It is race week! I ran one day and took it easy the rest of the week. I felt some discomfort in my right quad. Ugh! I am annoyed about it but there isn’t much I can do about it. Not sure if and when I will run this week before my race.
I was off today and went to the gym. Watched “Narcos Mexico” while running. Felt good but tired at the end.
Not a very exciting week. Good news is that I cancelled my hotel reservation in Atlanta and will be sharing a room with another Oiselle friend. At least now I will have some company and my hotel cost won’t be expensive. School was the same with my students. I have my days when I like my job and then also days when I don’t.
While I am excited for Summer break, the other day I applied to teach summer school. I wasn’t going to do it but then decided to go for it since the work is easier than during the regular school year, there are fewer hours and fewer students. Plus, it is nice to earn some extra cash.
I went to see a house on Monday and I was so disappointed. It was a good price but it needed a lot of work. I don’t mind fixing a few things here and there but this house required a whole lot more. I found out the other day that the owners have accepted an offer. I did not think it would sell that fast since really I thought it was a horrible house. Anyway, back to looking. The goal is to move this summer. I don’t know how much longer my landlord will allow me to continue living in the apartment.
Thursday was National Love Your Pet Day. Both of my cats are rarely together and when they are, I make sure to take a picture.
How was your week? I am sure it was much more exciting than mine. 🙂
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.