This month I ran 66.18 miles compared to 90.01 last month.  Short month and I missed quite a few workouts.  ;-(  I ran one half marathon in February:  Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon.  I took it easy after the race because I think I was tired from too much running.  Is there such a thing?  In March I have two races:  Little Rock Half Marathon and Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Marathon and Half Marathon.  I am so excited about both of them.  Then in April I have two more races and a trip to Riviera Maya for Spring Break!!  Fun!  These socks are awesome.  I love how they fit and how they make my legs feel during and after a long run.  And the colors?  Fantastic!!

A few months ago I purchased the “Christmas socks”.  I finally got a chance to wear them today to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  My socks were a hit with everyone in school!

During my long run on Tuesday, my shorts ripped in the left inner thigh area.  I felt discomfort (chafing) but did not realize the extent till I got home and showered.  Ouch and painful!  Well, that area still has not healed and it hurts every time I walk.  I better put a bandage or something or I will be in big trouble for Sunday’s race.

Today I am leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas to run in state #14.  The weather is supposed to be nice for a race.

February in Review

I have to leave now for the airport.  Just Keep Running!

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