Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics! Apologies for posting so late. I have been behind on reading blog posts and needed extra time to catch up. I like to read as many blog posts as I can and respond to every comment.
This week’s Tuesday Topic: BRAG! Tell us about your running PRs! You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
This year was supposed to be THE year for me. My goal was to PR in various race distances along with other non running goals.
The year did not start off too good. I got a cold and was not feeling well. Then I fell. Due to said fall I was afraid to run outside. Instead I ran on the treadmill. I didn’t do any races either. Actually the only race I did was the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon at the beginning of March. Yep, this was right before everyone’s world changed because of Covid-19.
All of my PRs are OLD. I mean years old. Old enough that I am embarrassed to even write about them here. But I will.
Anyway, let’s reminisce a little. The last time I PRed was in May 2017 for a 5 miler race. It was an “easy” PR because it was my first race of that distance.
This year I was looking forward to the Shamrock Shuffle 8k and the 4 on the 4th of July races. They’re two of my favorite races. My PRs are 48:38 (8k in 2014) and 39:39 (4 miles in 2014).
My 5k PR is 29:48 from 2011 and my 10k PR is 1:04 from 2010. That is a sign that I need to do better next year, right?
For years I’ve been wanting to get a sub 2 half marathon. I am not even close. My PR is 2:17 from 2013 at the ING Hartford Half Marathon. I came close in 2015 when I ran the Covered Bridges Half Marathon. My finish time was 2:19:51. I was pleased with how I did because the course was hilly and I walked a few times.
The last marathon I ran in 2016 is my marathon PR (5:12:59). I remember I was aiming for a sub 5 finish time and was doing really good till about mile 11. My left hip was hurting and I really wanted to quit. I didn’t. I told myself I was almost halfway done. Then I had 10 miles to go. Then single digits. Then a few more miles. Now wasn’t the time to quit. I was pleased with how I did and was happy to have bettered my time by 40 minutes from my first Chicago Marathon in 2006.
I entered the lottery for both the NYC Marathon and the MCM but was not picked for any of them. Could be a sign to instead focus on the other distances.
The plan now is to run and train for next year. Next year is when I will get some new and shiny PRs!!