Weekly Run Down: What I hope for and almost a month

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How was everyone’s week?  This week I ran 5 days and did one Peloton workout on the bike.  Pleased of how it went.  Tomorrow it will be one month since I’ve been in school and seen my kids.  These past couple of week have been interesting and challenging.

Mother Nature couldn’t make up her mind because the weather was just weird this week.  It will chilly one day, 70s and humid another day, and then cloudy and also sunny days.

On Tuesday it was warm and humid.  I ended up running in a tank top and shorts.  Later that day I went to school to get a few things from my classroom.  It felt so weird being there.  The hallways were empty and had an eerie feeling.  The best thing I picked up was my calendar so I could hang in my office.  Now I can see it everyday and know the day of the week.  <


Thursday run didn’t go well.  I set off to run 4 miles but the wind was just too much for me.  I went home.  I think I was just emotional because as soon as I turned around to go home, I started crying.  Nothing wrong with it but not sure if it is because of everything that is going on or because it is that time of the month. 

Later that day I had a PD day/meeting with my coworkers.  The Principal talked what is expected from us for Remote Learning.  I also had separate meetings with my team.  At the end of the day I felt even more anxious and overwhelmed.  It feels like we have more work to do for school now than when we were in the classroom.  The biggest change for me is making office/work hours and sticking to them.  I want students and parents to contact me for any questions but I cannot be writing to them all day.  Beginning tomorrow the District requires us to have 5 hours available each day for parents, students, and to collaborate with my team.  I have also posted a message in Google Classroom.  Let’s hope it works out for everyone and that it goes well.

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Have you seen those pictures and videos of teachers participating in a parade for their students?  We did that on Friday.  I will admit that I was on the fence about going.  But I knew it would feel good to get out and do something fun.  It was so much fun.  There were so many parents and students waving at us.  I did see a few of my former and current students.  That made me very happy.

By Friday I had had enough of Facebook and I deactivated my account.  I had already deleted the Instagram and Twitter apps from my phone.  I got tired of many people being judgemental and posting mean comments.  Everything is either an argument or political.  Yes, I could have ignored everything being said but it was just too much for me.  

Saturday I ran 6.10 miles for the Uncanceled Project.  Ugh, I have no idea how I got my numbers mixed up but I needed .10 miles for a 10k.  It still counts right?

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Copying this idea from Catrina.  Oh, and what do I hope for?  Here’s my top five list: 

no one else gets sick.  There are just too many right now.
that there is a vaccine available soon so more people don’t get sick or die.
soon we can meet up with family and friends like before.
that I will see my students one more time before the last day of school.
that I can stop being so sad and angry and continue to be my half self.  🙂

The next theme is a fun one.  It is “Humor”.  With everything that is happening right now, we do need more things to make us laugh.

You’d think that being home now I have more time, right?  I have no idea where times goes.  I am doing my best to read as many posts as possible and to respond to each comment.  I get it done even if it is on Friday or Saturday.  🙁

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 119

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Oh how I miss going to Target just to go and browse.  


• It is the weekend all of the time.


 • This made me laugh.  Yep, I’m not going anywhere.


• I’ve been looking at this image so many times and see 19 of the number 3.  Is that the correct answer?

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•  On Tuesday I went to school to pick up a few things from my classroom.  It felt weird being there knowing that I won’t go back till maybe this summer.  One of my coworker’s student gave me this.  I brought it home with me because it makes me smile.  Makes me feel good knowing that another student in a different class cares about me.

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Tuesday Topics: What I do with my race medals

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about what do you do with your race medals.  I am excited to learn what you all do with them because mine are in a box.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What do you do with your race medals?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’ve run 168 races and I’ve received a medal for almost every race.  I am sure I have over 100 medals.  There are a few races that in the beginning no medal was given (Shamrock Shuffle).  Nowadays even a 5k gets you a medal!

Right now the majority of them are in a box.  A few years ago (June 2013) I began making some holders.

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Over the years I accumulated more medals but didn’t make more holders for them.  That is why I put them in a box.  I know I could have bought holders but told myself to wait till I had more room/wall to hang them.  I am still waiting for that day.  🙂

Marcia recently posted a picture of her medals.  I would love to do something similar.  Of course I need room to do something similar.

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I would probably organize them by group/theme.  Below are the ones from the RnR races and the RunDisney races.

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I would even organize them by state.  I like this holder.  Photo from Etsy.

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I may even donate some to Medals4Mettle.  There is no need to keep all of them, right?


For now I will leave them in a box.  When I do move and have more space, I will decide what to do with them.

Do you keep your medals?  Do you give them away?  

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Spring Break and Hello April

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Whew!  What a week it was.  How is it that it is again Sunday?  The Governor announced that schools will be closed until April 30th.  I doubt we will go back to school for the rest of the year.  The Superintendent sent an email letting us know that for Monday-Wednesday it will be the same schedule for remote learning but that on Thursday we will have PD from 8:00-1:30 and then we will be off on Friday (Good Friday).  We’ll see how it goes.

This week started off with me feeling lazy and not wanting to run.  Then I remembered that I signed up for The Un-canceled Project.  We had a few gloomy days and on Friday it was warm and sunny.  I went out about noon and was HOT during my 4 miles.

I took my first Peloton outdoor running class and it will probably be my last.  I was annoyed with the constant talking.  Remember, I am one that dislikes hearing runners talk nonstop on a run or race.  I think maybe that is one of the reasons I like running by myself.  Well, I would run with you as long as you don’t talk too much.  🙂

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I ended March with 35.10 miles.  Still pleased with how it went.  I mean it is better than no miles.

Hello April 2020

My Peloton didn’t get much use at all this week but Lola likes to sit on it. 


April Fools’ Day come but it felt just like any other day.  At least to me it felt like it.  The days go by fast and they all blend in together.  Sometimes I don’t know if it is Tuesday or Wednesday.

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My cats were lazy as usual.  Nothing new there.  Mateo loves to sleep pretty much anywhere in the house.  He LOVES to cuddle with my mother and she spoils him too.

Thanks to some YouTube videos I learned a couple of new things for eLearning.  My coworker and I did some assignments on Google Slides and Drawing.  We are ready for the upcoming weeks.  On Friday I spent some time cleaning my desk.  I’ve been using the kitchen table but now I need more space for my computers and my papers.  Looks like I will be working there till June.

For the first time ever I wrote and mailed letters to all of my students.  First I called those parents that I haven’t connected with via Remind.  I left messages for a few and others did not answer.  I did speak to a student and it felt so good to hear him.  When I was done I went to my room and cried.  I know many of us have probably cried a few times already.  

Anyone else watching “Money Heist”?  Season 4 was on on Friday.  There are 8 episodes and I am on season 7. 

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How are YOU?  How was your week?  Are you also participating in The Un-Canceled Project?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 118

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Did you know about the 3D feature in Google?  Google a animal and select the view in 3-D feature.  So much fun!

• Yep, I’ve stopped complaining.  At least I can still go outside and run.  I can also go to the grocery story for food.  It could be way worse. 

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 • Anyone getting the days mixed up?  On Tuesday I thought it was Thursday.  Not sure why it mattered since it isn’t like I had plans to go anywhere.  🙂  

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• I will always thank these workers!  Seriously they are truly amazing individuals providing the many things we need right now.

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•  This is cool and looks like so much fun.

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