Hello, I am at the hotel resting before tomorrow’s race.  I arrived last night but it took forever to get to the hotel because of a cab situation, and then Jaime and I went to the lobby for a drink..or drinks.

This morning I met Jess at Run with Jess as she waited with her husband for the start of the 5K (her husband was running that race).  She is such a great person!  I already knew that because I read her blog a lot.  🙂

Afterwards I met up with Jaime to eat breakfast and then to go to the expo.  I was not disappointed with it.  There were a decent number of vendors but I told myself that I was not going to buy anything.  Well, I just bought another red flower by Fellow Flowers and one of their shirts.  So cute!

The decor was neat!

I met Bart Yasso.

I got taped!  I’ve been having some slight discomfort in my IT band so someone from KT tape helped me out.

The medals!  The one on the right is for the marathon and the other one is for the half marathon.

The start line.  See the Marriott sign?  That is our hotel.

Off to get more rest.  Just Keep Running!

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