Random Thoughts Thursday 109

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Anyone watching the Aaron Hernandez series on Netflix?  I started watching it on Monday and it is so good.  I remember years ago hearing about him but didn’t pay too much attention to him.

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What other good series are there on Netflix?  I have a feeling I will be done with the Aaron Hernandez series this weekend and need something else to watch while on the treadmill.  Suggestions?

• Yeah, this is how I am feeling too.

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• The Shamrock Shuffle is one of my favorite races.  I am looking forward to this race in a few weeks.  Interesting story about the Green Guys.  

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• I have an entry in the lottery.  I submitted mine months ago when I entered the early drawing but was not selected.  Tomorrow is the first day to enter through the regular lottery.  I am also going to enter the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon.  I hope to get picked for one of these races.

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Tuesday Topics: My favorite book I read last year

I love to read.  I don’t always make time to sit down and read a book, but when I do, I could spend a few hours reading a book.  I also like to read books to my students.  My favorite are the ones from Dr. Seuss!!!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What was your favorite book you read last year?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

For some reason I am fascinated by John Grisham’s books.  I have a list of all of his books and check it off when I am done reading a book.  I did skip a few that were not about lawyers.  Currently I am reading “The Rooster Bar” and am liking it so far.  

I don’t know exactly how many books I read last year but here are a few that I enjoyed.  They’re listed in no specific order.

1. Becoming
It took me a long time to finish it.  Once I was done, I felt like Michelle was my BFF.  I loved learning about her and her family.  She is someone I would love to meet!

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2. I am not your perfect Mexican daughter
I think I read this in 2018 but read it again last year because a few of my cousins were talking about it and wanted to discuss it.  The book made me sad, angry, and happy.  I loved the story but loved even more that I could relate to it. 

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3. Chicken Soup for the Soul-Running For Good
Who doesn’t love these books?  I enjoyed reading the stories from runners talking about their struggles, goals, and accomplishments.  

Chicken Soup for the Soul

4. Living with a SEAL
I read this book in 2018.  Hilarious book.  I would not last one day living and training with a SEAL.

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I love this Dr. Seuss quote.  I always say it to my students.

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What book(s) are you reading?  Any John Grisham fans?

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Weekly Run Down: Treadmill running and I want to buy a treadmill

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Happy Sunday!  How is it that another week went by?  Hard to believe that it is already the last week of January.

This week was all about getting back to running.  Ha, it wasn’t easy.  I’ve mentioned how well I’ve been sleeping and waking up in the morning hasn’t been easy for me.  Yes, I could go after school, but sometimes I am either tired, have a meeting, or running errands and seriously running is the last thing I want to do.  I know, excuses.  Also, left knee still does not feel 100% better.

Cody is the man!  I love him!  The music was all 80s pop which is fantastic and makes the time go by faster.

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I went to Blink after school.  It is about 1/2 mile from my house so it is perfect.  It was going well until I got some discomfort in my left knee.  It doesn’t hurt throughout the day so I am not sure what is going on.

Went in the morning before work.  Goal was to run longer than the day before.  Took a few walking breaks and felt good too.  We got more snow too!


Went to Planet Fitness today.  The treadmills there are the ones that also have a scale.  So weird.  I alternated between 4.5 and 5.0 on the treadmill while running 3 and 4 minutes.  Felt good and overall was pleased with my run.


I know I should be happy that I have access to a treadmill at the gym, but I hate having to haul my stuff to shower and get ready there to go to work.  I want to be able to get up, change, drink some coffee, and start my run.  Many times I wished I had one at home but realistically I have no room for it.  My sister told me that I can move the sofa to make room for it, but I live on the 2nd floor and the constant pounding will be a major headache.  I used to live on the 3rd floor in a condo and I had a treadmill for about a week.  Every time I would run, it seems like everything there was shaking.  I am sure the building shook too!  I took it back.  For sure adding that to my list of things to buy when I move.

How was your week?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 108

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I am a good driver.  I usually do not speed and try to obey the rules of the road.  However, it does make me crazy when others don’t.  The other day I was on the left lane and there were a lot of cars in that lane.  Other drivers thought it would be a good idea to go around me and then merge into my lane.  Ugh, so annoying!

• I have a race in KS in April and then will be flying out to Boston to spectate the marathon on Monday.  I looked into flights and they’re ridiculously high.  I wonder if it will be cheaper to fly home and then fly to Boston?  Or I could just get on the last flight and arrive in Boston at 12:35 am. 


• So true but many times so hard to believe.

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• This made me laugh!  I guess I don’t like to talk to people.  So many texts last year.

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• My handsome little guy.  Two things he loves to do: Eat and sleep.  Just like me.  🙂



Tuesday Topics: My Winter bucket list

Happy Tuesday!  Was anyone off yesterday?  I was and it was definitely nice.  This past week I explained to my kids the reason for being off on Monday.  Many had heard of Martin Luther King, Jr.,  but couldn’t remember much about him.  No worries.  We watched a video and did various activities to remember and honor him.  I will ask them again today and see if they remember.  🙂

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s on your Winter bucket list?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

As you know, so far I haven’t had much luck with running.  I got sick and then I fell.  I know it is only the 3rd week in January and I have plenty of time to achieve my goals this year.  However, I have two races this Winter that I want to do and hopefully get a PR in one of them.

• Publix Atlanta Half Marathon, March 1
I’ve been wanting to run in GA for years and I finally have a chance to cross it off my list.  This race is the day after the Olympic Marathon Trials so you know I have to go.  I know Atlanta is hilly so I was never expecting to get a PR.  At this point, my goals are to enjoy it and to finish it (similar to the Detroit race).

• Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle, March 22
One of my goals this year is to get a PR in the 8k distance.  There aren’t that many 8ks in Chicago and I do this race almost every year.  My PR is 48:38 from 2014.  I was close in 2015 with a finish time of 49:49.  I remember the first time I did this race in 2006.  My goal was to finish under an hour (I did).  I also remember running the whole time and stopping only once for water.  It is one of my favorite races in Chicago.

Wish me luck.  If I don’t get my PR at the Shamrock Shuffle, then I will find another 8k race.  This year I am determined.

So maybe these are not exactly bucket list items.  Oh well.  I still want to get these done.

What’s on your Winter bucket list?

Tuesday Topics

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