How was everyone’s week? This week I ran 5 days and did one Peloton workout on the bike. Pleased of how it went. Tomorrow it will be one month since I’ve been in school and seen my kids. These past couple of week have been interesting and challenging.
Mother Nature couldn’t make up her mind because the weather was just weird this week. It will chilly one day, 70s and humid another day, and then cloudy and also sunny days.
On Tuesday it was warm and humid. I ended up running in a tank top and shorts. Later that day I went to school to get a few things from my classroom. It felt so weird being there. The hallways were empty and had an eerie feeling. The best thing I picked up was my calendar so I could hang in my office. Now I can see it everyday and know the day of the week. <
Thursday run didn’t go well. I set off to run 4 miles but the wind was just too much for me. I went home. I think I was just emotional because as soon as I turned around to go home, I started crying. Nothing wrong with it but not sure if it is because of everything that is going on or because it is that time of the month.
Later that day I had a PD day/meeting with my coworkers. The Principal talked what is expected from us for Remote Learning. I also had separate meetings with my team. At the end of the day I felt even more anxious and overwhelmed. It feels like we have more work to do for school now than when we were in the classroom. The biggest change for me is making office/work hours and sticking to them. I want students and parents to contact me for any questions but I cannot be writing to them all day. Beginning tomorrow the District requires us to have 5 hours available each day for parents, students, and to collaborate with my team. I have also posted a message in Google Classroom. Let’s hope it works out for everyone and that it goes well.
Have you seen those pictures and videos of teachers participating in a parade for their students? We did that on Friday. I will admit that I was on the fence about going. But I knew it would feel good to get out and do something fun. It was so much fun. There were so many parents and students waving at us. I did see a few of my former and current students. That made me very happy.
By Friday I had had enough of Facebook and I deactivated my account. I had already deleted the Instagram and Twitter apps from my phone. I got tired of many people being judgemental and posting mean comments. Everything is either an argument or political. Yes, I could have ignored everything being said but it was just too much for me.
Saturday I ran 6.10 miles for the Uncanceled Project. Ugh, I have no idea how I got my numbers mixed up but I needed .10 miles for a 10k. It still counts right?
Copying this idea from Catrina. Oh, and what do I hope for? Here’s my top five list:
♥ no one else gets sick. There are just too many right now.
♥ that there is a vaccine available soon so more people don’t get sick or die.
♥ soon we can meet up with family and friends like before.
♥ that I will see my students one more time before the last day of school.
♥ that I can stop being so sad and angry and continue to be my half self. 🙂
The next theme is a fun one. It is “Humor”. With everything that is happening right now, we do need more things to make us laugh.