Weekly Run Down: Running across Illinois and for dreams

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This was a good week for me.  I ran 5 days for a total of 17.40 miles.  I did not want to miss any runs because I signed up for The Run Across Illinois Challenge and I am still participating in Deborah’s Run Bet Challenge.  I don’t really care about winning any money.  I just don’t want to lose the money that I entered in the bet.

It was sunny on Monday but must have been cooler since I had a heavier jacket.

I run in the morning before logging in for school but this week I ran twice in the evening.  It was warm on Wednesday and I have no idea what I was thinking.  I overdressed and wore pants and a long sleeve top and then regretted it.  On Thursday morning it was raining with thunderstorms and I knew I couldn’t get out to run.  I waited till the evening when it had stopped raining.  It was humid but still comfortable to wear shorts and a tank top.


Saturday morning I had to run 5 miles.  I took it easy but still struggled to get it done.  I went out later than usual and while it wasn’t too warm, it was sunny which I guess wore me out.   I saw some pretty flowers along the way.  Later I went to do laundry (I used to go on Sundays but now prefer Saturday).  I must have been more tired than expected and so I took a nap and missed the Bloggers Zoom Call.  🙁

Another rainy day on Sunday.  A big difference from Saturday.  I did not want to go but then remembered the challenges I am doing and I was out the door.  It wasn’t too bad.  And yes I was warm again.

Of course I wanted to stay home like Mateo.  I cannot imagine him being comfortable but I guess he is.


I did my 5k for the Uncancelled Project.  This time I am determined to get it done each week.

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Something I am excited about is The Great Run Across Illinois that Wendy mentioned in a post.  I even got Marcia to sign up and we created a team – Bloggers Outrunning COVID.  Our goal is to run 210 miles.  I didn’t realize that we had to get it done by the end of the month.   I honestly thought it was 70 days but that is for solo runners doing the challenge.  Yikes!  But we’ll get it done, right Marcia?  🙂

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Are you doing the Uncanceled Project 2?  What about any other challenges?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 124

Random Thoughts Thursday

• The whole drama with the mask and Costco is hilarious!  I am not a fan of wearing the mask because it is tough to breathe in that thing but I know it is for my own good.

Costco Mask Rule

• Aren’t these the CUTEST beds for cats?  They’re actually doll beds and are available at IKEA.  Once the stores open, you bet I am going there to buy 2 of them.

Bed for cats

  • Still up in the air about whether school will reopen in August.  This is what I am picturing to happen if we do open next year.

When schools reopen

• Any fans of The Magic School Bus?  My students and I would watch it all of the time.  It was educational and the perfect amount of time for them to stay quiet while I did other things in the classroom.  If only she were real then we would have a vaccine.  🙂

Ms. Frizzle

 •  Anyone watched “Becoming” on Netflix?  I saw and loved it.  She is someone I would love to meet one day.


Tuesday Topics: The worst thing that happened to me at a race

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Seriously, the days are going by so fast and June will be here soon.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What was the worst thing that happened to you at a race You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

So many races and over time many of them sort of blend in together.  Thank goodness for my race reviews so I can go back and remember a few things about them.  For the most part each race has gone well.  Some were either too hilly, rainy, cold, etc.  These are things out of my control and not much I can do about it.

One of the whe worst thing that has happened to me was at the Omaha Half Marathon.  What happened you asked?  I fell.  That was the first time I’ve fallen during a race/run.  I remember feeling great and enjoying the race.  At this point we were running in the park.  It was shaded but for like a split second the sun appeared and blinded me.  I did not see the girl in front of me.  I must have bumped into her, and then tripped and fell.  It felt like I was in a slow motion movie.  I remember every single move I made before landing on the floor.  I was shocked and laid there for a few seconds.  The runners that saw me asked if I was OK.  I got up to scan the damage.  No bleeding on my knees but they were scraped a little.  There was blood on my left hand and a small scrape on my right hand.  I was OK and was glad that it was not worse. 


Now that I think about it, runners around me were concerned about ME but I don’t remember apologizing or being concerned about the girl that I bumped into.  I am assuming she also fell.  Or maybe she didn’t?  I don’t even remember.  

Years later I can laugh about it.  Now it is funny but at that time when it happened it wasn’t.  I was embarrassed.  Oh well.

