I felt so much better this week. Sunshine is good for the soul. I ran 4 days this week and it felt so good. I set out again to run each day longer than the previous day.
This week I set out to do Judy’s challenge. I did good but had a hard time with indigo.
Green, orange, and red. Is the corn blue or indigo? I’ve been to this restaurant a few times and the food is delicious!
Violet, green, and yellow.
Yellow, orange, and green.
Blue and red.
Our Governor extended the stay at home order for another month. Now it is till May 30th. I don’t like it one bit but I know it is for our own good.
I sent another letter to my students. Most likely I will send 2-3 more this summer. Who knows if we’ll even go back to school in the Fall. I’ve read that eLearning/Remote Learning might continue to the Fall.
I finished watching “Unorthodox” and “Dirty John”. They’re both SO GOOD! Now I am watching “Person of Interest”. Who remembers that show? I remember watching a few episodes but didn’t watch it every week.
Our family got some sad news on Saturday. One of my uncles, my mother’s brother, died on Saturday from COVID-19. It is so weird when almost every day you see on the TV screen the number of deaths from the day before and now my uncle is part of that number. His wife also has the virus. I hope she gets better soon. I cannot imagine her sons losing both set of parents. We are also very sad that we cannot visit and hug them.
And to end on a happy note, here is a photo of both of my cats sleeping. It is very rare that they both sleep like that with me.
How was your week? Have you done Judy’s Rainbow Challenge?
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
• Where has Zoom been this whole time? I am loving it! For the past couple of weeks I’ve held weekly get togethers with a few of my cousins. I attended one with a few bloggers and a few days ago held two different ones with friends from high school and from college.
• I use the app Remind to communicate with parents. The other day I sent the message below to a parent. I was MORTIFIED when I read it again AFTER I sent it.
• In that same thread I received a nice message from a parent. It was the perfect way to end the day.
Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics! Today we’re doing an interview of a running buddy. I picked my friend, Claudia, whom I’ve known for a few years. I met her through a mutual friend. She enjoys running like I do and runs in Brooks shoes just like me. 🙂
This week’s Tuesday Topic: Interview one of your running buddies. You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Claudia ran her first marathon (Chicago Marathon in 2016) and has run it every year since then. She asked me yesterday morning if I thought the race would still happen this year. I said “No”. I hope I’m wrong. I know it is scheduled to take place on October 11 but we’ll see what happens.
July 15, 2017 during a HOT training run in Chicago.
What made you decide to start running? I started running for fun. I think I was in my late 20’s and had just moved to Chicago. It seemed like the thing to do at that time.
What was your first race? My very 1st race was the Shamrock Shuffle 8k in 2003 or 2004. I can’t remember the year but I remember my cousins worked for a nonprofit that was sponsoring a team. We all decided to jump in and do it. I think 3 of us ran it and a few of the others did the walk.
What was your best or worst race? My worst race was definitely the Chi-Town Half Marathon in April 2016. I registered with a girlfriend and thought the weather would be good in April and it would be a good race. Wrong. It snowed overnight, and when we woke up there was ice everywhere and a dusting of snow. When we got to the course, they hadn’t cleaned the snow or salted and did I mention it was COLD! I think with the wind chill it was about 18 degrees! We should have just left, but we didn’t. So off we went, through an ice filled path. I saw people wipe out on the concrete in front of me. It was terrible! Once the sun came out, it warmed up and the snow and ice started to melt which then became puddles and mud. Somewhere around mile 11-12 I developed the worst toe cramp! It ran from the tip of my toe to the back of my knee! I had never experienced that type of pain. Needless to say, I was so glad when it was over. I didn’t even want the free beer or slice of pizza. I was over it! I was so glad to head home to thaw out.
What’s on your Summer bucket list? Well, due to Corvid-19 everything is on hold. I typically don’t register for many races in the summer because it is so hot and humid in Chicago. But since 2016 I have been marathon training in the summer. So depending on what happens, with Corvid-19, maybe I’ll register for something. Until then, I will just focus on cross training and running shorter distances.
If you could go on a run with any celebrity, who would you go with? I would probably say Steve Howie (Kev Ball) from Shameless. I believe he ran the LA Marathon a few years ago or former President Barack Obama. I would be chasing them the entire way, but I’m sure both would be fun! Lol
If you could run anywhere in the world, where would you run? I really wanted to run the London Marathon this year, but it is nearly impossible to get into. Besides London, I would like to run in Australia and Mexico City. I would make a run cation out of my running adventure.
