We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up! This week’s topic is “5 favorite /fitness fuels”. Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.
Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week. This is my first week of Summer School and it’s been a busy one. I was very tired on Monday and wondered what I had gotten myself into.
I am working with 13 kindergarten students. Well, they will be in August. I also have 3 program assistants working with me. During the regular school year, the kindergarten teachers have more students in the room and no program assistants. It is an eye-opener and I wish more administrators could see these classrooms before deciding to put 20+ students in a classroom.
Anyway, back to the topic. I have a love/hate relationship with gels. I understand the importance of them but finding the “right” one is no easy task. I’ve tried many of them throughout the year and these are the ones I like.
Hüma Gel – These are 100% natural and they taste great. There are two versions: original and plus (some with and without caffeine). The latter has double the electrolytes. I’ve tried many flavors and my favorite ones are Strawberry Lemonade and Lemons and Limes.
Tailwind Nutrition – This is mixed with water to provide “all your calories, electrolytes, and hydration for sustained efforts. Simple to use with a clean, light taste. Just pour, shake, and go!” I like this for longer runs because I fill up a bottle with regular water and another one with Tailwind and carry them to use with my hydration vest. Sometimes I fill up the whole bladder with Tailwind and also carry another water bottle with plain water.
UCAN – I’ve only used the energy powder to make the drink and energy gels. What I like about these is that one scoop is enough for 90 minutes of energy. I know UCAN has energy gels but I haven’t tried them yet.
SIS Gels – I know a few bloggers that like these gels. I tried these at a race and like them a lot. I cannot remember what flavor it was but it wasn’t sweet – it was just right. What I liked even more is that there was no need for extra water.
Other ones I’ve tried are Maurten, Clif Gel, GU, Honey Stinger, and Hammer Nutrition. I am sure I have forgotten a few. I know Maurten, GU, and Clif Gel are popular with the former being more expensive. I didn’t like the consistency and couldn’t get past it.
Have you tried any of them? What other ones have you tried that aren’t on my list?
The topic for next week: Half year check-in. We hope you’ll link up with us!
We don’t agree here.
I’ve tried Huma. Didn’t like it. I do like SIS but too big to carry.
Glad you found what works for you.
Gu for me.
Yes you are right that SIS are too big to carry. I forgot to mention that.
I think I got Tailwind as part of my race pack for a trail I did in South Africa but don’t recall that I’ve seen it in shops here! I’ve definitely seen GU but never tried it ( should!), but all the other names are not familiar!
There are so many of them!
I know some people who LOVE the Maurten gels, but I haven’t tried them because they’re so expensive. I’ve tried the Huma and like them, but the ones I use most are Gu- just because that’s what they sell at Dick’s Sporting Goods which is right near where I work. If I’m doing a super long run, I like to alternate caffeinated and uncaffeinated gels. I know people love Tailwind, but I’ve never tried it. I guess I like actually eating something at regular intervals because it gives me something to look forward to. Tailwind seems like it would be good if you have trouble eating actual food (or gels.)
Sometimes I take caffeinated gels but then wonder if it is too much caffeine for me. I drink coffee in the morning too.
My husband always liked Huma, but the size and shape of the package always annoyed me. I tend to use HoneyStinger gels the most. If I need something less fruity, I go for the Gu Vanilla or coffee flavored ones.
I know what you mean about the size and shape annoying you. I forgot to mention that while I did like the SIS gels, they’re too big to carry.