Falling Down Lol GIF by America's Funniest Home Videos - Find & Share on GIPHY

I know weather is out of my control but is another factor into what makes a great or bad race experience.  I will always remember the RnR Nashville.  I did this race in 2013.  Not only was the course hilly but it rained the entire time.  It was raining while waiting in the hotel lobby for the shuttle bus and didn’t want to run anymore.  I was miserable throughout the race and just wanted to finish.  When I was done and went back to the hotel to shower, I had chafed in so many places and was in so much pain.  Surprisingly I did better than I expected and finished in 2:30:14.  I checked my race recap and I posted that I finished in 2:29:39.  Hmm, regardless still a great time.  🙂


Rainy Day GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Another race I vividly remember is the Walt Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon that I did in 2014.  The race started late because of the weather (there was a storm).  It was a night race anyway so now it started even later.  I was cold during this race.  It was dark and I just couldn’t make myself enjoy the race.  I finished with my worst half marathon time of 3:18:01.  Ha, and I hope it stays that way.  And that was my last Disney race for that year.  I ran 8 that year.  Just writing that makes me cringe thinking of how much money I spent.  


Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Mixed emotions and a sign

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Happy Sunday and Happy Mother’s Day!  I hope everyone is having a great day.

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I ran 3 days this week and one workout on the bike.  I have no pictures but honestly I did run.  🙂  My 5 miles on Saturday was tough.  It was in the low 30s but very sunny.  I had 2 layers and was warm enough.  The problem was the wind.  No matter which direction I went, it was blowing in my face.  Still was pleased with how I did.  My slowest mile was 12:18 and my fastest was 11:34.  

Felt good to run to one of my favorite places.  Took a few minutes to think about where I would like to travel when things are back to “normal”.  


Back in March I signed up for the Un-Canceled Project.  They weren’t that difficult to do but yet I only did 2 of them.  I was kind of disappointed.  So I signed up again for round 2.  It begins tomorrow and ends June 21.  

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Here are the topics.  Did you sign up as well?

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This week was full of different emotions.  I was happy, tired, sad, angry, and scared.  Am I weird?  Or just a normal human being considering this situation we are in?  My best friend’s dad died on Saturday morning from Covid.  Ugh!  When will this end?  Seriously, I am trying to be positive but sometimes it is just so hard.

School is going well but sometimes I do get bored with it.  On Thursday about 8 students logged in Google Meet and we had a great time.  There was one student that was usually very quiet in class but this time was participating more and answering many questions.  That made me happy!

This past week was Teacher Appreciation Week.  I’ve been spoiled.  Over the years administration has spoiled me with providing sweets, lunch, breakfast, etc., for the whole week.  On Monday a teacher from another school posted on Facebook that she received a gift from her administrator.  I did wonder if we would get something similar.  On Thursday coworkers from my school posted their gift.  I knew mine was coming soon.  Waited all day and nothing.  Our Principal sent an email letting us know that it was coming.  Friday morning came and a few teachers from my team got their gift.  Nothing yet for me.  Finally around 3:30pm I looked outside and saw it.  It made me VERY HAPPY!  I am not saying that I deserve it or anything like that but it just feels nice.

Looks like they’re up to no good.  Ha!

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How was your week?  A bit more exciting than mine?  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday

• This picture makes me laugh!  It is so funny.  You know I love cats and everything about them makes me smile and happy.

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• OK, so another cat picture.  I don’t think my cats mind it too much.  Lola has been very affectionate towards me and loves to be around me while I work.  Mateo on the other hand spends most of the day sleeping.

Cat meme-4.jpg  • I did get annoyed with all of the Cinco de Mayo posts.  In Mexico it isn’t a day to celebrate.  Mexicans don’t really celebrate it.  The day is just another reason to eat and drink.  Well, like we really need a reason?  🙂

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•As an introvert I didn’t mind staying at home.  Now I am tired of it.  Who isn’t?  I told myself that when this is all over, I will spend more time with family and friends.  Ha, am I serious about it?  I guess we’ll see.

When quarantine is over.jpg •  It is Teacher Appreciation Week!  Let’s cheer and clap for all of the teachers.  I am lucky to work with so many great and amazing teachers.  These past few weeks we’ve had to work harder than ever and many more people have seen how valuable and important we are.  

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