WARNING: I fell so you will see some not so pleasant photos.
This week was very low mileage. I cannot use the excuse that I was tired or that it was too cold, what happened is that I fell. It was a bad fall.
I went running on Tuesday. I was looking forward to my run because the last time I ran was a week ago on New Years Day. My run was “only” 3 miles. Not too much and it was an easy run. I had finished 2 miles when I tripped and fell. I landed on the left side of my face.
I couldn’t believe it. The last time I fell was sometime last year in July. It hurt and I cried as I walked back home. I used my phone to check the damage and was horrified. It did look better once I got home and showered. I thought the dark area on the cheek was a bruise but it was actually dirt.
This was after I showered. Doesn’t look that bad, right?
Throughout the week I made sure to use ointment and bandages to cover the cuts. However, I am totally convinced that from now on, VapoRub is the only thing to use. My bruise is healing and doesn’t look as bad. It does sting a little when I put it on my face but then it actually feels good.
So no, I haven’t run. I haven’t run because of my knees and I am afraid to fall…again. I know eventually I have to get over the fear but for now I am taking a break to wait for my knees to heal. Once I start running again, most likely I will run on the treadmill. For longer runs I will go to the trail. If I fall, then at least I won’t land on the concrete. I stopped my training with my coach. I have a race in Atlanta on March 1, and while I still want to go and run, deep down inside I know I won’t be ready? Or will I?
I am annoyed that I fell again. However, I am grateful I didn’t break anything. It was a hard fall (worse than the previous ones) as seen from the pictures, but I am doing much better. I believe things happen for a reason, but have NO idea why this happened. Maybe to stop running?
I hope you had a great week! Hopefully yours was better than mine! 🙂
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.