How do you stay motivated to run? Running has become a lifestyle to me, except in the winter. I am not a winter warrior! I’m not the most consistent runner if I’m not training for anything. Thankfully, I have a running group that I run with. Their daily posts remind and motivate me to hit the pavement. I also really enjoy running on the lakefront path along Lake Michigan so that helps to lace up and get some miles in. Besides that running has become a great stress reliever, that I recognize when I need to get out. All these benefits continue to motivate me to run.
October 8, 2017 on the course of the Chicago Marathon.April 1, 2016 at the Shamrock Shuffle Expo.
I haven’t seen Claudia in months. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I saw her. I miss her. 🙁
Hey everyone! I almost did not write this post because I was a little down this week. Honestly, I think this was the worst week for me since I’ve been home. I didn’t want to do anything but just stay in my pajamas.
No running for me this week. I know no one really likes to talk about the weather (here in the Midwest it changes every single day) but last week was just bad for me. I think it was sunny maybe one or two days? It is weird how a few years ago I ran a lot outside during the Winter when I was training for the Illinois Marathon. I ran in the snow and in freezing weather. That is when I learned so much about the proper gear for Winter training. Now if it is in the 30s then I want to stay inside.
Most of you know I am an introvert. I was loving it the first couple of weeks. Now? I am bored and tired of staying at home. I know I shouldn’t complain because I know staying home is the best thing to do right now. I am grateful that no one in my family is sick. At least now it will be warmer to enjoy some time in the balcony. OK, rant over. Moving on. 🙂
Has anyone watched “Unorthodox”? Wow! I want to see more. I mean I want to know what happens to her and what she is going to do.
I did 2 Peloton workouts. You know it was with Cody! I think I would freak out if I ever meet him in person.
Monday was the beginning of a new work routine for me. Before I was available 2 hours per day for the students and to collaborate with my coworkers. Of course I was putting in more hours planning lessons, uploading, etc. Now our work day is from 8am-2pm. I have office hours from 9-10 am and 1-2 pm and am available for my students from 10 am-1 pm. Oh and I get one hour for lunch. 🙂 I take my lunch hour in the morning so I can start at 9am. I mean where exactly am I going to go for lunch anyway?
On Friday the Governor announced that classes were cancelled for the rest of the year. I had a feeling that was going to happen but it is a different feeling when an official announcement is made. I was sad because I miss my students. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to them. I am sad for my students because I know they are bored and tired and would rather be at school than all day at home. It will be very interesting how things will be the next couple of months. I am assuming summer school will be cancelled. I wonder when and if we’ll get a chance to go pack up the stuff in our classroom or if we will leave it the way it is till the Fall?
On Saturday I did my first Zoom meetup with my blogger friends. I got the time zone mixed up and joined in late. 🙂 It felt good listening to them. I enjoyed the adult conversation with different people. Plus it was great “meeting” them even if it was via computer.
And a photo of my babies. They fight (Mateo is the instigator) but sometimes they do get along.
How was your week? I hope it was more exciting than mine.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
• It is even more weird to go to the laundromat. Of course there are fewer people there but now you can’t even sit down. My sister told me that the bathroom door is locked and you can’t use it anymore. While I do understand the reason behind it (sort of), this setup does bother me.
• It will be almost a month since our stay at home order in Illinois. Does it really feel like a month? To me it doesn’t. Right now it is supposed to end in two weeks but I am almost positive the Governor will extend it.
• I ordered a thermometer from Amazon and received it on Tuesday. However, I didn’t realize it when I placed the order that it gives the temperature in Celsius. I contacted the seller to send it back and below is what I was told. Would you keep it or send another email to Amazon to get your money back?
If you prefer to get a Fahrenheit value, after you get the result, you can go and search on google the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion, then enter a Celsius temperature to get the Fahrenheit value.
• I am not a big fan of Cinco de Mayo but this made me laugh. I wonder how people are going to celebrate it? 🙂
• So far this week of Remote Learning/Distance Learning is going well. On Monday I was ready to pull my hair out. I put in lots of hours getting things ready for the week. It paid off because the rest of the days went better. I did have a lot of questions from parents which I expected. Tomorrow is a PD day for us so it should be interesting.