% of every registration fee to Team No Kid Hungry.   Make sure to sign up!

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Remember how last week I wrote about how great one of my runs went?  I did 3×5 minutes and not only did I ran them without stopping but they were all negative splits.  I did the run again yesterday and while it didn’t go as well like last week, I am still proud and happy with how it went.  This time I did stop a couple of times.  🙂


Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 127

Random Thoughts Thursday

•Anyone ready to start getting on an airplane?  With cheap fares right now, it is tempting.  If it were “safe” to travel, I would go to NY and Hawaii.  Oh and of course to Mexico.  Where would you go?


•We all need something to laugh about now.  How about this?  

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  •Still have not worn jeans but I am sure they won’t fit.

We were on a break

•Tomorrow is the last day of school.  I won’t be posting any assignments for my students but we do have meetings.  I don’t understand why. Bored Teachers-3

I finished reading another book.  Good one but found some things annoying.  Anyone else read it?


Tuesday Topics: Global Running Day

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  I am excited about tomorrow.  I may not be running but I am looking forward to see how my friends celebrate Global Running Day.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  How will you celebrate Global Running Day You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This year Global Running Day is Wednesday, June 3rd.  I am not planning to run that day.  I checked my running schedule and Wednesday will be a rest day for me.  

I ran Monday and today.  I am tempted to run tomorrow too.  Maybe just one mile?  

Rock ‘n’ Roll usually has great sales for their upcoming races, but who knows when races will start happening again.  There are races listed on the website (Chicago will be in Judy but I doubt that very much).  I did sign up for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Running VR ClubSign up for virtual races/events/challenges (FREE) to win some sweet prizes and to redeem points that you earned .  

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I did not know this but you can also sign up for challenges in the Garmin app.  The challenges are also for walking and for cycling.  You bet I signed up!  You get points after completing a challenge.  What can you get with the points?  I don’t know and at the moment don’t really care.  I just want to run.  🙂

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With no races to train for, right now I need all of the motivation to continue running.  So far I am doing really good and I am very happy about it.  Summer is coming and it will get even more HOT.  You’ll probably hear me complain about the hot weather.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Joy and goodbye May

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Another great week for me!  Ran 5 days for a total of 18.33 miles and did another 2 virtual races for the Uncanceled Project.

This week was a HOT one!  I went out too late on Monday and struggled during my 4 miles.  I am sure I was dehydrated because I had a headache and felt some chills towards the end.


I spent the rest of the day relaxing and catching up on blogs.

Apparently I did not learn my lesson on Monday because I went out again too late on Wednesday.  I did 1 mile, then 4-30 second surges, and then ran easy for total 3 miles.  I did pretty good with the surges (8:46/7:57/8:17/8:09)!

I am NOT eating well at all and paid for it on Thursday.  I did 5 miles and it was tough.  My shorts are a bit too tight and moving was not easy.  

Sometimes a run sucks and sometimes it doesn’t.  On Saturday my run did not suck.  I ran 3 sets of 5 minutes.  Couple of things: 1) Ran each set without stopping and that is something that rarely happens.  2) Got negative splits and that rarely happens too.  3) Fastest splits in a long time.  I was very pleased with this run.  I was happy.  I know the weather had something to do with it as it was perfect for running.  


I finished May with 72.05 miles.  That has been my highest this year. 

May 2020 Mileage

Sometime in March I removed the Instagram app from my phone.  My last post was March 12.  I downloaded the app again.  At that time I had 900 followers.  Well, I unfollowed everyone because I want to start over.  It’s been interesting to see how many followers I lost.  🙂  I began with 900, then had 883, and ended up with 871.  So I lost 29 followers in a couple of days.  Tomorrow is a new month and I will start following people again.

It was kind of hard to find joy this week with everything that is going on in this country.  Last night we got an alert that the Mayor had imposed a curfew (9pm-6am).  Honestly, it wasn’t till last night that I saw what had been happening in the city.  Now I am watching a Facebook Live of a looting taking place not too far from my house.  I’ve been watching it for over an hour and cannot stop watching it.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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