Hey there! I hope everyone is doing well. How is it that it is Tuesday again? Don’t the days go by fast? I am feeling better which is a good time. No one has time to get sick, right? Now let’s continue with our fun topic this week.

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What was your first race? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
This topic brought so many fun memories. I started running in the summer of 2005. I remember I was downtown and saw a much older man running. I told myself that if he could run then so could I. I signed up with CARA for a beginner’s class but somehow did not complete it because I signed up again. Haha! I remember the goal was to run for 30 minutes but I “only” made it to 28 minutes. Still I was pleased with how I did. The next year is when I signed up for the Chicago Marathon.
I didn’t know anything about running. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I did it anyway. A friend from work was also a runner and he would tell me to run too. I said “No” and that I wouldn’t/couldn’t even run a mile. Ha, if only he could see me now. 🙂
Anyway, back to the topic. My first race was the Tinley Turkey Trot 5K on November 12, 2005. I don’t remember how or why I signed up. Honestly, I don’t remember this race AT ALL. When I was writing this post, I thought my first race was a different one and that one I do remember a bit more. Now I am wondering if I was even there at all. Athlinks says I was and finished in 39:48.

Since then I’ve run many more 5Ks and many more races. Each one has been a different experience and I have learned so much throughout the years.
√ The right pair of shoes make a big difference.
√ Not every race will be a great race not will every run be a great run.
√ The right gear also makes a big difference.
√ It is OK to miss a few runs. Don’t sweat about it.
√ Sleep is important. No matter what, you need to sleep and rest.
√ It’s OK to run with no goal in mind. Just run.
√ Don’t compare yourself to others.
√ Listen to your body.
√ Be flexible. You can plan, plan, and plan, but sometimes something happens to mess up said plan.
√ Anyone can run a marathon. I didn’t think I could and I did. I’ve run 8 of them! The most difficult thing about training for it is the time commitment.
√ Everyone has their own accomplishments. Of course be happy for others but most importantly be happy with yours.
√ Chafing sucks. Taking a shower afterwards is just as painful or worse.
√ A cold beer after a race on a hot day tastes delicious. Not so much on a cold day.
√ Running is a hobby. Don’t get too serious about it. If a run or race didn’t go as expected, life goes on. 🙂
What was your first race? Have you run this race again?